Chapter Four

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((Quick A/N: long time no see? sorry school sucks butts))

I quickly grabbed my coat and slipped it on over my bandaged arms. They brushed lightly over the cuts but I was filled with so much adrenaline, I didn't even feel it.

"No, no, no, no, no..." I quietly chanted to myself as I ran to the door, slipping on my flip flops along the way. My best friend is about to go get himself killed, shit. And it's all my fault.

My breathing labored as I threw open the door, hastily following Mitch's footsteps to the elevator.

"I don't have time for this shit..." I mumbled as I instead directed my path to the stair case. Perfect. My feet carried my quickly down eight flights of stairs until I burst into the lobby, making the desk attendant's head snap up. I didn't even look at him as I stumbled out into the parking lot.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god..." I mumbled airily as I took my keys from my front pocket. Thank god I remembered to grab them in the way out. I opened my car door and shoved myself into the seat, jamming the key in the ignition.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry..." I mumbled again as I didn't even wait to buckle up before slamming on the gas and jerking backwards. I sped out of the parking lot and quickly got onto the main one, only to run into early-morning traffic. I punched my steering wheel with panic tears in my eyes. At this rate, Mitch would get to my mother's house and she would definitely kill him. My heart rate picked up as the cars slowly inched up. By now, I was full out sobbing. It's all my fault, Mitch is going to die.

An idea popped into my head and I snatched my phone from beside me on the seat and quickly typed in the pass code. I found Mitch's contact and sent him a quick message saying


In less then a second I got a reply.

Mitch- I don't care, Ty. That bitch you call a mother hurt you and I'm going to set her straight about her not straight son! She better fucking get over herself and love you!


Mitch- Im sorry Ty... tell Jerome I love him.

And with that last text, I dropped my phone, even more tears falling from my eyes. Oh god no... No...

I quickly turned into the short cut way to my house and sped along the back road, practically flying. If I didn't make it in time... so help me god I'm killing my mother and father. Shredding them into a million and one pieces.


I finally pulled up into my driveway and my heart sank as I saw Mitch's car. He beat me here. I scrambled out of my car, quickly slamming the door, and racing up the steps to the front.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god..." I said breathily as I quickly knocked on the door.

After a couple moments, no one answered and I nearly cried in anguish, but then I remembered something.

The key.

We have a key placed neatly under the mat at the front door, so that if any one of my family members forgot their keys, they wouldn't be locked out of the house.

I lifted up the mat and my eyes instantly landed on the little, golden key. I quickly snatched it up and shoved it in the key hole, turning it hastily. A small click identified that I had finally opened the door.

I don't need no man to help me open doors.

I turned the doorknob and jumped into the house, looking around the familiar surroundings. Flashbacks of my childhood threatened to penetrate my tight-nite thoughts, but I pushed them off and listened for anything. Or should I say anyone. There was no sound at all and I could hear the grandfather clock in the living room tick tick ticking. I walked through the hall, holding my breath as I passed the stairs. These old stairs....

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