Blanc White Purrt 2

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Adrien liked school. He love it. A form of freedom. Not as free as being Chat Blanc, but it was enough to give him more freedom. All he had to do was listen, keep up his grades, and not skip (why would he?). Easy and simple enough.

He had great friends. Nino was always there and ready to support him. Granted, he and everyone else weren't like that to begin with, having said Chloe was his childhood friend, but it all worked it out in the end.

Alya was a bit quirky and fun. She was a wanna-be-reporter and the founder of the notor—famous LadyBlog. She wasn't one to mess around with and knew how to handle a situation.

Then there was Marinette. What could he say about the adorable, nervous girl behind him. He enjoyed seeing how flustered she'd get around him. She wasn't like that in the beginning though. As Nino had, she disliked him for being friends with Chloe and he was framed for putting gum on her chair. Talk about poisoning the well.

However, simply offering an umbrella and asking for forgiveness changed it. She was touched and pitied him for the sob-story. Not that it wasn't true, but he did just want her to feel bad for him so she didn't hate him. He knew he'd get enough of hate as the white cat.

He didn't know that she'd lose her ability to speak and start getting flushed all the time. It was cute, if he had to admit it. She was just as fun to play with as LadyBug and the Akuma.

He loved seeing her stutter when they were playing in the movie. Sad how Chloe couldn't wait about three more seconds. If handing over an umbrella made her fidget and flustered, he couldn't imagine what a kiss would do.

After a few days, Nino and Alya raved about how reluctant he was to do the scene with Chloe, but willing with Marinette. He just brushed them off, not failing to notice the girl behind him was too embarrassed to show her face.

He mostly enjoyed how LadyBug needed his help getting out of a basketball hoop. She sure looked pissed. And yes, it could go both ways.

He also enjoyed fooling everyone that Adrien was captured. Sure, he was concerned for their fear, but it was more hilarious how they reacted to Chat Blanc appearing in their school.

"Looks like there won't be an easy way out, milady." The group of kids stared at the white clad cat. He smirked seeing her face mixed with shock and concern. "This is quite the sticky situation you've got yourselves in."

She lowered her concern and it mover to anger. She marched over to him and glared. He wasn't effected by it and smiled coyly. "You're stuck here with us, Blanc. So, you have no right to go and make puns out of a dire situation."

"Meow-ch," the sliver-belled cat faked. He added a wink like he was punched for flare. "You sure know how to hurt a kitten's feelings. And to think I was going to assist in finding the villain responsible."

She grabbed his ear. Ow. And yanked him to her level. Ow. "You better start talking and at least try to do the right thing for once."

He smirked. "And when have I done the wrong thing?"

She stared him down as he sneered. Slowly, her own smiled stretched as she glared. "Lipstick."

No longer funny. He scowled at her and tore his ear out of her reach. It didn't matter that it hurt, he was busy glaring and backing away. He should have suspected that she'd find out about his charade, however it took away from his fun and he wasn't very pleased with that knowledge.

He reluctantly agreed, in front of the infamous LadyBlog no less. He could just see the viewers and commenters mocking him. 'Is he getting whipped?' 'What with Chat Blanc wearing lipstick?' 'Didn't you hear; LadyBug makes him wear lipstick whenever they make out!' 'LadyBug is S and Chat Blanc is so M.' 'I see Bug wearing the pants in the ship while kitty's wears the lipstick!' 'Ug! *Noseblood*' 'I ship it' 'Chat Blanc is getting submissive.' 'Is he going to work with LadyBug?' 'He totally has feelings for her!' 'Shipping and sailing...'

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