Blanc White Purrt 3

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Marinette frowned with a sigh escaping her lips. A shout was heard from a distance and a small scream, followed immediately by a mocking laughter with a taunt. A typical every night patrol.

It was tiring enough watching the city from being torn by monsters. She hated the extra workload Chat Blanc was giving her. He committed petty crimes all over the streets and paid no mind to the trouble he caused. He was like a black cat, spreading bad luck wherever he roamed. Strangely, he was still accomplishing the task in an all white suit.

Without much of a choice, Ladybug swung her yo-yo across the street that Chat would have visited.

The rebellious cat was galloping across rooftops. She could see his white teeth gleam as he smirked. His short laughter was heard as he ran off ahead. Ladybug frowned at the familiar sound. He stole something again.

He suddenly paused by a chimney and turned his head towards her. She stiffened when she landed on the opposite end of the house. Her eyes focused on his hand as they both tucked into his pockets. His eyes were dull and his frown was stretched to a scowl. "You're starting to bug me."

She crossed her arms, unamused. "I could say the same thing to you. I thought you'd actually behave when I gave you the privilege of me staying off your back for a while as thanks."

He snickered. "Helping you with an akuma is your privilege." She scowled. They both could never smile at the same time. "I should have known that flees are bound come back no matter how hard you try and shake them off."

"What did you call me?!"

"A flee," he answered with a grin. "And can I just say that what you call a privilege, is more like you lightening your patrol-officer duty."

She let on a small smile. "Are you calling yourself a criminal?"

"I never said that!" he hissed.

"I'm sure you implied it," she shrugged. The cat groaned at her laughter. As soon as she crossed her arms again, Chat Blanc rolled his shoulders knowing what she would say next. "And you are continuing to imply it to the people of France that you are a criminal. With all your petty thefts and pranks, you're just begging to be put behind bars. What's worse is that this may escalate into something worse. You could get involved with wrong kinds of people and— Hey! Don't flap your hand around like that!"

Chat snickered in amusement. He may have been gesturing his hand around like a puppet talking; the universal sign of mockery towards a blabber-mouth. "I can't help it if you're always droning on about whatever it was you were saying."

She exaggerated a sigh and rubbed her forehead. "You are unbelievable."

He shrugged. "It's a part of my nature."

"And so uncooperative."

"Have you ever seen a cat that was?"

She rolled her eyes while he smirked. "Can you just give back what you stole?"

"Why do you keep up this silly notion that I'm a thief?" he asked.

"I just saw you run off laughing at a guy who was yelling at you to give something back. Not to mention you had tucked something in your pockets the moment I landed on this roof." She smiled at his annoyed look. "Should I keep going with all the times I caught you in the act before?"

He frowned at her and tucked his hands in his pockets once more. "You really are an annoying flee, you know that?"

She clenched her hips a bit more and kept up her smile. The last thing she needed was to lose her cool. "Enough with your jokes and give me what you stole."

"You're really bugging me," he said, eyes narrowed.

"What are you going to do about it?" She challenged.

His eyes trained on her for a brief moment. His entire posture was tense and readied. She frowned a little too late. In a matter of seconds, he was right next to her, a hand hovering over her throat. She also had her leg stretched out right above his ankle, ready to trip him. He paused and his eyes stayed on hers.

"I could squashy you like the insect you are, my lady." he said with warning.

"And I'll easily grab you by your scruff, chaton." she replied with a similar tone.

They both backed away from each other, both eyes set and hardened. Chat Blanc kept his hands in his pockets, clenching his fists inside. Ladybug held her arms to her side, eyeing his posture.

"I don't what any trouble, Chat. I just want you to come to your senses and stop whatever it is you think you're doing. It's wrong to steal."

His lips were pressed together and his eyes hardened at her last sentence. She frowned as he took a step back. "Just stay away from me, Ladybug. I want nothing to do with you."

With that he jumped away and didn't return at all the next week. For all the Paris superhero knew, he may have found a new place to do his 'shopping'.

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