Blanc White Purrt 4

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Adrien laid in bed, his eyes staring at the blank pale ceiling in front of him and his arms folded neatly behind his head. He was in a simple loose shirt and his father's new boxers line for young men. He turned every now and then freely for the camera, knowing how his crew would want him. He had been handling the modeling job since he was nine, six years was enough to get used to everything. He put on a simple smile as his photographer went crazy for shots while his eyes trained on nothing; lost in thought.

His mind was unfocused and with Ladybug often invading them. Her slight frown and guarded eyes burned in his head. Plagg's words, urging him to work with her still echoed in his mind—claims of their affinity towards one another were becoming common hums in his mind. The more he became Chat Blanc, the more Plagg could swim in his head and have slight connection in him. The connection was becoming more noticeable and clearly taken advantage of to its full extent.

Brainwashing Adrien dubbed it. He didn't feel any desire to assist her or take part in her heroic actions. However, just thinking about her pained expression made him unsure of his own. He frowned at the new found insecurity and more so when it came to his now uncontrolled mind. He had confronted Plagg about this, yet the black kwami didn't seem to have any knowledge of the influence. The boy would have liked to call him out, but there was no evidence for either of them.

"What is wrong, Adrien!?" the Italian photographer yelled in over exaggerated concern (more for the wasted memory in the camera rather than for the boy). "You look like you were served a stale glass of red wine in the summer time! You need to look contempt and comfortable in these fabrics! If not, how am I going to take good fotos! Clara! We must take breaks! You need good wine, Monsieur Adrien. Good wine and reenergizing!"

Adrien only let half the words sink in. He got up from the bed and pulled on a pair of pants and a jacket. His hair was a bit messy but he didn't bother with it. He told the staff he was going for a small walk around the block and they simply let him off. He smiled back at them kindly before leaving. The benefit of working with the same people for five years was that they all already knew him well and weren't restricting.

Plagg snuggled deep in his pocket, asleep as always next to a slice of cheddar. Since confronted with the accusation of mind control, Adrien took extra measures for his own sake. To the misfit kwami's misfortune, the miraculous user decided to limit himself from using the ring and limited the kwami from his favorite cheese until his mind cleared with its seemingly unconscious draw toward LadyBug.

They strolled along the streets of the wonderful city of Paris. The cars passed him and people spoke happily and calmly. Chat Blanc hadn't been around in a whole week and the city looked safe enough for tourists to roam as freely as ever. Adrien huffed out air and kept to himself along the familiar buildings. His lips stretched at the sight of the small warm bakery just in his sight.

Marinette; sure, she was a mess around him admittedly, but he couldn't help but find it endearing almost, how she was exclusively nervous around him. Not in an unsettled way as anyone with Chat Blanc, but adorable. He knew she might have feelings for him, and he didn't mind. At the very least, she wasn't a leach like Chloe, or fawning and chasing after him like his fangirls. She was like a sweet cinnamon roll.

He walked into the store and greeted her parents warmly, speaking Mandarin with her mother which made her smile at him with great affection. It may have been his tips for always stopping by after Chat Blanc's acts, but they were nice to him nonetheless. He told them that he was going to practice the language with their daughter and went upstairs. Since the Kungfood incident, Adrien chose to try and help his friend find her roots. It was good practice for the both of them and he enjoyed saying things she didn't fully understand to her, as though confessing the worst off of his chest.

"I hate the LadyBlog," he muttered in Chinese.

The girl looked up from the screen and looked at him. "W-what did you say?" She asked.

"LadyBlog is overrated," he repeated with a smile. She tried to mimic him, but was still confused. He dropped the real meaning and gave her something else. "I was complaining how the LadyBlog wasn't updated today," he said.

She giggled. "Well, if LadyBug isn't around how can Alya update it?"

He shrugged at her. "I thought she might post something about some lucky charms or new theories." She giggled a laugh that made him smile. "You're adorable," he murmured.

To his genuine surprise, she blushed. "What is it about me?" She asked.

Adrien took the place of embarrassment. His mouth kept closed as his eyes looked away. He underestimated her ability to pick up words. She was a fast learner and he felt guilty for doubting her ability. "Y-you. . ." What was he going to say? "You have pretty blue eyes," he blurted out. His throat immediately clogged up in horror after the words left his mouth.

She blushed a the comment, yet a frown was on her face. "I know blue in simple Chinese is 蓝色. I would have heard something like that if you said it." He really underestimated her. "What did you really say?" She asked, her eyebrows narrowing in on her frown. Her blue eyes get held a softness still.

He gulped. "Promise you won't be mad?" She nodded. "I—I said . . . You are adorable." He shut his eye quickly as he heard her gasp. He waited a good few seconds before opening them to find Marinette's face beat red, and her arms closed around her.

"You're —You're not lying? Right?" She questioned swiftly before he could say anything.

"Are you mad?" He couldn't help the question. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable! I—if you want, I could go. I'm really sorry Marinette, truly I didn't mean—"

Trapping his wrist in her grip, she caught him and looked up with concern filling her eyes. "You weren't lying?" He voice was filled with hope, as though she expected him to have already told the truth.

He smiled back at her and nodded. "Yeah. Sorry if you didn't want to hear that. I—I did mean it. Just the way you act can be cute sometimes." He froze as his tongue continued to act on its own.

She grinned at him with her blush spreading. "Th-that's all right! I really don't mind— um— I mean, I don't but if you don't really think I'm cute in that way— Unless you mean cute in a friendly way! Uh! I —I just don't mind being called cute by you! Is what I meant to say that it!"

He laughed. Not at her in a harsh sarcastic tone, but in his own endearing way. "Then can I call you cute again?" He asked.

She blushed, but nodded with a beaming smile. "Of course!"

They resumed their lesson, which drifted into video games, all battles which he lost and began to regret saying anything since she found a new hyper happiness to the game. He was two minutes late when he returned.

He smiled more in the pictures, though. Reenergized by his new closest friend. He noticed his freedom was expanding into his civilian life and how it was becoming better since he chose to become the 'Chat Noir'. Perhaps since he was begging less from his father, the man began to respect his at last calm nature and loosened his schedule. Either that, or Natalie saw it instead and gave it to him quietly. The boy didn't care since both were hard to distinguish when it came to parenting skills.

All he knew was that he was at least gaining some peace he wanted outside the mask. That meant less LadyBug.

Snap. The last photo was taken.

He frowned. She was back in his thoughts again.

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