When Two Worlds Collide

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Demi's POV

"Have a seat", Sophia said. I was in her office, she called me over to talk about Kayla, now that I am her official legal gurdian, I had just signed the papers. Sophia said there still are some formalties first. 

"Sophia, whats up?" I asked her smiling. She returned the smile.

"I am really glad Kayla is going to get someone ike you to look after her especially after all of the things she's been through." she said happily with a hint of sadness to her voice. 

:Aw, thank your really sweet, and Kayla she's such a beautiful young soul, and lossing her parents....I just want to help her in anyway I can." I said.

"Well Demi, I am really glad. I just need to go through some...events in Kayla's life that I feel you really need to be aware about." She said, I nodded as she took out a file, a big file with Kayla's name written on it. The file was as big as an encyclopedia. Oh boy, this better be good.

"Well first things first, Kayla lives...lived with her parents Mr. and Mrs. McGrath, in the city Brampton. That is basically was her family. The thing about Kayla is that she came from avery dysfunctional family. Her mom, was an alcoholic and prescription medication addict, she had also lost several jobs, her father under our suspision was abusive towards Kayla, although Kayla herself has no said so. We have seen signs of abuse but did not have solid evidence of abuse, and so we couldn't pull her out of the home. That's a little history of Kayla's parents. Well that is all we could find out about them." She said.

"You would probably like to know more about Kayla, well she is a very intelligent and beautiful young lady. But she has her problems, which is what I would like to talk about with you. Kayla is the type of child that blocks the world out of their way and just trys to survivr each day. She isn't great with making friends, infact her teachers have described her as quite and lonley. School isn't the best place for her, she is failing a few classes, lacks attendance, and has been suspended several times as well. She gets into fights, which is the main cause." Sophia finished.

I sat there shocked, "Um, wow. That's a lot to take in, is there anything else I need to know?" I asked.

"Well there is obviously more but I can;t talk about that with you."

"Oh, okay."

"Well, I know you have postponed your concert to next month due to the circumstences so you will be staying here, and I am hoping during that month I can help you two settle in and get comfortable with eachother." She said smiling.

"yes, and that will be great, and I was also hoping if I can take Kayla home today."

"Well, I totally agree with you, how about you two officailly meet. Demi I think your goingt o be grat for her, I mean we couldn't get her to open the door, but you did in seconds and calmed her down. It is amazing how easily you made room into her life." She said.

" Thank you Sophia, but I et you still know her better." I said as we headed for Kayla's room.

"We took the locks off her room, "she said.

Kayla's POV

What do you want to feel, Kayla my dear.

I want pain, I hate feeling so numb inside, I hate this.

I will take you, I will make you feel pain. I dare you to paint a picture. Use the brush, and paint the lines that show how you want feel, let out everything through these strokes. Keep going make it vivd make it show you Kayla. Let the red drip all the way through your paper. How does it feel Kayla, it feels good doesn't. I know you love this release. I can give you more. Let me into your cold heart and twisted soul and show me what you painted.

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