We were jumped

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"Pony the movie is over lets go home!!"
"Aww come on Raya!! We can watch another one!! We still have time!!"
"If you wanna walk home in the dark then go right ahead!!"
"Fine. Let's go."

As we started walking home I noticed a blue mustang slowing down behind us.
"Tuff car!" I whispered in Pony's ear.
"Aww look!! Greaser siblings!!" One soc said. Sarcasm in his voice. He was one of five. We had no chance of fighting back.
One of them charged at Ponyboy pinning him down.
"Front row seat greaser!!" He said with a smile.
The other four socs teamed up on me. One of the pinned me down. He put his knees on my wrists and sat on my chest.
Then he pulled a blade.
I started screaming like a madman.
"Shut her up NOW!!" One soc said. The guy on top of me shoved a dirty rag in my mouth. They did the same to Pony. They had his head pinned down so he was forced to look at me.
"Imma do you a favour little grease. Imma gonna give you a nice haircut. AND IM GONNA START DOWN HERE!!"
He put the blade on my neck and pushed, not hard but enough to bleed.
I was crying by now and so way Ponyboy. I was a year older than him but he loved me like a baby sister, not an older sister. He cried when I cried and was hurt when I hurt. This was gonna kill him.
"Oh sorry, to short?? He put the blade on my left cheek and pushed. Drawing more blood. Then he put it on my forehead and did the same.
Pony was trying hard to break free but that soc had a good grip on him.
"Get outta here!!!" Someone yelled,
The socs got off of us and we took the gross dirty rags out of our mouths. Ponyboy pulled me into a tight hug.
"I'm ok Pony. I'm gonna be fine." I whispered into his ear. The whole gang was there. Everyone was chasing the socs off in their mustang and Sodapop came up to us. He saw we were both crying.
"Did they pull a blade on you Ray?"
"Ya. I'll be fine." I said between sniffles. "Look at me Raya. They ain't gonna hurt you no more." The gang was chancing the car up the road. Steve had a grip on a guy through the window and so did Darry. Dally started beating up the car as it slowly picked up speed and left.
We all went back to our house to hang out and talk.
"Hey Dal whatcha doin out of the cooler?" I asked as we walked home.
"Good behaviour, got off early." I had to chuckle at that.
"Hey I'm walkin down to the nightly double tonight anyone want to come?" Dally asked.
"Nah, me and Steve are pickin up some girls and going out tonight."
Steve glared at me and Pony. He never really liked us. I was only a year younger than Soda. I was 15. I had dark gold hair like Sodas and in was really long. My eyes were pure steel grey. I was really tall for 15. I was 5'10. I had a big and crooked smile. Steve thought we were tag along kids. Even though I towered over him by about 3 inches.
"I'm plannin on going partyin tonight. I might come along later. Two-Bit said.
"Ray, Johnny and me will come Dally." Pony said.
"Meet me at the Dingo at 5." With that we all went our separate ways.

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