Chapter 7- Liam

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Im so confused. I think I have a crush on Bridgit but then at the same time, I want to strangle her. She is so annoying, rude, pushy. But she's also beautiful, artistic, creative, and sometimes (when she wants to be) nice. I guess I have a crush on her. Nothing more, nothing less.

But the problem is, If I want to do anything about my crush, I can't. I'm pretty dang sure that Niall likes her too.

I really dont know if he knows that I like her. I mean obviously he wouldn't act on his crush. Because we're mates and as the American's say "Bros before hoes".

I wouldn't really call Bridgit a hoe, though. From what I've heard, she hasn't had many boyfriends.

Anyways, me and the lads are still at Bridgits. Its about, 10 AM. Paul said he was going to go get some more body guards and the van. He left about 20 minutes ago. And judging by the amount of screaming girls outside, i'd say he wont be here for a bit.

Zayn is still asleep. Louis is helping Bridgit make breakfast, though I don't think he's much help. Harry is in the shower and Niall and I are watching Friends.

As Ross was telling Rachel that they were-for sure-on a break, I heard a yelp and then a pan being dropped.

Me and Niall both jumped up and ran into the kitchen. Bridgit was cradling her hand, while the frying pan, with bacon falling off of the sides, was laying down at her feet. Her face was screwed up in pain.

"Holy shit, what happened?" I said while rushing to her side.

"Uhhg..the pan. me." She said wincing

I quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her upstairs to fix her hand. I felt her being pulled away and turned around to see Niall holding her hand over the sink.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Niall, let me freaking take her upstairs and fix her hand with the first aid kit." I said annoyed

"No, no its okay. I can do it." Niall said

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Hey I'll do it" Louis said, speaking for the first time

"NO" Me and Niall yelled simultaneously

Louis backed out of the room with hos hands up in surrender.

"Niall, just let me do it" I said sternly

"No, Liam. Let ME do it" Niall said through gritted teeth

"Niall, just let m-"

"Oh my gosh! I'll take care of my own freaking hand!" Bridgit yelled, interrupting me.

She ran upstairs to where I assume her first aid kit was.

"What the hell Liam!?" Niall said glaring at me. Man, if looks could kill..I would be dead 10 times over.

"What the hell, me? NO! What the hell, YOU!?" I yelled

"Whats your problem, mate?" Niall asked

"Nothing. Whats yours?" I asked mimicking him

"I like her!" He said looking down

"Yeah? Well back off. She's mine."

And with that, I walked out. Before Niall even got to say anything back.


Hey hey hey!

So I've been thinking...I'm gonna start making goals for you Ninjas.

Okay, I'll start out small. 8 votes on this chapter, for the next chapter. Sound good?

And if you dont reach the goal by...Sunday, then I'll still update Sunday. K?

Love you :)


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