A Caring Boyfriend

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"Ugh! Stupid exams!" I groaned, mumbling.

"(Y/N)? Come with me and sleep, you need some time out!"

"Thank you so much Harry, but no, I'm totally fine." I told him with a big smile and sneezed.

"You're not feeling well..?" He asked me in surprise.

"Harry I'm okay." I said, trying to assure him.

"No you're not! Look at your nose, its red as a small tomato and you're continuously sneezing. You need some rest and a medicine (y/n)." He said, getting all protective.

"No seriously I won't sneeze again, look?" I told him and he watched me with patience, waiting for me to sneeze.

After a second,

*sneeze (two times in a row)*

"Okay that was a coincidence!" I said, smiling awkwardly.

"No it wasn't (y/n) and you know that, now come on eat this medicine so that you can feel better."

"I don't want it Harry." I denied as I shook my head in disapproval.

"You do!" He argued.

"No I don't!"

"Yes you do!"

"No I don't!"

"Yes you DO" he said emphasizing on the word 'do'.

I stared at him with a puppy dog face while sniffing.

"Here you go.. " He said politely. I took it and gulped it with a glass of water and smiled at him, making him smile back.

"That's my girl" He chanted and gave me a big grin.

"Now come and get some sleep, please you need rest or else you won't be able to give the exam." He said while kneeling down in front of my chair and kissing the back of my hand.

"You need rest (y/n)!" He got up and picked me up in a bridal style.

"Harry please let me down! I need to study!" I protested while sniffing.

"No, you need rest. Your health is more important than a test!" He scolded me.

My eyes started to fill with water because I was having a flu and a headache, which didn't let me study further. I had an exam on the day after tomorrow and I had only learned merely half of my given syllabus.

"Come on (y/n) it's just a matter of time, when you'll get better after having rest and some sleep, you can study more with a fresh mind".

I stared at him for a second as he placed me on the bed and hopped beside me. I leaned into a hug, a big warm hug which can make me feel better. Which has always worked in making me feel better.

He slightly chuckled and tightened his grip around my waist.

"Thank you Harry" I whispered and he smiled.

"I love you" He suddenly said which made me blush.

He kissed me on my forehead as I smiled shyly. He lifted my chin up so that I can look up at him but I looked away from his gaze as I was shy and nervous around him all the time.

"I love you" He repeated again with a big grin.

"I love you too.." I answered which came out in a whisper.

He smiled and hugged me again and I returned the huge hug to him with the same amount of force. He was right, that I needed sleep so as I closed my eyes, on the rhythm of his heart beat and slept peacefully, still in his grip.

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