Chapter Eighteen

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The night was beautiful. The stars flickered in the distance, winking and dancing among the black abyss of the sky. The moon was a sliver of fish scale, barely even there. I sighed in awe as I lay in the grass, the campfire crackling lively close by my feet as all other sounds became a soft murmur. My eyes searched, picking out all the constellations; I could remember Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, and the many Zodiac signs. I struggled to remember the other ones, let alone find them among the sea of stars.

Adam's laugh radiated from him, making me turn my head to watch him with everyone. After the whole fiasco that was today, as Adam and I continued to annoy each other, it was nice to see everyone and everything so relaxed. All the boys were around the campfire, cooking marshmallows like they were children again. Granted, I did eat five roasted marshmallows but it was besides the point. Mitch was nestled closely by Jerome, who was laughing at a joke Quentin told with a lot of enthusiasm. Adam was sat by Seto while both were roasting marshmallows, their sixth to be exact, as they talked to each other warmly. Ian hummed a tune under his breath as he sat and starred up at the sky with a smile on his face. Everyone was happy and content, making me feel fuzzy with happiness. If this was what life was like every day, I'd never want it to end.

"Ty stop being antisocial! I've got a marshmallow for you!" Adam yelled my way, a hint of laughter in his tone as I groaned and sat up.

"Coming Sky!"


I yawned loudly as I nearly fell down the stairs, barely awake after how late I had stayed up last night by the fire with Adam. Everyone had gone back inside around midnight, but neither I nor Adam were tired enough for sleep. So, we stayed up together until nearly four a.m. laughing at each other's stupid jokes and puns.

I let out a groan, pulling open the fridge with half-open eyes in search of milk. But of course, there was none. It was Adam's and my job to go grocery shopping today. I groaned again as I glanced at the clock, it was already half past noon and Adam wasn't up yet. Which would mean I would have to go wake him up if we wanted to eat at all today, but the problem was Adam never got up. He was like a stubborn bear still in hybranation in the middle of spring. It was impossible to get him up, let alone out of the house before it got dark again.

"Good afternoon, sleepy head," Mitch joked from the doorway, making me flinch from the sudden visitor.

"It's not a good morning," I grumbled, slamming the fridge door closed and slumping against the kitchen island. Mitch laughed, stretching his arms above his head in a small yawn before ruffling my hair.

"When are you gonna get Sleeping Beauty up for groceries?" Mitch sniffed, fixing my hair up for me when he saw how unamused I looked. I shrugged half-heartedly, rolling my eyes to add affect for my unwillingness to move.

"Do you think you and Jerome could go today? I'll take your guy's turn next week," I whined hopefully, pulling the best puppy dog eyes I could. Mitch shook his head, his smiling growing as I glared at him.

"No, sorry, Jerome and I planned to record all day today, both of us are behind on our video count," Mitch shook his head again, moving back to the door, "although seeing you try and get Adam up should be funny."

I practically growled at him, searching the table for something to throw at the smirking fiend I begrudgingly called my best friend. He disappeared before I even looked back up, his laughter following back up to where he recorded.

"I hate him," I huffed at myself angrily, stomping my way towards Adam's 'domain'. I can't believe he insisted I call it that, I remember I had called it his 'room' and everyone gave me a look of horror as Adam quickly got into a rant. To say the least, I won't slip that up again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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