Harry Read It!!!!!

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"Lydia!!!! Lydiaaa!!!" I screamed my best friend's name.

"What happened y/n relaxx!!" She said while calming me down as she came from the kitchen.

"Guess what happened?!" I asked her in excitement as I was jumping like a monkey everywhere in my house.

"Harry read your DM on Instagram?" She said with a smirk with her hands crossed against her chest.

I had no words to say, I was speechless.  .how did she know that?

"Yyeesssssss!!!" I squealed and shouted with happiness and kept jumping around my house.

"Ah my stupid Best Friend, I'm so happy for you.. " I heard her mutter and suddenly I came running towards her and gave her big hug as we both fell on the couch. We were laughing like idiots.

"Lydia I can't believe it..  I can't believe it. It's been one week when I sent him a DM and and he finally read it... Aaah... I was losing hope... " I said as my heart broke a little on the last sentence but I was still so much happy that Harry Edward Styles the member of the famous boy band One Direction has finally read the DM of a common girl and a big fan of his, Y/N.

"I understand you, I mean you know at first I was thinking that you might be crazy that you sent him a DM I mean, he's a very big famous singer and why would he read a DM of you specially because they're are so many other fans out their too.. " She said with a sigh.

"You have a point, but I think I believe in miracles now Lydia I mean, I don't care if he didn't reply me or whatever but at least he took time out to read my crazy DMs.. " I said with a chuckle.

"Yeah you're right. " She said with a smile.

"Umm... I wanna ask you something.. " I said with a frown.

"Yeah sure.. "

"How did you know that I was happy because Harry read my DM on Instagram?" I asked her as she was totally blank.

"Aaa... II... I don't know cause that was the most prominent thing here I mean see for yourself, whenever you woke up you always checked that what if he read your DMs so I thought maybe that was the reason. " She admitted sincerely.

"Aww.. Lydia thank you very much for believing that one day.. This would happen." I said as I give her a side hug.

"You know what, I didn't believe that this would ever happen in your whole life..  At first, but today, I see that anything can happen to anyone.. " She said

"Yeah you're so right, I didn't believe it either but I didn't lose hope.. "

"Hmm... Sooo... Who's gonna give me a treat." She said with a smirk.

"Treat? For what? " I asked.

"Seriously y/n you are giving us treat because of what happened today with you... " She said as she pushed me on the sofa playfully.

"Haha okay okay Lydia, I will give you  hungry guys a treat.." I said while laughing.

"Much better. " she said.

"Crazy. "

"Idiot. "

"Fool. "


"Stupid. "

"Jerk. " and we kept bickering like idiots.

"Okay so tell me one thing y/n?" Lydia asked me as she stood up to go in the kitchen.

"Yeah sure anything. "

"What crazy DMs were you always sending to him everytime? " She asked me with a laugh.

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