Chapter 8

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I didn't want to add any celebrities that I think could play each of the original characters apart from Logan Lerman as I didn't think that a lot of people would agree with who I chose. I also didn't really know who to choose so if you have any suggestions you can leave it in the comments if you want. Should I add cast members for the other characters or just leave them as fanart?


It was now the day of capture the flag. We had looked for Maddie for an hour before just giving up and going back to the cabin. As I had expected, the cabin was packed and only half of the people that lived in the cabin were there. The rest were walking around camp or on a quest. Nothing much really happened at dinner either apart from the fact that Chiron introduced Percy to the rest of camp. Everyone seemed shocked. He apparently had something to do with a prophecy that everyone had been waiting for.

We all sat around the camp fire after dinner, which I was guessing that they did every night. It's actually quite fun, then again, I was sat with Maddie pretending that I knew the words to whatever songs they were singing. After the camp fire, everyone was going back to their cabins and was extremely tired. Whereas I was wide awake. 'And this is the point where I unintentionally stay up until 6:00am and realise that I have to play Capture the Flag tomorrow' I think to myself. It wasn't like I could get out of capture the flag either. People would want to see how I fought (that's if you can call me flailing a sword around in the hope that it will be helpful in some way and then complaining that my arms hurt after 10 minutes 'fighting')

After half an hour of me just lying there in the battered bunk bed, it became obvious to me that I wasn't going to get to sleep for another few hours. Sighing, I laid on my stomach on the bottom bunk (which was my bed) and pulled my jacket out from underneath the bed. Well, I expected to. I was in the Hermes cabin, of course something of mine was bound to be stolen. It was inevitable. Sighing, I sat up on the bed - I had to crouch a bit so that I didn't bang my head off the bottom of the top bunk and wake up the person who was sleeping above me - and tried to think of something that I could do.

I wasn't going to go outside in just my t-shirt and leggings. I would probably freeze to death. A jacket was hanging with someone's belongings on the side of their bed. Smiling, I pulled my converse out of my bag because, knowing me, I would end up getting a splinter on my foot if I walked onto that old, practically broken, worn down porch barefoot. And I wasn't about to wake up the whole of Camp Half Blood if I stubbed my toe either.

Once my shoes were tied, I quietly stood up. Being careful not to wake anyone up, I grabbed the stranger's jacket from the bed beside me and put it on. It was dark so I couldn't see who's jacket it was, Hades I couldn't even see what colour the jacket was never mind the owners face. It was a lot bigger than what my old jacket was, it could have probably both Maddie and I in it. But I didn't care - I just needed something to keep me warm.

Silently, I tiptoed out of the cabin. I couldn't actually go anywhere around camp, unless I wanted to be eaten by harpies, so I walked around the back of the cabin and sat down on the ground. It wasn't as cold as I thought it would have been, that might have just been me being used to winters in New York. As I lent against the outside wall of the cabin, I thought about everything. I thought about what happened with Rebekah. I thought about who Juniper is and what she could be like. I thought about what could happen tomorrow with Capture the Flag. I thought about who my Godly parent could be. Yes, I know that most people in the Hermes cabin hadn't been claimed since they got here, which could have been years ago. But it was really bothering me. What if I had a half brother or sister? What if I'm part of some big prophecy too? Ha, I doubt that last one.

The sound of the cabin door opening pulled me out of my thoughts. I was already at the back of the cabin so they wouldn't be able to see me. Still not at all tired, I lent back on the wall and began to fiddle with the grass beside me. "So that's where my jacket went." A familiar voice said. Immediately, I recognised that voice.

I ignored the voice, in the hope that they would go back into the cabin, and continued to fiddle with the grass. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, the nymphs will probably be pretty mad." Luke said, trying to get my attention.

I paused. "I thought that the nymphs were only bothered if things happened in the woods." I replied, rolling my eyes at Luke before continuing to fiddle with the grass once more.

Luke sat down beside me, which wasn't needed nor wanted, but he did it anyways. "Well if the nymphs don't get you, the Dionysus kids might." He joked. I hadn't seen this side of Luke before and I didn't know what to think about it. By tomorrow he would probably be back to being his asshole self again, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying his good mood while it lasts.

A laugh escaped my mouth. "I doubt that." It began to get a little bit colder, which didn't phase me. It obviously phased Luke though. We sat in comfortable silence for a bit. Well, it was comfortable for me, I don't have a clue what it was to Luke.

"I was going to ask you if you were cold but you're clearly not considering the fact that you still have my jacket."

"What, do you really think I'm going to give you're jacket back just so I can freeze to death?" I joked. I kept the jacket on for a bit to see what he would do.

"Actually, I'm going to be a good person and let you keep my jacket for the night." I smiled a bit at him and he smiled back a bit. I actually made the stone cold Luke smile. That's just an achievement in itself.

"Nah, now you want me to wear your jacket, I don't want it any more." I said as I took the jacket off and gave it to Luke. "I'm going back inside." I added, just realising how cold it actually was. Luke stood up too and followed me back into the cabin. Within 5 minutes I could tell that I was the only one awake in the cabin, and I could finally fall asleep.

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