Requested Imagine: The Bully

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~Sometimes it's not the people who
change, but the masks that fall off~

The day before yesterday was bad, yesterday was worse and I can tell that today's day will be the worst. It's only been 3 three days and I already have a bully The Great and The nastiest of all Harry Styles.. He is the highschool's most naughtiest bully and I cannot stay a second with him, near him, in front of him. Even behind him... Deal with it.

I didn't want to go to school today, because of him I cannot think about focusing on my studies. He is always bullying me about my hair, my family, my friends and that hurts me really bad. When you hear something bad about your loved ones it really hurts you. But I was too afraid too say something or stand for myself even because he was popular, had many friends, and he was the lifeline of all the girls. If I said anything I couldn't afford to live with the hatred by majority of the people towards me. So I was standing on a line of completely breaking out or how much I can bear with this misery.

We've been together since 5th grade but when we became Freshmans, he completely changed, referring to the bullying.

Whenever I walked from the corridors I heard his friends picking up on me and calling me by weird names.. But Harry never called me with weird names he would bully me for my friends and family. He would stuck his foot out and make me fall on the ground, he would interrupt me while I talked to my friends which was really annoying.

Today I was invited to a beach party and I was going there with my friends. They always supported me and told me to stay strong and don't let Harry get to you. I wore a beautiful dress and when I went to that party everyone complimented me on my dress. I really loved it. But then there was Harry and his friends. They are always there to criticize and make my day worse whenever I am happy.

I saw him coming towards my way, my friend patted my on my back and gave me an encouraging smile. I can do this.

"Why are you here?" he asked me with an angry look.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't understand a simple question?" He replied sarcastically.

"Are you serious? Since when did I needed your permission to come in a party?"

He remained silent and glared at me.

I started walking part him when he stuck his foot out and I fell.

"Stay where you are, at the bottom." He said and those words broke my heart again. Everyone was staring at me and I was really embarrassed.

I got up and left the party and immediately went to a restroom while tears kept streaming down my face. All of my mascara was ruined. I still heard Harry's laugh in my head and his words were roaming inside my head. He said I was too sensitive and I should be strong but he always put me down and it felt like he didn't want me to be happy.

But then my friends came in and encouraged me to fight for myself. Not let a naughty and nasty guy like Harry bully me or hurt me. I went outside, put on a smile and continued partying. We made eye contact and I can tell that he will do something like earlier, again.

He was standing in a short distance behind me and I heard him making cutting remarks for my friend. My heart sunk and now this was off the boundaries.. I turned around and he saw me. I went towards him grabbed his arm and took him to the side with less crowd.

"What the hell are you doing? Take your hands off of me!" He hissed angrily.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked him sternly.

"What's wrong with you?" He emphasized on the word you and brushed off his clothes.

"Does hurting me makes you perfect?"

"You're being sensitive.." He interrupted.

"I am not being sensitive, this is called fighting for yourself!" I argued back.

We gained attention of some people.

"Does bullying me makes you happy?"

He kept staring at me blankly.

"Because of you putting me down everytime I try to work things out I lack confidence. But now I cannot stand it anymore."

He looked here and there to check if anyone's looking at us. As soon as I opened my mouth to say something. He kissed me. My heart skipped a beat and pushed him away.

We kept staring at each other, and he held my hand.

"I won't stop bullying you."

Now I understand why he did it. I briefly smiled and went back to partying. He did the same.

Hello folks, and oh my god it's been a very long time since I updated another chapter and came to see you, but it's all because of CHOCO_BE Mr. Po. Thank you for requesting another short story and I hope you like it. I also hope this story is just like you wanted.

Definitely leave comments and vote, because this is means a lot to an author.
All the love -H :)

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