The Winds are Calling (demi lovato fan fic)

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Demi POV

I sat at the back as the rain stormed down in rage, the sky roared and beamed with lightning. The weahter in Canada has just been terrible lately, but today is the worst of them all by far. It is night and mixed with the rain it only makes it harder to see where you are driving to, but that was my bodygaurd, Max's job . I was still worried though I can barley see 2 feet away outside.

I was in Ontario for a concert, but seeing the rain it got rescedualed to next week, well that just means more time with my Canadian fans. I was heading back to my hotel after a long day of interviews, and am ready to drop the second I get to me bed.

"How long will it take Max?" I asked him.

"Well it's going to take time, the rain is making it hard and is slowing us down." He replied.

Theres no car insight, the roads are nearly empty but they are definatly not quite, the thunder's rage echoing through the roads. 

The breaks suddenly went on stirring up panic in me, my heart pacing so fast. A loud sound of metal crashing and my body went swinging forward and suddenly stopping against my belt and than I quickly looked up at Max, his head against the stirring wheel. "Max" I call out in panick, no reply. "Max" this time I shake him and still nothing. I checked for a pulse and was relieved when I felt his heart still beating.

I quickly got out pulling out my phone, but there was no signal, curse the weather. That's when I saw that my car had collided with another car. I ran to it panicing and hoping that no one got hurt seriously. As I got closer I saw that my car had hit the front passenger side of the car. The site made me panick more but I breathed to calm down my nerves.  I had to go see if everyone is fine in the other car, but first I checked my phone to see if I had gotten a signal.


I looked up from phone to the other car to see a figure, a sillouette of a girl, it was hard to make out the face from the dark but I caught glimpse of her face under the dim light coming from inside the car. I couldn't catch her features. I calmed down knowing that the person in the other car is fine.

"Hey! Are okay? Did you get hurt?" I asked out to her. She didn't look up at me as if she already knew that I was already there or maybe she didn't hear me. But she looked up at me, I couldn't tell in the dark if she was really looking at me or just in my direction. She looked down and I saw what she was doing, and for the first time I noticed the two people at the front of the car under the low beam light. A man and a woman both unconcious, and the girl trying to get the driver door open but it was stuck. I paniced, thoughts racing through my head; are they hurt seriously? Are they dead? I hope not. Are they her parents?

I walked infront of thier car, but stopped when I heard a voice call my name immedialty getting my attention I turned to see Max stumbling out of the car. "Demi, are you hurt anywhere?" he asked  getting back in balance.

"Yeah, Max stay there your hurt, and can you check if you have a signal." I said and he nodded and sat back down to check his phone. I turned back to the girl, who had some how opened the door and was checking for a pulse on the man. I can feel nerves and scared as she did that hoping he was still alive. She got out looking satisfied, I took that as news that he was still alive. 

"Demi I called 911, there coming." Max yelled standing up again. 


"DEMI!" Max cut me off yelling and the next thing I knew I was on the ground and there was a loud crash sound mixed with the pounding rain against the Earth. My eyes sqeezed shut as my mind processed what just happened. 

I felt hands on my shoulder, pulling me up, "Are you hurt?" It was Max. 

It took me a minute, but when I saw the truck had collided in with the other car sending it back a few feet I realized that I was standing between that car and the truck, but how am I standing here on my feet and not flattened out like mashed potatos.

"Max, Max...MAX!  Where is she?Wheres that girl?" I asked feeling the tears rolling down my eyes.

"There is no girl, Demi who are you talking about?" he said. Had he not seen that girl that was so anxiously checking to see if her... the man and woman were alive, that girl that was just standing there. That girl that just saved my life. I let a loud sob that was daring to creep out my mouth any second. I shut my eyes as tight as I could. "It's alright the ambulance is going to be here soon." Max assured me..

All that I could manage to hoke out was, "She just saved me, she didn't even know me." I cried louder.  A loud roar of thunder, and flashes of lightening.

"Demi" Max said. I forced myself to look at  him only to follow his gaze to the truck to something. No someone crawling out from the bottom of the truck. It was that girl, I felt a fresh pair of tears rolling down from the relief and joy of seeing her walk out from there. I ran up to her so glad to see her alive, but she never noticed Max or me standing there her attention was some place else.

She was staring at her car and that's when my attention shifted too. She runs around the truck to the driver seat of the her car. There were other people in the car, living people. I ran following her, "I'm going to check on the truck driver!" I heard Max yell.

The rain had slowed down and so has the wind, the thnder and lightening completely gone from here. I reached the car to see the girl sitting beside the driver seat door. For the first time I saw her pale face, her dark eyes and black hair. She didn't look up to me, never noticed I was there. I looked at the man and the woman. The man's body against the stirring wheel and the womans head was leaning against the the door window.  I reached for the mans neck to check for a pulse but as I was reaching an unkown voice interupted.

"Thier both dead. You don't need to check." It was the girl, her voice was empty.

I turned to her looking down, I knelt down to her, "I'm so sorry." I said. I had no clue what to say to her. "If you don't mind me asking-"

"They were my parents" she said looking up at me answering my question before I could even ask the question. I quickly hugged her, wrapping my arms around her but she didn't move just sat there as I cried.

I could hear the ambulance coming closer and closer as I comforted her, sort of. As I hear a paramedic approach us the girl still wrapped in my arms went limp, I pulled her out to see her unconsious as the paramedics took her.

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