Journals 5-A, B, C

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Imagine Part C in French while the quotations are in English.

Journal 5-A

Year, Twenty fifteen. Day eleventh and a Friday. All you mo-fos know what that means. No school and binge time! Well, after the calculus homework and reading a few chapters ahead in the good old basic biology text book.

Anyway, I've been trying to keep up with pop-culture in America in case I come back, so I'm just catching up with the Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. I just gotta say, that bitch Cersei deserved it. Hated her from episode one, and before Jamie tried to kill Bran.

Okay, with modern America out of the way, back to my studies. I've figured out that Bluebell lives in the bakery she always runs out from, and Hot-Stuff is rich as shit and lives of the French version of Wall Street. My literature with the French language has improved and seems less complex now, and I now know why girls crawl after him at every corner. He's in Playboy. Or the French version. There are a lot of French version of things. Like their bread, taste weird, but fulfill their purpose. Anyway. He's one of those attractive models in the creepy Calvin Klein commercials on YouTube, but de-aged ten years, alone, and actually wearing clothes. I'm taking about the scent ads if you're wondering.

Anyways. Bitch lives in a hotel. Ha. She may flaunt her wealth in people's face, but it must suck having to like in a small room every night. I've got my place decorated.

So, I've been using natural observation all the way until now, however, at one of the downsides to this research, I've no control of what they do, meaning that I can't fully predict their daily patterns as often as I'd like. There are usually times in the day where they disappear entirely for no reason. My solution? This may sound cliché as fuck, but hell. The power of Friendship.

I'll just befriend them and try to become a part of their daily lives. Once I become a norm, I can observe them in their natural state without any bias or change in mindset. Brilliant.

Journal 5-B

I just got free cookies. I mean . . . This may be the best day of my life, right next to leaving America, but this is the greatest day of my life. I should have used the power of friendship earlier. Now I can eat an infinite number of sweets with my tea all the time! Amazing.

Bluebell was a beautiful samaritan and let me in on her activities. She is very into fashion. I mentioned that I enjoyed drawing and we compared sketchbooks. Hers were more filled with figures, while mine had more faces and buildings and textures. I also had various pictures of the brain and different body systems with various notes which I explained were for collage.

We had a good time and a large number of cookies.

It was lovely. Her parents were amazingly nice. Her mother didn't really understand me half the time since I'm only half fluent in French, however Bluebell's father spoke English well (probably from all the American tourist). But I understand how difficult it can be to be bilingual.

In America especially, people don't care about you as long as you know American English, and their respect for you is somewhat lowered when you speak another language which is shit. I once overheard a brat mumble rudely how she couldn't understand an Italian girl talking to her mom. A part of me wanted to slap her.

Me being the lover of all languages listened in not for understanding, but to follow the structure, the patterns, the rhythms, the path of the tongue, the pitch of their voice, the end and beginning of sentences. It's almost like listening to you favorite song for the first time. You get sucked in by the beat and flow of the words and pitch. And then you try to understand the meaning of the lyrics for the second time. Then you always want to listen to it until you can recite it without flaw.

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