bloody noses and overdone cookies

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After walking home for about 10 minutes and finally getting to my house (barely), I walk in to find a note on the counter from Mom:

I will be off at at a stress relieving and weight loss formation group retreat for two weeks. I hope you will be able to handle yourself, and if not, you can always call Mrs. Jones.

Two weeks. Fantastic. Fantastic. It's not like much of a change from when she is at the house though, she is usually locked in her room online shopping or something. But two weeks! This is the longest that I will be alone without any parents at the house. My dad won't be coming back for about another month, so this is just great.

I crumple up the note and ran upstairs to my room. While slamming the door shut I can hardly keep in the tears. But then I tell myself something that I always tell myself whenever I am about to cry: There are worse things to cry about. There are children starving and families choking on dirty air, and here I am sulking about my mom being away. I blink away the tears and continue with my life.

I finally get settled down on my bed with music blaring. Then a familiar piano note plays. Then another one. I shoot up in my loft bed and practically slide down the ladder to see what song it is. But I already know, so I sing along once Gerard starts:

When I was
A young boy
My father
Took me into the city
To see a marching band

Once the song gets to the faster part, I am dancing around the room like a lunatic. The only thing I can hear is music and it is the best feeling in the world. It's like the world just stops and gives me a few minutes to let me go insane and do what I want. And it feels great.

Until someone interrupts you by tapping on your shoulder.

Now, I am very street smart. So, naturally,  when I am home alone and someone taps my shoulder, I punch them. And then process who it is in my head. And it turns out to be Sam, who know has a bloody nose.

"Ow! Why-" He started and clutched his nose.

"I- I'm soooo sorry! Are you OK? Why did you sneak up on me?" I asked.

"First of all, do I look OK? Second of all, I didn't sneak up on you, I was knocking on your window for 5 minutes, but you were too busy dancing like a crazy person!" He said.

"Oh, so you just walk into my house?!" I asked and threw my hands up in the air.

"How else was I supposed to get to you? The music was too loud!" he replied. "Can we do something about this?" He asked and looked down at his nose.

"Oh, um . . . yeah. Follow me," I said and awkwardly lead him down to the kitchen.

"Here, you can sit here," I said and gestured to the stool at the end of the high bar. He nodded and took his seat while I walked into the pantry and grabbed the first aid kit. When I went back to the counter, Sam's nose was still bleeding and the blood was getting all over his hands now. I walked over to the edge of the counter to where he was sitting and set the first aid kit down.

"OK , before I start, I want you to know that I have no medical training whatsoever," I told him.

"It's alright, just please make it stop bleeding!" he begged.

"Ok, ok," I said and got to work. I turned the stool to face me so that it would be easier and got closer. I took out a disinfecting wipe and tried to lightly dab his nose (Please I know I said dab it isn't a big deal I'm sorry please don't comment about it).  When the wipe touched his nose, he winced and slightly pulled away.

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