The Best Gift!

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 (Y/N)'s P.O.V:

Hey! Harry! Look at me! Come on! Just look up! I'm standing here!

Okay so I was basically standing beside the tree near the cafeteria and I was staring at Harry who was busy in handling some papers with his buddy.

I had a crush on Harry since 5th grade and it was pretty hard for me to forget that it was just, just a childhood crush but under some circumstances I thought that it can't be a childhood crush because everybody knew that I liked Harry a lot. 

I was in highschool and it's such a big coincidence that you're studying with your classmate who's been with you since 5th grade, without getting separated you've been with each other in every condition whether it's sad or filled with happiness.

We haven't talked much since we came to highschool because we made other friends and got busy with our lives.

But the main thing is, that everybody knew that we liked each other but the thing is, we didn't know that. I didn't knew that Harry also had a crush on me and he didn't knew that I had a crush on him because we always thought each other as a friend who's always there for you. 

My Birthday was coming this week and all of my friends were getting excited and always taking permissions for a big party at their house and a night full of enjoyment but I never loved being surrounded by crowd but I loved myself to be left alone. So I of course said no.

All I kept wondering was what will Harry give me on my Birthday. I expected too much from him because he was very close to me and of course the person who's close to you and also has a crush on you, so you expect much from him. 

My friends kept annoying me that Harry will confess his love for me and stuff like that which was impossible. I mean that was what I thought because he was my friend only and he must have girlfriend of course since he's very popular. There were thousand girls out there and what could he possibly find in me after which he'll choose me as his girlfriend. But still deep down I went nervous and hoped what if he does?

As I stood staring at Harry and spaced out in my thoughts, I felt someone nudged me hard.

"Well hello, look who's busy in what?" Stacey blurted out with a chuckle.

"Huh?! What?" I said while I came back to my thoughts.

"Oh did I disturbed you? Sorry!" She mumbled loud enough for me to hear it.

"So, what's up?" I said with a sigh as I stared back at Harry but he was gone already. He was not there.

"Nothing, Oh come on (y/n)! Please let us arrange a party for you although it's so awkward asking the birthday girl for arranging a party for her but still.." She said as she rolled her eyes in annoyment.

"No way Stacey, you know I don't love to be surrounded by so many people and in fact I don't wanna trouble you guys either." I said with a deep breath.

"This is not right, if Harry was arranging a party for you, you would do nothing but start panicking and getting ready for the party from morning and you'd be excited you know, being there first!" She said sarcastically with her one eyebrow arched up.

"Stacy you know that's impossible." I said, slightly blushing.

"Yeah right, it's all written on your face." She said while narrowing her eyes on me.

"Stop annoying me with his thoughts, he's just a friend and that's it. Nothing more and nothing less!" I said while raising my voice because I was nervous.

"Okay calm down, calm down!" She said while gesturing with her hands.

"Let's go or else we'll be late for our class." I said while holding my bag closer to me and after that we walked to our classroom and settled on our seats.

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