Chapter 7- Hell No, Hell 'Way'

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[Joss's P.O.V]

I ran up to my room in a panic or in some sort of emotion that made me feel angry/what-the-fuck. I ran In my room and smashed the door behind me. I didn't, realise how big the sound made until I couldn't hear people running around and I couldn't hear talking or the TV.

After a while I heard some sound down stairs. I walked over to my bed and sat at the end furthest away from my door that had cracks in it because of the smash. I sat there for a while before I got up and picked up my note book.

After picking that up I laid on my bed writing random words. Swear words, Things why I hate myself and shit like that. Also I started to doodle glass dripping with blood. It looked very good.

I stood up and walked to my bay window with my note/sketch book.

I sat down and started to doodle again while looking at the full moon shining down on me. I'm alone in the room but weirdly I don't feel alone.

After a couple of hours, I heard foot steps passing my room. They probably saw my broken door. I've been here not even half a day and I've already broken something.

I got up and got my guitar out of the case and walked back to the bay window. I sat back down with Flame. I started to play 'Time Of Your Life/Good Riddance', I started to sing, I normally hate singing but this night I didn't mind. It helped that I was on my own.

After the song I started to play random chords that went well together. I stopped playing but still had Flame in my arms. I opened the window and looked down then up again. There was a tree that I could climb on and run away. No I can't.

I just sat there with my legs dangling over the edge. Flame was on the floor now in my room.

[Billie's P.O.V]

When I film finished everyone got up and went to there rooms. After a while I stumbled up the stairs. When I walked past Joss's room I could hear her singing and playing guitar lightly. I put my ear to the door so I could listen more. At the end of the song I could hear her put her guitar on the floor.

Then I heard the window open. Shit is she going to jump. I slowly opened the door and closed it behind me. She didn't hear me thankfully.

"Joss" I said in a light confused way. She looked around to me. She had tears running down her cheeks and dripping on the the bay window. I slowly walked closer to her. She looked back out the window, she was looking at the ground.

"Joss, Come over here away from the window." I said trying to make her mover away from the window.

She looked at me still crying. I don't know what to do. " I heard you play 'Time Of Your Life' It was really good" I said a weak smile appeared on her face, I smiled back.

"Come on, Sit over here, We can chat about things" I said, she nodded, thankfully. She climbed back in and closed the window.

I sat on the chair at her desk and she sat on the end of her bed. I looked at her, she was wiping the tears off her cheeks. " I wasn't joking when I said your guitar playing was good and your singing is very good to" I said, she looked up at me with a proper smile.

We sat there most of the night talking about guitars and music. She showed me some songs that she has written and some songs that I have written. She was really good.

~Next Morning~

I woke up and looked at the time on my phone. It was 8:48am. I looked around, I was in Joss's room. I slept in the chair with my head on the desk. I looked around to see Joss sitting on the bay window playing guitar. Thankfully the window was closed.

"Hey" I said, Joss turned around and smiled.

"Hey" she said back to me. I smiled and said "Do you want to go down to get breakfast?" I said hoping she will say yes because I'm really hungry.

"Yeah" She said. Yay. We walked down the hall and down the stairs to the kitchen. When we got to the kitchen Tre was there making pancakes.

"Hey, Do you guys want one?" Tre said. Me and Joss nodded

After we all ate breakfast, Tre started to clean up. Is he feeling okay. While Tre was doing that I looked at Joss.

"Hey, I've got you something" I said, she looked up at bit confused. I put my hand in my pocket and took out a bran new iPhone. I placed it in front of her.

"It has all of are numbers on it." I said, then I heard Tre scream "Even mine" I laughed and turned back to Joss.

She looked at the iPhone and unlocked the home screen. She smiled as she was looking through it. After a couple of minutes she put it down on the table and looked up at me. "Thanks" She said pointing to the iPhone.

"It's okay, Anything for you" I said with a smile. Mike came into the kitchen and sat next to me. He was looking at Joss. She looked down at the table.

[Joss's P.O.V]

When Mike came in and sat down, I looked down at the table. A minute or two later I looked up to them talking. They stopped and looked at me.

"Can I go out for a walk?" I said with a weak smile looking at both of them.

"Umm, B-but umm y'know" Billie said stuttering. He looked at Mike for help. They whispered to each other, then they turned back to me.

" I guess so, But you need someone to go with" Billie said. Fuck why do I have to go with someone I'm fucking 16. I nodded to him.

" I can't go with you though, Maybe, Mike. Mike do you want to go?" Billie asked Mike.

" Yeah. Do you wanna go now?" Mike asked me, I nodded. About 10 minutes later we were both ready to go. I was wearing black skinny jeans with chains attached to them, black boots and a black Blink 182 t-shirt. I felt very colourful.

We walked out of the house, down the drive way and down the street. I don't know where were going but I don't care. After a while of walking we end up in a park. We stopped, I looked at Mike and he looked at me.

"Umm, Do you want a drink?" Mike asked I nodded then said "Could I have Tango" I said. He nodded, as he was about to walk away then he turned to me he said "Stay here" I nodded.

When he went I walked over to a bench and sat down. A couple of minutes passed and a boy sat on the other end of the bench. He looked a bit older than me.

He had black spiky hair that went over his eyes. He was wearing black skinny jeans with chains like me. He had a mid length black shirt on.

I was looking around still sitting on the bench I didn't know what to do. " I like your t-shirt" He said pointing to my Blink 182 t-shirt. I looked up at him, he moved his hair out of his eye's to look at me.

Holy shit it's Gerard way!

~Must Read~

(A/N Okay Gerard way is in the story. In the story he's 19 years old and is writing The Black Parade at the moment. And Joss is 16 - been changing it as so it's not creepy 😂)

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