So it Goes

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Authors Note:

I know Ive been a bite MIA lately and Im super sorry for that (insert puppy face). I just wanted to day thank you for being there guys, and thank you for not loosing hope. I seriously mean it guys the comment and the support it really does blossum the flowers. 

Here is the next chapter and I really do hope you guys enjoy it leave comments down bottum about anything, and fan me up if you havn't yet (it means a lot) and don't forget to vote if you want more of this story. You guys are all awesome



Demi's POV 

NOOOOOOOooooooooo! I thought. "No. No. no." Thats all that came out. Kayla, a girl who saved my life, and I could not do the same fore her. What did I do? Orphan her, make her risk her life for me, and then what? watch her kill herself.  Is this what it really is? I need to see. See her body. I began taking weak steps to where Kayla jumped off.

"Hey! Demi, did you find her?" I heard Sophia yell from behind.  I stopped in my footsteps, immediatly i stopped in my steps over come by hoplesness as I dropped to my knees. "Demi!" I heard Sophia's voice fading away from me, even though I knew she is right by my side. Everything seemed in a distance, like I was in a trance, lost in a time. Paused at the very moment before Kayla jumped, before she took her own life, before I had completely and utterly failed her. Pause. Rewind. Play. A cycle that continuously played in my head, trying to find a way that things could have turned differently. What if I had never walked close to Kayla? What if I did things differently? If only I was faster.

"Kayla?" I heard those five letters, that one name and I am taken back to the roof out of my mind, and back to this hard reality I need to face and stop pausing at that very time.

"What?"  I choked out, it sounded like a dying ostrich.

"Where is she? Kayla?" She asked again.

I felt them, it was like a herd of buffalo. You know they are coming from the sound, the way the ground shakes. That is exactly how it happened. I only felt my ground shake, and I knew very well that it is happening, a herd of tears ran down my face. I weaklt forced my hand up pointing to where Kayla once stood. 

I couldn't look at her face, I just looked forward instead. Thinking, imagining, hoping.

Sophia's POV

I looked at Demi, bursting to tears. Lost and confused until she points straight ahead, to nowhere. I looked even more confused. I walked to where she was pointing, looking to the sky for moment, and turned around to see Demi still pointing her finger to where I stand now.  "Demi, what am I suppose to be looking at?" I asked with all these emotions inside. Worry, confusion, concern, all adding up to frusteration.

"She-" She sobbed, "she, she did it. She jumped."

As she said that, everything seemed to have disappeared, the floor, the birds singing in the back, the sky, Demi. It was just me, like waking up from a bad dream only to realize you are alone. But I'm not. I'm here standing on a floor, I can hear the birds, I feel the air in the sky , I know Demi is sitting there drained, like I am. 

No, she isn't dead, she's alive. Kayla, no she would never. But she did. I have to see. These were the thoughts that raced through my head as I turned around to face the last thing Kayla would have seen. 

Demi's POV

I held my breathe, just held it like a child in a tantrum. I could not take it, through the glossy eyes I looked at Sophia. The frusteration, to the shock, to the horror, then to disbelief, and now finally she is about to do, what I am so afraid of doing. Looking at the body of the fifteen year olds.  The body of a girl that stood only a few minutes ago. The way her black hair battled with the wind as she turned to look at me. The way she smiled as if finally discovering the key to freedom. But most of all, what has and will always haunt me are those eyes. Those were the eyes of a dying soul already buried inside the earth. The eyes that have closed the coffin to life, and like a shell lived on without the soul. 

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