Chapter 69

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Ian's POV

Our eyes were extremely wide and I could tell Anthony began to become pissed off. "The fuck you doing here?" He spat as his and David's eyes met. David was holding a small bouquet of  roses in his hands and his eyes were as wide as mine.

I couldn't move at all, Anthony's hand was basically in my intestines and I could feel that it was in an angry fist. David's hands were beginning to shake as he held the large roses. "What's.. going on.." David whispered as he walked a step closer.

Anthony let out a shudder as he continued to keep his hand in a fist. "J-Just leave!" Anthony yells at him, eyeing his arm a couple times. David gulped as he continued to hold the roses. "U-Umm.. I'll.. just.. leave these here." David mumbled as he hesitantly walked to the desk, laying the roses down.

He started to bite his lip as he eyed me a couple times, sweat constantly letting small drops slide off my cheeks. I was beginning to feel uncomfortably with him here. "Is your whole hand inside of him?" David whispered, chewing his lip. Anthony shuddered once more as he moved his hand around, causing myself to twitch a bit. "Yes, why?" Anthony said awkwardly.

David confidently slid his hand onto my thigh as he squeezed it gently. "God.. you're lucky." He mumbled to Anthony, did he think I was deaf?!

He slid his hand down and began rubbing my inner thigh, Anthony's hand began shaking from anger that was building inside him. "Stop touching him." Anthony mumbled angrily. David bit his lip as he slid his finger onto Anthony's hand. "Hmm.. Ian do you think you can fit one more?" David whispered, rubbing his hand onto my inner thigh again. Anthony's eyes bulged with anger. "Excuse me?" He said, insulted by him trying to touch me.

David smirked slightly as he faced his palm to the ceiling, sliding his hand down to start adding it on top of Anthony's hand. "A-Anthony!" I cried at him as David began pushing the tips of his fingers in, pushing down on my shoulder. Anthony started zoning out as he stared at me, not moving a muscle as David continued to push his hand in.

I soon felt his four fingers being pushed almost as deep as Anthony's were, it was burning harshly. "Anthony!" I screeched at him, he quickly shook his head and looked over as his eyes widened. "What the hell?!" He yelled as I let out a yell of pain as David shoved his whole fist in. "S-Stop! Please!" I whimpered, feeling my eyes becoming glossy. I shakily reached my arms up to try and push him away. He began pulsing his hand as he pushed in even deeper than Anthony. Anthony quickly used his other hand to slap David straight in the face.

"Get the fuck out of my boyfriends ass." He snapped, pulling his free hand into a fist. "I will fucking kill you." He continued. David had an uncertain tone on his face as he yanked his hand out, causing me to exhale with somewhat relief yet wince from the harsh pain. Anthony stayed where he was as David walked out, I could feel the satisfaction radiating off of him as he closed the door.

Anthony looked over at me with a sad expression as he started moving his hand around. "Baby.. I'm so sorry." He whispered, leaning over to kiss my cheek as he pushed his hand deeper. "I didn't mean for that to get out of hand." He continued to whisper, going over to kiss my nose. "Are you okay?" He whispered once more before placing a small peck to my lips.

I slightly opened my eyes and turned my head to look up at him. "I'm alright." I whisper back to him as he began to pull his hand out, stroking my hair with his free hand. "David will die the next time I see him trying to take you away from me." He mumbled into my ear, gently kissing the side of my head. "I won't let him touch you." He whispered, closing his eyes.

I looked down at my lap and furrowed my eyebrows, adjusting my hips, closing my eyes tightly. "I-It's hurting." I whispered as it began stinging hard. He slowly pulled his hand out to see his palm smeared with blood. "F-Fuck." He mumbled, closing his eyes. "Ian, baby. Listen to me." He mumbled, quickly moving over to me. "Close your eyes and bite down on this." He continued to mumble as he picked up a pen, pushing it long ways into my mouth. "Not too hard." He whispered as he stepped back, reaching over to grab a small white rag. "Look at me." He whispered, giving me an assuring smile. And I looked at him, then hell began.

Eww a short chapter! I'm sorry it took so long, schools a poopy thing. But I'll update more, this was basically a rushed chapter but it'll get better. Fuq you David, nobody touches bb Ian.

StepBrothers -Ianthony ~ (BoyXBoy) ~Where stories live. Discover now