Best or worst time ever

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"MYA!!!!!" I called through the house. Mya came strutting in.
"Someone's in l-o-v-e aren't they."
"I told you kiddo, he'd come around." She smirked at me.
I fell back on my bed smiling to myself and starring at the hole in the ceiling.
"I-I-is this what l-love fells l-l-like."
"Ya it is kiddo. Ya it is."
I fell asleep and dreamed, dreamed of the one and only Dallas Winston who was now mine.

5 months later

These 5 months have been the best 5 months of my entire life!
My voice never healed properly so now I have a raspy voice and stutter quite a bit. But what can you do?
Me and Dally are still together. We are the cutest darn couple ever according to Sodapop and Two-bit.

I was at home getting ready for a date with Dally when the phone rang,
"RAYA LYNN!! PHONE!!" Darry screamed,
"COMIN!!" I screamed back.

D: hey baby, I'm so sorry, I'm sick! I'm gonna have to cancel.
R: it's fine Dal. People get sick. I'm going to the movies tonight with Pony and Johnny so I'll be home around 1 in the morning ok babe?"
D: ok I'm at Bucks if you need me
R: love you Dal
D: love you to babe
Call ended

It was last minute but me, Pony and Johnny headed to the drive in. We were about half way through the movie when someone came and sat behind us.
"Hey your Dally's girl aren't ya?" The girl said.
"You got a problem with t-that?!" I turned around. It was Dally's ex, Slyvia.
"Maybe I do!" She poured her coke over my head.
Pony and Johnny snickered. I glared at them and they stopped.
"I'm gonna go find Dal." I stormed off towards Bucks place. It was only 11 so I though I would surprise Dally.

There was a party, as usual. I walked in and pushed my way through the crowd of people. I trudged up the stairs to Dally's room. I knocked.
"Go away!!" I heard Dally yell over the music. Then I heard someone giggle.
"Dallas Winston is there a girl in there?!?!" I screamed at him trying not to stutter. There was no response.
"Wait here baby." I heard him whisper.
"What?! Oh hey Raya." He said happily. He was only wearing a sheet. I looked in the room, there was a girl wrapped up in the sheets.
"I j-j-just wanted to give you something b-babe." He smirked at me.
"Close your eyes-s and give me your hand ." He obeyed.
I slipped off his skull ring and put it in his hand. He opened his eyes and looked at what I put in his hand. Then he looked up at me. Before he had a chance to explain I slapped him hard in the face causing his head to wipe the other way. I ran out of the party in tears.
I aimlessly walked around for what seemed like hours. A mustang started trailing me.
"Hey princess what are you dining outside your turf."
Did I seriously walk into soc territory!!
I just shrugged.
"Well we're gonna make you pay."
"Can-n I make a p-phone call?"
"Whatever." One soc grabbed my arm and dragged me to the nearest pay phone. I dialled my home number. I left a message.
"H-hey Dar. Please don't c-c-come looking for me." I hung up.
I didn't care anymore. The love of my life cheated on me. I had nothin else to look forward to.
"Ready princess?" Before I could say anything they had me pinned down and had a rag in my mouth. Man this guy is heavier than he looks. Him and his friends were laughing while punching and kicking me. Then the guy in top of me held a blade to my neck.
"Times up princess." He smirked. I couldn't move a muscle if I tried. Then one of his friends fell to the ground.
"What the-" someone hit him over the head and he past out. The other guys ran.
I looked up at my saviour.
"What do you want?!" I asked as bitterly as I could.
"A thank you would be nice." Dally answered sarcastically.
He tried to help me up.
"I got it Winston!" I stood up and started walking away. He grabbed my shoulder.
"What do you want!!!" I screamed at him.
"A chance to explain."
"Ya cause that was an accident. You don't just call someone baby like that! You don't do that with someone that's not your girlfriend! You knew about that date! You called and canceled that date! Am I not good enough for you?!" I was crying hard.
"You can go tell Darry what you've done!" I punched Dally in the gut and ran away. I'm not sure were I was going but I was going away. I heard Dally calling my name but I didn't dare look back.
Was I really stupid enough to think Dallas cared about be? I quess I wasn't more important than his rep which he has told me many times I was. I ran I to an alleyway. I couldn't help it any more. I sat down and cried. I cried myself to sleep.

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