Harry's Girl

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"Mmm.. " I groaned. Someone was switching behind me.

"Hmmm... " Someone copied from behind me.

My eyes shot open, finding myself cuddled up with Harry Styles.

A smile formed on my face and I couldn't stop blushing. I shifted to my opposite side facing Harry. He had his eyes closed but still he was smiling at me.

"Don't stare at me!" He whined playfully and he was looking so cute.

"I'm not staring at you love, I'm just gazing.. " I said with a grin.

He smiled again.

I'm so lucky to have him by my side..

I thought happily. I looked around the room was dark but a the light of sun was still filling the room. I pushed my covers away and got up, walking towards the curtains and opened them. The whole room was filled with light.

Gazing at Harry he chuckled and pulled the covers on himself.

I laughed and jumped on the bed pushing the covers away from Harry. As I pushed he looked at me with an evil grin and pulled me down so he could kiss me. But suddenly I kept my hand between our lips and he narrowed his eyes playfully at me.

After a minute he pushed me on the bed and hovered over me, pinning my hands on my head and kissed me deeply.

Then he trailed kisses down my neck and every kiss was making me fly in the sky and I was breathless.

"So any plans for today?" He asked.

"I.. Don't think so.. " I whispered.

"Hmm.. Maybe we'll go to Zayn's house. It's been a while since we got together." He said as he stopped kissing me staring at me with his beautiful emerald eyes.

"Yeah, we should go there. I've been missing Mavis a lot." I told him with a grin.

"Haha.. Love birds." Harry said with a chuckle.

"Yeah totally."

As we both were lying on the bed and looking at the roof. Suddenly we both looked at each other.

"I'm going to take the shower first!" We both said in unison and jumped off the bed and started running towards the bathroom.

Suddenly Harry's phone started to ring and I burst into laughter.

"That only means that I'm going first today! Yes!" I chanted.

"Haha okay you get the chance today!" He said and got busy on the phone.


After I came out of shower, Harry was not in the room. Hurrily I changed my clothes and went downstairs.

I went to call Zayn so that we can tell them that we're coming at their house today but when I passed by the living room, I thought I saw two people sitting inside, I came backwards and looked who it was and Fortunately Zayn and Mavis were already here.

They both started laughing and I greeted them.

"So we were actually planning to come today at your place. " I said happily.

"Yeah Harry told me, we were also planning to come at your place but I guess we came first!" Mavis said.

"Yeah that's true. " I said while smiling.

"Boo, do you wanna tell something to Y/N?" Zayn asked Mavis as he placed his hand on his.

They were smiling brightly.

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