The Big Change

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Kayla's POV

I was lying on a bed with my gown pulled up to the end of my rib cage. I can feel him pulling out the stiches, but it was painless. 

"We are almost done Kayla, just hang in there." Jason Tan, the doctor said. He's been trying to conversate with me the entire time I was here, but I didn't want to talk to him, to anyone. Just wanted to be left alone. I wanted to be back n the closet, hidden behind walls away from the world.

I still can't remeber how I had ended up from the closet to a bedroom in the orphange, I was in closet but I woke up in a bedroom. 

"All done Kayla, now it's going to be sour for a while, and I don't want you moving around much because it is still healing." He said getting up, I'm ging to go talk to Sophia, and you can change back into your normol clothes." He smiled and left.

Demi's POV

I heard a knock on my door, "come in" I said. As the door opened I saw Max's face pop in. 

"Are you ready, we have to leave soon?" He asked.

"Yup I'm  done". I said, with that Max left. He is still mad from the other day when I snuck out. I came in and Max was waiting. He asked me how my shower was, I told him it went great. Demi you can't just leave he had said. I told him it was an emergency. You know how much the media is chasing you after the accident., it isn't safe he yelled. Sorry Max I won't do it again I said feeling guilty of lying to him when he was only trying protect me.

I got up and headed out. Today is a big. 

"Ready," Max said handing me my shades and hoodie.

I gave a nod. "Yup".

"The car is right infront of the entrance of the store, I got the hotel security to make spaceenough for you to get into the car." He instructed, and we headed out to the elevator. Nothing unexpected yet. The elevtaor went ding as we reached the main floor. Here we go.

I stepped out of the elevator welcomed by lights flashing, and people, no paparazi storming me with comments and questions.

"Demi, how do you feel about Kayla the orphaned child?"

" Are you going to fire Max for the accident?"

"Max how do you feel knowing you caused the accident?"

"Demi do you feel responable for everything?"

"Did Kayla really save your life?"

They went on, we had to force our way to the doors, but we had finally gotten there, only to be stormed by more paps. The hotel security was pushing them to the side so I can get into my car, which I finally did. After hearing the final court desicion I an planning on making a statement to the media about everything, and my manager agreed.

It took a while but we had finally taken off. I went on twitter, the last couple of days have been terrible my lovatics are worried and upset.

I tweete : Todays the big day, wish me luck my lovatic and thanks a lot for all your support through another hard time, remeber Demi luvs you #LovaticsRule.

I tweeted it and immediatly I got replys saying:

Good luck Demi and we luv you too

Hoping for the best for you

We luv you, and best of luck

They went on and on making me feel more confindent and less nervy. I looked up to see Max reading a newspaper. The Toronto Star, thr front page had a picture of me, the headlines "Tragic accidents takes the life of two parents, young orphaned girl grieving" and the sub heading says "Is the famous Demi Lovato behind  the cause of the accident" I felt my heart break, the world is expecting her to be grieving over the loss of her parents, but I remember the words from Kayla that day I met her in the closet "I'm glad they died"  I hope she didn't mean that and if she did, poor baby is being forced to grieve over her parents. But if she really is glad that her parents passed away, than why is she glad? What is her story? What war has she been battling in her life? I could feel the tears rising in my eyes, Stay Strong, Demi.

Sophia's POV

Kayla was sitting on the back seat doing her staring thing. I coughed, she looked at me through the rear view mirror, and than looked away. She's one of those kids that don't talk about anything, that fight a war inside them alone because they were never taught how to talk about thier problems, or they were not a lud to feel since they were a kid. I've known Kayla for a long time, I remeber the first time I saw her.

She had just turned ten, her mother had lost her job and her father was rarley there. She was in her room, locked herself in her closet. Guess locking herself up in closets is her escape. Poor girl lost the only family she's known. She is truley alone. 

We arrived at the court and just like last time there was a wave of camera flashes at our car, I caught a glimpse of Demi walking into the court with her security. I sighed "Ready?" I asked Kayla.

She didn't answer, instead began opening the door and walking out and I followed after. We were stormed by questions and cameras as the security was trying to hold them back.

"Kayla, how does it feel knowing that your parents are killed?"

"Has Demi done anything to you cope with your loss?"

"How are you dealing with the death of your parents?"

They went on, Kayla ignored them walking lookking at the ground and her hand in pockets, I followed bedind her.

Kayla' POV

I can feel my temperature rise, I stuffed my fists into my pockets and put my head down. I just want to scream at the to leave me the fuck alone, but their too busy trying to find a story to write so they can make money. I was finally at the stairs, I headed for the doors. why do I even have to be here?

You can always come back to me, you know you want the darkness, the black surrounding you .

I do

Than come, fal into me and I'll give you everything.

I don't want to feel this, I want to die, but...

But what?

I'm a fail, I suck so much I can't kill myself.

Yes, you are a failure, but I can always make you feel death, like when your parents died, like in the closet.


"Kayla, wait up!"  Jannetts voice echoed the empty hall. I continued walking as she caught up.

Demi's POV

I was sitting beside Max, John  was here before we were, I was waiting for Kayla, I haven't seen her since her breakdown in the closet. She had passed out from the alcohol. Sophia came in and say her. I told her what happened, and told me how difficult it is for her and her parents death. I hadn't told her about what Kayla told me, the words echoing in my head again, "I'm glad their dead". 

Just than the door opened and Kayla walked in, she looked the same as she did the last time she was in here, as if nothing happened inbetween, poor baby. She walked to her seat, Sophia following, smiling at me.

"All rise." We stood up as the judge walked in.

"Good morning, everyone," she said as we took our seats, "I have made my descision. We will start with Mr. John Tilson, your liscense will be suspended for a year, and your charged $1500 for driving under the influence of alcohol, Mr. Max Wilson will me charged $1000 for reckless driving, as for Ms.Demetria Lovato  I am putting you as the legal gurdian of Ms. Kayla McGrath. I have gotten all the papers ready, I've talk to your doctors as well as Ms. McGraths social worker, Ms. Sophia Jannett and her doctor. It is only a matter of signing papers." She announced, and my world seem to be shining with rainbows. 

I looked over at Kayla, who didn't seem to be paying attention, I still smied at her, Kayla I am going to help you through this. This is the best day, this is the best surprise I've gotten. I looked at Sophia who gave me a smile. 

Today is going to be a life changing day for Kayla and I.

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