It's Prank Time!

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Me and my best friends were having a sleepover tonight, so we decided to go to the grocery store for buying some snacks and stuff for tonight. I was standing on the pavement beside my car, waiting for my best friend to get out of the car so I can lock it.

"Would you mind hurrying up?" I asked her in an annoyed tone.

"Just a minute!" She said. She was shuffling and finding something in her purse.

"What are you looking for?" 

"My card?! I don't have it?!" She said in a complaining voice.

"I have mine so it's fine Mavis?" I told her while assuring her.

"No it's not okay?! I have to find it right now!" She argued.

"Listen, I will buy the stuff okay? You don't have to buy it!" I said.

After she kept shuffling in her purse for one complete minute she finally found her card.

"AH! FINALLY!" She said with a deep breath.

"Okay come on then let's go."

"Hey listen (y/n)?"

I turned back, finding her evilly smirking at me.


"I was finding my card because I had to buy a wonderful and amazing perfume which I saw yesterday at the store. Since, you've said that you'll buy the stuff? I'm happy that you tagged along with me!" She started laughing.

"Screw you!" I muttered as I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Come on let's get going!" So we started walking towards the grocery store.

As we were passing through the Grocery Store towards the entrance door, I caught a reflection of me in the mirror and I huffed.

"I'm having a particularly bad hair day.." I whined.

"Why what happened?" My friend asked me.

"I can't do anything with it, everything I tried looks awful!" I pursed my lips.

"Yeah, you're lucky that you have a pretty face.."

"Awwww...thanks, wait what?!" I looked at her, startled.

"Just kidding, your hair looks great!" She said while rolling her eyes.

"I would take it as a compliment.." I said and we entered the store.

*In The Grocery Store*

As we were going through the lane of cookies, my friend stopped and spotted the brand of her favourite cookies.

"Oooh, [Brand] cookies are on sale, two packs for $2.90! That's a pack each!" She chanted.

"We can't eat a pack each of cookies" 

We paused and stared at each other for a moment.

"Okay we can eat a pack each of cookies, but we shouldn't." So my friend smirked and added the pack of her favourite cookies in the cart.

We were passing through the lanes of vegetables and fruits and juices and all when I glanced at my best friend who had a downer look on her face.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I was wondering, what if the bottle of my favourite perfume which I saw yesterday isn't there?" 

"I wish that it wouldn't be there.. after what you did to me earlier.." Laughing as she narrowed her eyes on me.

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