That's How I feel With My Best Friend

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Harry and I were best friends. We loved each other, we laughed at each other, We danced together we walked together, we teased each other, we mocked each other and we did a lot of fun things together. No one felt comfortable enough when we were together. We had our secret jokes and we preferred to keep them secret because when explained to someone, they would without thinking anything just kick us into the mental asylum. Even when we were dating someone else, we always came back to each other. We just always be ourselves whenever we're together and it felt comfortable.

Today we had a Barbeque night with our other friends and we were going there together as always. I was putting on my mascara when a sound of a horn came in touch with my ears and I instantly recognized that it was Harry's. I smiled delightly and observed myself once in the mirror and left. 

After rushing down the stairs I opened the door and saw Harry standing beside the car with his head lifted upwards with his eyes closed. I trudged beside him and he was still standing like that as if he didn't knew that I was gonna scare him by screaming in his ears and as soon as I came closer to his ears and as I was about to scream, he yawned, opening his mouth wide and then,


"OH MY GOD! My ears..Seriously (y/n)!" He said with panic and bewilderment.

I was busy laughing so hard at his shocked expressions that I fell down and kept laughing as he was watching me with his eyes narrowed.

"You should've seen you face Harry!" I said while laughing.

"Yeah well I got unlucky because I don't have any mirror.." He said while throwing his arms in the air.

"Hahaha.. You looked hilarious when you were shocked.." I said while laughing and he kept looking at me with his eyes narrowed.

"Aargh! Seriously you have a very high-pitched shrieks... " He said while covering his ear.

I stopped laughing and looked at him. I kept staring him with my eyes narrowed.


"I don't have a high-pitched voice..!" I said.

"I said shrieks not voice genius, now get up and let's go or we'll be late"  He said while standing straight in front of me as he gestured me to get up.

"I'm not gonna get up until you say sorry.." I said as I crossed my arms and made a childish pout.

"What? For what exactly?" He said with a frown.

"Oh don't play innocent with me you..!" I said while rolling my eyes.

"What? Seriously (y/n)? Get up!" He said with a chuckle.

"I said I won't until you say sorry.." 

He looked at me with a straight face and I also looked at him with a straight face.

"What?" I snapped.

No response, he was still looking at me with a straight face.

"Oh am I that beautiful? I know right?.." I said while smiling and gesturing.

Suddenly he burst into laughter and laughed while he kept hands on his stomach.

"Oh my god (y/n) you know you're hilarious. Now get up or we'll be late." He said with a grin and a chuckle.

"Ugh! How many time to I have to tell you that I won't get up until..." and suddenly before I could complete my sentence he came and lifted me up on his shoulders.

"Aaaah... Harry! PUT ME DOWN you!.. put me down this instant! This is not funny..!"

"Well it sure looks funny to me.." He said with a chuckle.

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