Home again

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This chapter was inspired by Missey101. She gave me the idea for this chapter so this is like her chapter. Thanks Missey!

I looked out the tiny shutter in the dusty attic. Darry was carrying Raya bridal style into the house. Everyone seemed happy, even her. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders knowing that she is ok. Darry came into the room and laid her on the bed. I crawled over so I was almost right over them. Listening to their conversation and looking at them through a small gap in the ceiling.
"So kiddo let's try out your voice." Mya said,
"H-h-h-hi I'm-m-m Raya L-l-Lynn Curtis."
Her voice was rough and raspy.
"Good job kiddo!! Just keep talking to me."
"W-w-why did Joh-honny look so-o worried?"
"Well kiddo, Dally escaped jail and ran to the hospital after he heard what happened. Don't ask me how or why he came but the police found him and chased him away. Nobody has seen him since."
Raya looked down as if disappointed or scared or sad or something.
"Oh-h cause I wan-nt to tell him how I f-f-fell."
"I know kiddo. Don't worry. Your irresistible."
I had to smile at that. My perfect little angel loved me back. I was so unbelievably happy.
I continued to listen to their conversation. It was mostly about some girls names April and Saydi. Don't think I now em.
Rayas voice was cracking and she as stammering a lot. It was some darn cute.
Wait, am I,
Dallas Winston,
going soft?
Nah!!! I hope.
I couldn't help but stare. Raya was so beautiful.
"H-h-hey do you-u feel like your-r being watched?"
"Ya kiddo someone is starting at you through the ceiling." They both giggled. Then I heard a loud crack. I looked down. The small crack in the ceiling was getting bigger. Oh no!
I fell through the ceiling tiles. I stood off and shock the dust off my clothes.
"Ladies." I made a hat tipping motion.
"Only good hiding spot I could find." I chuckled and walked out of the room just as the guys were running in. Darry looked at me,
"I'm not even gonna ask." He ran into the bedroom.
I strutted out if the house to have a smoke.
"Dally, Ray wants to talk to you." Darry came out and stood in the door frame.
"I'm comin." I said stomping out my cancer stick.
I went into the bedroom and Raya was sitting up in bed.
"I need to tell you something. No you go first." We both said at the same time.
"You go." She said in her low raspy voice.
"I know how you feel about me." I started. She looked really embarrassed,
"I never knew you felt the same way." She looked at me.
I leaned in and kissed her.
"Does that anwser your question?" She nodded. I couldn't get that smile off her face if I tried.
I walked out of the room with a huge smile on my face.
"Why are you so happy Dal?" Two asked.
"I just got myself a girl."
"If you break her heart I'll break your neck." Darry said.
I don't think I've ever been so happy about pickin up a broad.

My brothers, the Curtis boysWhere stories live. Discover now