Please Don't Go (Requested Imagine)

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Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes
But is the only thing that I know..

When it gets hard,
You know it can get hard sometimes
But is the only thing that makes us feel alive...


I was so excited for today, because I'm finally going on date with Harry. It's a been a while since we got together like this because he's usually very busy in his career and stuff. .

I was sitting and waiting for Harry in the restaurant he told me to come. 10 minutes have passed and still he's not here. I let out a frustrated breath and check my phone for any missed calls or messages but there were none. I kept staring at our picture together on my phone and smiled when I remembered that moment.

"Where are you?" I mumbled deep in thought when a waiter came and asked me for the champagne. I nodded in response and he poured it in my class and there I was alone on the table drinking champagne.

Music was being played in distance. I shut my eyes and made temple a of my fingers still waiting for him. He wasn't here yet.

As I was still wondering and waiting for Harry. Someone kissed me on the back of my neck. I gasped and my eyes flew open when I saw Harry smiling at me. My mouth turned up into a big smile and I blushed when Harry wrapped his arms around me and kissed me again on my forehead.

He made his way to the chair in front of me and settled.

"Did you wait long? I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.." He told me while relaxing on his chair.

"Oh no it's totally fine. I just got here." I replied with a smile.

He chuckled and opened his mouth to stay something when the waiter came again and asked if we both wanted some champagne. We both nodded in response and the waiter poured it in our glasses.

I was about to take a sip when Harry held his glass in the air when he said "Cheers." I did the same.

"So.. it's been a while... Since we've got together like this." I said while I spun my glass of champagne.

"Yes it's been a while...." He admitted.

After a minute of silence he finally spoke.

"That dress looks great on you." He bolstered his confidence and put it on ease.

"Uh..Thanks.." I tittered.

"You're nervous?" He asked as he quirked his brow at me sending chills down my spine. I was always nervous around Harry, because first we didn't get along much second he's very cute.

"Uh.. A little. But I'm okay." I said with a shrug.

"Okay...well... Umm.. " He trailed off as his expressions hardened on his face.

"Yes what is it?" I asked him politely.

"Uh... What?" He said with a puzzled look.

"Uh.. I thought.. That... Umm.. Never mind so.. "

"Let's order something.. What do you wanna eat?" He asked while cutting me off. He handed me the menu and I started looking.

After ordering our dinner, we started talking about stuff we did on weekends and all. Soon the waiter came with our order.

"Here you go sir.. " He said with low grunt as he kept all the food in front of us.

"Thank you very much." Harry and I both thanked him.

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