Chapter 13- Age?

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Tré's P.O.V

Me and Mike have just helped Billie clean the house. Well they did all I did my sit on the sofa. Gerard is in Joss's room asleep. I really hope Joss is okay. I know it's wrong but I like her. Not as a friend, if you get me. But I'm the same age as her father and that it would never work. But I could try. I'll ask Mike later.

Mike and Billie sat down on the sofa. We tried to make Billie happy but he was to sad about Joss. We all are.

"Tré?" Billie asked sounding sad. "Hmm?" "What's the time?" He asked. God I thought he was going to tell me off, even thou I haven't done anything.

I got out my phone and looked at the time. "It's 11:25pm" I said looking at him.

"We'll I'm off to bed" He said getting up and walking to his room. Mike went to the guest room after that. I turned off the tv and just sat on the sofa doing fuck all.

I got up about 5 minutes later and walked to the kitchen, while I was walking I had to walk past the front door. I heard a light knock and someone crying?

I opened it to see know one. I looked around know one. Then I looked at the floor. I saw Joss, she looked like she just came from hell. I bent down to her hight. "Joss, are you okay?" I asked lifting her chin up. Her eyes were blood shot. I looked up to see if anyone was there. No. Thank fuck.

"Come here" I said while lifting her up in my arms. She was holding on to my shirt for dear life. I sat down on the sofa with her on my lap. She cried into my chest while I rubbed her back. I put her down next to me on the sofa and she laid her head on my shoulder.

"I'll go get Billie" I said about to get up. "No" She cried out. I looked into her eye, bright green, puffy from crying and the right one black, that must of hurt. "Please" She begged. "Okay, only if I can but ice on that eye?" I asked. She nodded. I got up about to walk to the kitchen but she grabbed my hand. I turned back to look at her.

"Don't leave me alone" She said sadly. I smiled. "I'll just be a minute, I promise" I said rubbing her hand gently. She made a weak smile and nodded.

I ran fucking fast into the kitchen and grabbed some ice and put it into a tee towel and also got a first aid kit. Then I ran fucking fast back. I pulled a chair up to the sofa Joss was lying on. I put the first aid kit on the table and slowly placed the ice on Joss's black eye. She tensed up and grabbed my free left hand.


Joss had so many cut and bruises on her arms and legs. She's probably has more as well. She's asleep at the moment in my arms. Is it wrong if I like this? Billies face if he saw this, wouldn't want to see that he'll kill me. I slowly fell asleep with my arms around Joss.

(A/N. Short chapter, but a new on should be up soon :)



Thanks for reading!


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