Requested Imagine: Enemies Forever

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When you used to be in middle school, you could not imagine a life, without enemies and bullies and same goes with me. Everyday you go to school there would be one little monster who makes your life hell. That one child either takes away your lunch box or sticks a paper of 'Kick Me' in your back because of which everyone calls you a loser.

In my life that monster used to be little Harry Styles. That little naughty kid who used to act like a Prince in front of teachers and kicks you in your butt when they're not around.

But at that time you were little children, you never ever ever imagined that in Highschool you'd be popular and people would stare at you when you walked through the corridors. All the children from Middle School remembered your bickering, your little fights, those little complaints to the teacher and little pranks during schools and when you came into Highschool you were the popular 'Girl' and popular 'Boy'. Everyone used to taunt you about the past in Middle School and what if the past will be repeated in Highschool too.

You met in the corridor and all of the students were staring at you both like you're gonna kill each other.

"Look whose here, the girl who used to wear glasses larger than her face.." and those people who knew us both from Middle school started laughing and the ones who didn't knew ooooed.

"Lies, lies, lies 24/7". You said while rolling your eyes and changing your standing position.

"Attitude, attitude, attitude 24/7". He said in a mocking tone.

"I felt so special until I saw you talk to everyone like that.." said while narrowing my eyes at him.

Everyone oooed again. Making Harry speechless.

"Every smoker has a story, so before you tell them the smoking skills, want you to know that something is already killing them." He said as he gulped hard and made you regret saying what you said, so he started to move away from there.

"How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you." You said in a low voice so that only Harry could understand. He turned around and stared right into my eyes and smirked. You were like 'Oh shit'. You felt butterflies in my stomach although you hated Harry a lot.

You brushed the feeling away and tried to focus. But you couldn't control yourself so you let these words out.

"Maybe one day we'll meet again, when we'll be different people and then we'll be better for each other."

After that day, neither did you mocked him nor he taunted you. You both went on your separate ways and when you used to make eye contact and look at each other you both used to keep the eye contact.

Because you looked at each other more than just... Normal people.

Harry was like the kind of person, that if he hated someone he would hate that person forever and he would taunt and bully that person. But we both used to hate each other and you assumed that you'd be enemies for like ever. But you were prooved wrong, people used to tell you and gave you directions that you and Harry would be together. You'd be in relation and that you guys were made for each other.

To be honest your brain told you that this wasn't gonna happen. If this happened you would jump off the cliff. But your heart had hope, and your heart used to tell that if you're not gonna be together then you can jump off the cliff.

But deep down you knew Harry, he was a good person inside and out. Okay you had to say that. That the person he loved, he would devote himself to her. He would do all of the things that made her happy, that would make her feel special.

The problem was 'The People'. They wanted some action, some fights, some pranks. They wanted us to remain enemies for their entertainment, for their joy. It wasn't your intention of being popular because of your hatred towards each other you became popular. The actions you took when you used to be Middle School made you guys popular and now it was a great risk of losing your self-respect.

You both couldn't risk yourself in danger. So you both decided to keep your relation hidden. Harry proposed you to be his Girl Friend because of which you guys decided to keep your relation hidden. You were so happy and as they say, listen to your heart always, but definitely take your brain with you.

But in front of the people, you wouldn't stop bickering and complaining about each other. You kept the people entertained. Soon it was becoming difficult for you guys to hide your relationship. There used to be stalkers and hackers. There were some people who had the idea of you both being in a relation. Of course you both loved each other but you couldn't bully and mock each other the way you did before. Feelings change people.

In front of people you remained like 'The sideway glance that was accidentally thrown into your direction would instantly be perceived by your hopeful heart as him trying to catch a glimpse of you when you think you don't notice'.

Things couldn't work out in your relationship. When you kept the people entertained, some things you said made Harry hurt and some things he said made you hurt. Because of which you both had fights. Your passion of loving him was so intense that sometimes you forgot that there's a whole world out there waiting to catch a glimpse of your face.

Not even the entire English language would explain the rush you get in your veins when you heard girls talking bad and good about Harry. They got a hint of you standing by him, because actions speak louder than words.

But Harry was so into fame and being famous that he forgot to give you time. You indirectly made him think that he was not giving you time but he didn't have a clue about it. The way you used to be when you saw him, how your eyes lit up, how you felt butterflies in your stomach and how how blushed when he commented you. Harry could never see that nor feel that.

He made you feel that you were a burden for him but deep down you still had hope and you thought that he was tensed because of the people saying bad things and good things about you because of which he was acting weird. But that's only what you knew and felt.

"Never push a loyal person to a point where they no longer give a fuck!" You shouted at Harry. You both were having a fight.

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought you meant what you promised. Silly me!" Harry shouted sarcastically.

"Yes Harry, I promised to stand by your side and love you. But you make me feel like I am burden to you." You said while keeping yourself from crying.

I broke up with Harry.

"I fell in love with your flaws, but you left me because of mine." Those were the last words he said and then you both left.

You were sad because you wanted another chance.

He was sad because his heart got broke.

Then he became your ex-boyfriend and your true enemy. Not the one who bullied you but the one who made you feel you don't belong to this world.

People used to say for us,

"She's pretending like she doesn't miss you and he's pretending like he doesn't care. Ego is hell of a drug."

But this wasn't ego, this was hatred. Which he felt towards me, and this was hatred which I felt for myself.

And then again you both stood in front of each other, and said the same words.

"And maybe one day we'll meet again, when we'll be different people, maybe then we'll be better for each other."

Hello everyone, hope you're all doing well. Oh jeez, I literally cried when I wrote this imagine I don't know why. Apart from that today's the New Year night and I am so happy that 2017 is here. May all of us enjoy our life with happiness and prosperity. Best wishes for you guys.

Anyways this imagine was requested by joaneverth. Thanks for requesting this imagine and I hope it's jusy the way you requested.

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