Marty to the rescue (Bonus chapter)

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A/N: Decided to add a bonus chapter because you guys deserved it and I felt like you guys needed to see a little more of their relationship before the story ends in the next 4 chapters because there's a decent amount of time skips and I didn't want their relationship to seem or feel rushed. Hope you guys like this little surprise and I'll see you next time.

Two months after Marty and I started dating, I ended up having a run in with Biff. It wasn't pretty, but it ended well.

I walked down the halls of Hill Valley high school during lunch period. I had brought my own lunch and was going to my locker to get it. Just as the tips of my fingers touched my lock, big bulky hands touched the back of my shoulders. It tickled out of surprise. The way the touch felt told me that they weren't Marty's.

I tried to turn around to see my attacker, but my shoulders were being held too tight to move on my own. I was being forced to walk. I walked near the end of the hall, scared and worried. I found a corner on the side of the lockers. One of the ones that Marty likes to push me into when nobody was looking.

I get pushed into it. My body gets quickly turned around. I meet eyes with the last person I wanted to see. Biff. He smirks, pressing me against the wall. He leans his body against me then moves his head near my neck. I feel his hot, stale breath against my skin. I stay still as possible, taking deep breaths. What am I going to do? Where's Marty when I need him?

I feel his lips touch the skin on my neck. I tense up and try to jerk away from him, but there's not enough room to slip out of his grasp. His hands drop to my forearms. Now I really can't move. He pulls away slightly. "I don't know why you want that Mcfly kid when you can have a real man like me." Biff boasts. "Marty is more of a man than you are or ever will be." I spat. He chuckles. "Those are some big words for such a little girl." I tisk at him. I need to get someone's attention. Anyone for that matter. Just someone to get this asshole away from me.

I go to open my mouth. "Help! hel-" I scream until I get cut off by Biff's nasty lips pressing against mine. Now instead of my arms being by my side, they're moved above my head. I guess to keep me from trying anything. I can't breathe the way I want to anymore. I start kind of choking a little. He finally removes his lips from mine. Yuck! I feel like my hands are finally being freed, but I'm mistaken when he just grabs my wrist in his other hand. What is he up to now?

I squeal and tense up when I figure out what he's up to. I chose the wrong day to wear a skirt. I feel him pick at my underwear. I squeal, hoping that would make him stop. Sadly, not necessarily. Instead of stopping to say something else, he just growls in my ear and presses hard against my body. To my body, it feels good. To me, it feels sick and I don't know what else to say.

I try screaming again, but not enough sound comes out to be registered. His gross mouth is on mine again. I struggle against his hold on my wrists. He responds by jabbing his tongue in my mouth. I feel like throwing up.

He thrusts against me, hard. It hurt, but at the same time it didn't. I yelp in pain. "I know what you need." He starts grinning. Oh no. "You need some of Biff in ya." He smirks. My eyes open wide. He better not lay another hand or anything else on me. Please don't touch me. I don't want to be touched just by anyone like that. Please. Tears brimming at the corners of my eyes. Marty, where are you? I need you, please.

Marty's POV

I've been waiting for Jenni in the lunch room just under 10 minutes. Where could she be? She said that she was grabbing her lunch from her locker then she would meet up with me. I should probably go look for her. I hope everything's okay.

I make my way towards the hall with Jenni's locker. I look down it and see no one. I almost walk away from it, but then I hear squeal like noises. I decide to check it out. When I get closer to the end, I see the back of Biff's body. What's he doing down here?

I get a little closer until I see someone in front of him. I catch the hem of Jenni's skirt I knew she was wearing today. But wait a minute, why does it look like it's pulled up. My eyes widen in realization. Oh shit! Jen!

I rush over behind him. I catch a glimpse of Jenni's face. Tears were in her eyes and she was scared. Damn, I just got her as my girlfriend and Biff's gonna scar her. I have to do something now. "Hey Biff!" I shout, announcing my presence. He pulls away from her, but doesn't drop her hands. "What you gonna do about it Mcfly?" He taunts. "leave her alone!" I shout, fuming. "Or what Mcfly, or what?" He laughs. I couldn't think of anything and I couldn't just grab a teacher. Besides, it would take too long. Instead of thinking of a plan, I wing it.

I punch Biff in the jaw and it startles him enough to loosen his grasp on Jenni's hands. She rushes off out from under him and hides behind me. I throw another punch, dazing him. Jen walks up to him, probably getting her own revenge. She speed walks up to him and kicks him in the balls. Biff grunts and goes to hold himself. She turns to me and smiles. I smile back impressed. Jen takes my hand and we run off.

We stop running when we get far enough away. We both pant, out of breath. I smile brightly at her and bring her into my arms. She hugs back tightly. I rest my head on top of hers. "Are you okay?" I ask after a moment of silence. "For the most part." She sniffles, not trying to look at me. "I'm sorry that happened to you Jen." I apologize. "It's not your fault." She chokes out. I gently push her away and crouch down to look into her eyes. "Don't cry Jen." I plead. "I can't help, it Marty." She squeaks, tears about to fall. Damn you Biff. There's not much I can do but just be there for her as her friend and boyfriend.

I kiss her cheek and then softly pecked her on the lips. I don't touch her too much knowing that Biff hurt her. I don't want to scare her away or make her afraid of me. I wish I could have been there so it wouldn't have gotten too far. It was almost too late, but I'm glad I got there when I did.

Jen rewraps her arms around my waist and clings to me. I listen to her softly sob into my chest. I kiss the top of her head and just hold her. Eventually everything will be okay.

She eventually tells me that she's greatful that it was me that came to her rescue. I told her that I was too. It takes almost two weeks, but she eventually recovers. Ever since that day, she never strays away from me unless there's a good reason and avoids Biff at all costs.

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