Blanc White Purrt 1

302 6 1

Pronounced "Blank White"
There are a bunch of pics showing Akuma-tized Chat Noir or inversions of him and LadyBug. But I'm like "Boring." "LadyBug fixes him." "He'll cry here." "Blah, blah, where's the interaction with Papillon?"

And then! What if he was Chat Blanc by himself no Akumas or control or anything? And it was from the beginning and no other influence other than he purely wanted to! Free-willing being Chat Blanc.


A chuckle left his lips, and he relaxed his muscles. The cool night of Paris never got old. The idiocy of all the guards still amused him.

Simply being away from his confinement at home was pleasing. Jumping from roof to roof was what brought joy. He had a new found freedom when the simple black Kwami entered his life.

Granted, there were a few musing changes he made. He loved his school, and being away from the empty mansion. He admired LadyBug ad encouraged her to be a hero, hopefully to keep her busy so he could just free from anything and everything. He also managed to convince the Kwami of a favor.

He wouldn't do anything harmful or 'evil' as long as he could make a suit white. It was far more appealing than black. Black was unlucky and menacing. He liked white for its purity and its own form of dominance. And the platinum was far more valuable than gold. Granted it can be mistaken for silver, but that didn't matter.

His actions enraged the little black fairy (a spriggan if you asked him), saying that the black cat and ladybug need to work together to defeat the corrupted butterfly. He would only laugh at the stupid proposition. It sounded too much like a little fairy tale. If there was one thing he learned in his life, it was that fairy tales don't exist.

Who would be stupid enough to believe that crap?

He wouldn't call himself a villain per say. He never stole anything. He never committed a felony or a petty crime. He wasn't in a gang nor was he a street menus. He was just there.

He helped Lady Luck sometimes, or he helped the villain if he just wanted fun. Sometimes he liked to pretend and fool with them both. Black lipstick could to wonders. He laughed out loud, wondering if he stole her first kiss.

He would aggravate store owners some times. He'd steal some food at times. Just fruits and bread. He enjoyed the cookies at one of his classmates store. But it wasn't like he never paid them back. In his civilian form, he'd leave extra money on the counter, in exact change as a 'tip' from someone. He wasn't a heartless a**hole.

"Well, what do we have here?" A voice asked. He rolled his eyes and smirked. "A lost alley cat?"

He turned at see a red clad girl. She sneered at him with her sweet blue eyes, coyly looking at him with a guard. He huffed, knowing well that she wasn't as foolish or hot-tempered as any other civilian. "I am offended, milady." He only said that name as a joke. He wasn't interested in her. Being so close to a hero took away his freedom. He was only a bystander, someone to play along with whoever looked fun to play with. "I am far more sophisticated than something so low."

She rolled her eyes. He grinned at her with a sly look. She didn't catch it as she sat down by him, a few feet away. He pulled a leg up and leaned an elbow against it. He saw as she heaved a heavy breath. She reclined against her arms and let her legs hang over the edge. Her head lulled behind her shoulders.

He leaned farther into his leg and looked at her relaxed face frown. "Back pain again?" He asked.

Her cheeks turned red and her eyes widened. He smirked as she straightened up and crossed her arms and legs. "That's none of your business, mister Flips-and-twirls."

"You make me out to be a purr-ty ballerina," he mused. He laughed a bit as she pouted and turned away from him again. "Aww, are you angry that I didn't help you out with that little kitty-cat? He was only as harmless as me."

Her eyes widened again and slowly turned to a glare. He smiled whimsically as her brought her hands into fists with tense shoulders. "You saw the whole thing?" She asked with a shout.

His small alight had to die down before he could speak. "Of course I did. And it wasn't all that spectacular either." He glared at her. "You shouldn't be throwing yourself inside of other peoples' mouths."

LadyBug scoffed at him. "You make it sound like I'm kissing people. And it was a dinosaur!"

He pouted playfully as he leaned against his arms on the roof. He swinger his legs childishly and glared. "You literally danced in his mouth."

"I would hardly call forcing his mouth open, dancing." He glared a her with his pout. Her eyes widened and her cheeks flared again. "Ah! I didn't mean anything like that! Just get your mind out of the gutter, you stupid cat!"

"Too late," he wailed in fake drama. "My mind as been tainted by my sweet innocent lady being inside someone's mouth. Oh the horrors and nightmares I suffer!" He peeked out of an eye and smirked. She wasn't all that amused with one hand on his chest and one wrist on his forehead. Overdramatic she must have though.

She readjusted her arms confidently and smirked. "Must I remind you that I am not your lady, Chat Blanc?" He frowned, knowing she liked to bring up the subject. He knew she wasn't his, but it annoyed him that she didn't understand his joke. "I can't ever have a loyal sir under me who others see as a criminal. It's simply unorthodox."

He gripped his hand that was away from her. She, like everyone, didn't understand what he was. They only saw heroes and villains. The papillon and akumas, and LadyBug. They only wanted things to be black and white, a solid idea. They couldn't understand him, so they tried to put a label on him. He hated everyone who said he was a hero. He didn't want to be tied. He hated those who say villain, not wanted to be despised for no reason.

He wasn't one to become friends with anyone so easily. "I wasn't asking to be your sidekick."

"Neither was I," she pouted. He looked up and caught her miffed glance. "I need a partner more than I do a sidekick."

He groaned. "This again?" He asked. She smiled at him. How annoying. "I told you, I'm not a stupid hero. —"

"Then a vigilante," she frowned.

"I'm not saving anyone," he growled.

"Then a villain."

"Don't compare me to that butterfly or those Akuma."

"Then a criminal," she confirmed.

He let out his frustration in a loud groan. He got up to leave. "I haven't committed a crime."

"You assist in vandalism with the Akuma on free will and steal from shops at night. All while in a mask. If that doesn't sound like something a thief would do, than I don't know what a thief is."

He laughed, hard. "Then you don't!" he barked. She was taken back by his outburst. "I just like having fun."

She skewed her lips in confusion. "I'm sure that's what a good number of sociopaths would say."

He bared his teeth, but kept his back to her. He wasn't an animal. He wasn't an animal. He wasn't a crazy, hot-tempered animal. He took in a breath and let out his anger in a sigh. "Then that's what you can call me," he said. He might as well satisfy her if she wanted to call him that. "But at least do me a favor and add, non-violent. I don't go and hurt people for joy."

She sighed and slowly walked up to him. He stared at the Eiffel Tower and took in the sight. She did the same. He didn't speak, knowing well it would lead to a lecture. She didn't speak, knowing all too well he wouldn't listen. It was a quiet and silent conversation that never started and already finished.

He left with that conversation on the roof every time they encountered like that.

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