Chapter 16

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Desert. Desert was all I could see - desert was all I had been able to see for the past hour and a half - and I was pretty sure that desert would be the only thing that I would be able to see for the next half an hour at least. I sat sideways with my arms crossed and resting on the bottom of the open window. Bored, I sighed and rested my head on my arms, watching the sandy, dry, barren landscape pass by. "How long until we get to Vegas?" I asked for what must have been the 10th time in the past 5 minutes. I had never been on a road trip (I know, pretty hard to believe, right?)

"I don't know. About another half an hour maybe." Luke replied. "Can you close the window? You're letting all of the cold air out and I want to not be burned alive." I rolled my eyes and closed the window before turning to face the front of the car. A small gust of cool air hit me when Luke turned on the air conditioning.

"You know, you've been driving for a while. If you want I could drive for a bit and you could get some rest." I suggested, feeling a bit bad since Luke looked really tired... exhausted actually.

"Do you even know how to drive?" He looked at me, raising an eyebrow before turning to look back at the road.

"I know the basics. My mum taught me how to drive a few weekends when she wasn't busy or hungover. I haven't got a license but I doubt that we would run into cops in the middle of the desert and I'll pullover and wake you up when we get to Vegas.

It took a little bit more persuasion for Luke to give in but he eventually pulled over and we switched sides. I wasn't the best driver, but I also wasn't driving in the opposite lane and I knew what I was doing. I just needed practice, that's all.

I had been driving for about 20 minutes before I came across the famous 'Welcome to Vegas' sign. Honestly, that sign is brighter than my future. I pulled over next to the sign and honked the horn which caused Luke to jump and hit his head off of the car window.

"Just shaking me to wake me up would have been sufficient." Luke said as I tried to hold in my laughter. "I guess you didn't end up accidentally exploding the car." He added before getting out of the car and walking around to the driver's side, inspecting the car to see if I had crashed it at some point and just not woken him up. I climbed over to the passenger seat and Luke closed the car door after he sat down.

"I told you, I actually know how to drive, I just don't have my license." I mumbled as I gazed at all of the amazingly beautiful buildings. There were so many lights on the buildings that I wouldn't be surprised if you could see them from outer-space! I heard Luke chuckle as he laughed at the excitement that was basically radiating off of me. It was very rare for me to get this excited over something but who wouldn't be amazed when going to Vegas for the first time.

We pulled up in front of a casino called the 'Lotus Casino' . The lights shone onto the car as we drove over to a parking space and got out. We walked into the casino and I was immediately hit with the scent of alcohol and food. The sound of money and slot machines surrounded me as Luke pulled me to the main part of the casino. "Luke, I'm going to get some food." I said to him before walking over to the bar, hoping that there would probably be some food there. I don't think Luke heard me properly but I would probably end up running into him again at some point.

I looked around the casino since I couldn't get any food at the bar – they were only selling alcohol (which I wouldn't mind buying if I wouldn't get asked for I.D.) and some small cakes that I didn't catch the name of. I saw someone out of the corner of my eye that was playing a game. Two people, actually. One only looked to be about twelve or thirteen whereas the girl looked to be a little bit older. The young boy had dark brown choppy hair that stopped just before his jawline and framed his face quite well. He had big, bushy, dark brown eyebrows and dark brown (almost black) eyes to match. His nose was a little bit upturned and the bags underneath his eyes showed how little sleep he had been having.

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