Chapter 10 - Capture the Flag (Part 2)

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There was a guard just a few feet in front of Connor, Travis and I. Our swords were right next to that guard and she was watching us like a hawk. She couldn't stop us from whispering to each other though. Hopefully, she wouldn't be able to hear what we were saying over the sound of other people fighting. We had a plan. We just had to wait for the right moment - which clearly wasn't going to come any time soon.

"We need to find a distraction." Connor whispered. Connor was in the 'jail cell' next to me and Travis was in the one next to Connor. Making it so that Connor was in the middle.

"Yeah because that's not obvious." Travis replied sarcastically. Whilst Travis and Connor were arguing about whatever, I was actually thinking of something that could be a good distraction. Or it could completely backfire but either way at least I would be getting some form of entertainment.

"Hey!" I shouted to the guard. The guard groaned but didn't reply. "Hey!" I shouted again. This time she looked up. As did Connor and Travis. She looked back at her sword. Correction: she looked back at her reflection in her sword. This time I picked up a rock and threw it at her, deliberately missing her. Instead, the rock hit her shoe, scuffing the front of it. She looked at me, to her shoe, then back at me again. She was furious. Which was my aim.

She practically had steam coming out of her ears. The girl stormed over to me, pointing her sword. Connor and Travis saw this as their chance to quickly escape. The one mistake that they made when making this 'prison' was the fact that there wasn't really any locks, just a hook that could easily be undone. "You're really going to point your sword at someone is unarmed?" I asked, watching Connor and Travis out of the corner of my eye so that I could see when they were out.

"You're obviously not unarmed if you can throw rocks at me." She replied.

I gave her a confused look. "I don't think you know the meaning of unarmed hun. Unarmed is when you don't have a weapon and I don't think rocks can be classified as a suitable weapon." She continued to point her sword at me for another thirty seconds before lowering it. "That's what I thought."

Connor and Travis scrambled to get to their swords and the girl turned around, almost immediately charging towards them. It was actually quite entertaining to watch them fight. I was sick of sitting down though. I needed to stretch my legs. Plus, what's the point in playing a game of Capture the Flag if all you're going to do is sit there?

The girl had her back turned to me so I opened the 'jail cell' and got out. "Tay, catch!" Travis said before throwing my sword to me. Knowing that I would probably fail in catching the sword, I tried to catch it anyways. I actually ended up catching the sword, which also resulted in me cutting my hand in the process. I didn't care to be honest. I just wanted to finish the game and hopefully be on the winning team. I'm not really one for losing. I can actually get quite competitive if it comes to it. We were now all circling the girl and we decided that no one would be stupid enough to try to fight when it was three against one. She would be bound to lose.

We needed to try to find the flag but apparently someone had already gotten to our teams flag. The majority of the blue team were probably still defending their flag. It was worth a shot though. All three of us raced back to where we were before we got captured. There was no one there. We ran and ran and ran until we couldn't run any more. The flag was there. But where were the guards?

"This is always their plan. I'd watch out." Connor whispered, making sure that only Travis and I could hear him. We decided that one of us would run forwards to see if they had planned to ambush us or something whilst the other two hid behind a tree. We wanted to give the two that had the best shot at getting away the better chance. And since I was completely new to the game, I was hoping that they would cut me some slack.

Not going to lie, I was a bit nervous. Who can blame me? I was basically running towards the opponent. Regardless, I pushed all of my nervous to the side and ran. I actually got quite close to the flag. I was about twenty feet away when someone jumped out and charged at me. I froze. I didn't know what to do. I recognised the guy though. He was probably from the Hermes cabin. Then again, so was half of Camp Half Blood. He smirked; he must have recognised me too. "Why aren't you with everyone else, newbie?" He asked. "You do know that my team has basically already got the flag, right?" He added.

I would be stupid to leave now. However, Connor and Travis were behind the guy and already running towards the blue flag. "I think you should be more bothered about protecting your own flag never mind ours." The guy from the Hermes cabin turned around and rolled his eyes before running towards Connor and Travis. I, however, decided that I wanted to see what was happening where the red flag was. Even though I was tired and out of breath, I ran towards where the red flag was. I wasn't even anywhere near it and I could already see a crowd of campers cheering as Annabeth and the other guard defended the flag.

Percy. Percy was the one trying to get to the flag. Annabeth was the one that was protecting the flag. Grover had told me that Annabeth and Percy had already met when Percy was in the infirmary and Annabeth told Percy that he drooled in his sleep. I thought it was quite funny to be honest. Telling someone that they drool in their sleep might not make the best first impression. Only knowing Grover and Luke out of the people that were in the crowd, I walked over to Grover and stood beside him.

Percy tried to fight back when Annabeth was defending the flag, but it wasn't working very well. Annabeth cut his arm with her sword and kicked Percy to the ground; everyone cheered, not noticing that Percy was going over to the water. I noticed. Silently, I watched what Percy was doing, a bit confused when he put his hand in the water. The water flowed up Percy's arm and up to where Annabeth had cut him. Within seconds, he was healed and he stood back up. That's when everyone realised. He was a son of Posiedon.

Every single person stood and stared at Percy in awe. Percy didn't mind. He just looked at Annabeth and went back to fight her. Shocked, Annabeth stood and stared at Percy whilst someone else from the red team ran up behind him, trying to fight him. Lets just say, they were down within seconds, just like the next person, and the person after that. Once everyone had realised that Percy was sure to win now, they all moved out of his way. Percy walked over to the flag proudly, as he should be, and pulled up the red flag from the ground. He cheered and held the flag in the air, the rest of the blue team - and the majority of the red team - cheering with him.

Chiron walked over to Percy in his centaur form. "I congratulate you, Percy Jackson, Son of Posiedon." Chiron said to Percy, happily shouting the last part. I was happy for Percy. In fact, I was beyond happy for him. I haven't even met him and I was happy for him. He got claimed and won capture the flag for his team. Who wouldn't be happy for him? It actually got me thinking, 'when would I be claimed?'

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