Preview of "A Day on the March" Series

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Felix stared at his brother who moved about like an unkept worker, unable to stand still or even keep his back straight. He didn't bother to let the maiden fold his clothes and ushered her out of the room. Felix had entered after the miss leave, only to be greeted by the mayhem that was his packing. He stuffed shirts and trousers in a bag combined with a few pairs of socks and undergarments. He looked onto his brother and he shoved them deeper into his pouch and tightened the end.

"Adrien," the older brother said. 

His brother didn't look up at him.

"Adrien look at me. Look at me." He looked up. "You're being a child."

The boy rolled his eyes and walked off to the hallway.

"Adrien. You can't be seriously considering this. It's mad and you know it."

"What if I like to be a little mad, brother?" he asked with a grin.

"Stop with this acting, Adrien. You never know what's for your own good."

"Of course *I* don't," the boy sneered. "And *you* do."

"Someone has to."

"Then know for me where I can't see you."

He turned to his friends that gathered around the fire. They all had their blankets and water in hand. While the stable was loud with drunks and their fellows, they found a quiet spot just for the four of them. Adrien raised his cup and drank. "That was the last I've seen of my family before I came here. My brother saw me packing. Called me a child. Then I never saw him again."

Al stared at him with a sly smirk. "I feel like bits of that story changed just so you could hide something." Marin and Nino looked at him curiously. Al jumped at once. "What are you leaving out? Come on. You'll have to sleep with the horse if you lie again."

He scowled, yet was marveled by his judge. "I left my father as well without his consent."

The others ooed and laughed at him. He downed the water and tossed it aside. "Good boy Adrien disobeyed his father to come here. How did he get the honor of becoming our squadron leader?"

Marin wasn't laughing thought. He edged closer to him and said that he had also disobeyed his father. Although he had the bravery of fighting first before fleeing. "A-after that, I met up with Nino and we r-ran to join the knights."

Adrien smiled. "With how Lahiffe runs, I find that hard to believe."

Nino glared at him, annoyed. "Well unlike you two, I actually was allowed to join. My father was a retired soldier and my mother pushed me to it. Now I'm here with you three stooges."

"That's it? No sad backstory or tearful goodbye?" Al asked.

Nino shook his head in mock dismay. "Alas. Tis true. I simply left on my father's good will and set off to make a man of myself. Woah is me."

Al laughed at him and the others. "Well, I have you all one up in my leave. I faked my death."

Marin gasped at the thought while Adrien and his friend looked shocked and surprised. "How?" they all asked.

"Simple," he said. "I dug up a newly made grave of a boy my age that died of sickness. I played the part of having the same lead as it, then dressed the corpse in the same fashion as me, left it on my bed, and raced away in the night to join the militia." They were all speechless. Their friend, a grave robber. He fools his parents with a fake death and laughs about it. Adrien thought as to what his Father would say or do if he found a body of a similar boy in his son's room. Would he even recognize the difference if he just dressed him right?

They snapped out of their shock when they heard Al laugh. "My Lord, you all are gullible."

Marin glared at him. "This isn't funny. You robbed a grave. You faked your death."

"Please, Mar. The only thing fake is that story." He paused. "Most of it anyway. I did run off in the middle of the night. But unlike you three, I told no one. That way, since I'll be gone for years, they may as well think of me dead and I won't disappoint anyone who knew I left that I did die." He tapped his head with a smirk at the still horrified faces. "See, I'm not an idiot. If my parents knew I left, they'd sob for days with me gone, even if they wanted me gone. And they'd have hope that I'd return. So, to spare that hope, I left. Because it's better to have none than live off of it with a high chance of it not happening."

Adrien stared at his friend. Should he have spared his brother's hope as well? He shook his head. Knowing how cold and objective he was, he probably dashed all hope of him surviving the moment he stepped out of the door.

Marin frowned at Al. "Well, I believe that hope could be a wonderful thing. It could bring happiness to the cloudiest of days and remind everyone of the positives outcomes life could bring."

Adrien scoffed. "Or it could crush the dreams a person had thought of for years with the realization that it would never come true. Hope is a true monster if you think about it."

Marin stared down at his friend. "Then I have hope that someday, you'll realize that there's more to life than misery and sorrow."

"Not something you should hope for then." he said.


Marin froze and grabbed his spar partner. "We need to find that horse. If Sir Damien finds out we let loose Conquest, he'll kill us."

"Isn't conquest the name of the first Army sent by Entta in the Apocalypse?" Nino asked.

Adrien ignored his comment and said, "We need to split up. Al and Marin, you distract anyone from coming in the stables and keep Sir Damien out at all costs. Nino, we're going to capture Conquest."


Nino snored obnoxiously as he laid in bed. Marin glared at him, and he only smirked back. "Don't worry yourself over it, Mari —”

"Stop calling me that." he warned.

"Once you just tell her your position, you can get in the clear. Don't worry over it." he said. Marin didn't respond, and mulled it over.

Marin sighed and closed his booklet. He blew out his candle and pulled up his covers.


"You must have had quite a night with A'agar and Leila. I just hope he kept his bits to his wife and not you." the Earl's wife said. Marin squeaked.

"I slept with a married man?"

"Well, you slept with his wife as well. Don't count her out."

"I helped them with adultery. To each other. At the same time."

The pair looked at the couple bump hips and play with the other's hair. "They seem happy to me. I'm sure you were just invited to their bed for the fun of it. Chin up. You're not going to die."

"I laid with a strange man before marriage. And a woman. If Adrien finds out—”

"He won't find out," the Earl's wife promised. "Do you even remember most of it?"

This is a new series I'm working on just cause I wanted to try to shove the cast into a medevial fantasy-ish setting. I've been watching too much Shadiversady and I can't stop thinking about swords and castles.

For those of you who want to write fantasy and medevial stuff, I recommend using him as a resource because he really sheds light on topics of that history and period.

Anyway. These are just chunks in the draft to give you a taste of where it's all headed. I already have a draft of the first chapters, but I wanna know if you'll read them.


Maybe I should do this more often so I don't just make shit posts.

(Note: the last one comes way later. Also, it might become it's own thing, I'm just too lazy to make a new book for it.)

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