Chapter 2 - New People

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Being woken up at 6:30am by an alarm clock blaring through your ears isn't the best way to be woken up. I whacked my alarm clock in the hope that it would shut up - to my astonishment, it worked. But I think I broke it.

"You're just jealous." I muttered to my now broken alarm clock. Look at me! First I'm a freaking jumper cable and now I'm talking to inanimate objects. What is wrong with me?

Putting that weird moment to the back of my mind, I walked towards the bathroom only to see a line of arguing girls outside.

"Hey, Mrs. Allen wants you all downstairs, now." I said before they all sighed and raced downstairs. I would probably be yelled at for that later but, hey, at least I got the bathroom, right? They are all so gullible. It's unreal how gullible they actually are.

Once I had washed my face, brushed my teeth and everything I opened the bathroom door to see at least ten pissed off girls standing in front of me.

"What?" I said as I pushed past them all and they all began arguing again. I feel sorry for anyone else who lives in an all girls orphanage. Its horrible.

I opened the door to mine, Rebekah and Maddie's room to find that Rebekah and Maddie were still asleep. Lucky.

Quickly getting changed and making sure I had everything - by everything, I mean my ipod, my headphones, my phone and a pen or pencil. Before I walked downstairs I examined what I was wearing. I think I looked pretty good for 6:45am. I was wearing my grey jumper with 'hell yeah' written on it and a skull in the middle, my black skinny jeans and a brown pair of boots. I had a little bit of eyeliner on, some mascara and some pink/nude lipstick. My hair was dark brown, wavy and it just reached my shoulders.

I quickly ran downstairs and headed to the fridge and grabbed a yogurt for breakfast.

"You got everything?" Mrs. Allen asked. I just looked up at her with hatred and looked back down at my yogurt that I was almost finished. And I was done. I grabbed a little money off of the bench without Mrs. Allen noticing. She probably would have given me it anyway, I just didn't want to talk to anyone. Just as I was about to leave, Rebekah and Maddie came rushing down the stairs.

"Good luck." Maddie said as I opened the door, plugged in my headphones and headed across the street in the freezing cold morning air to the bus stop.

By the time the bus finally got here, I was freezing. I might as well have been a snowman. I hopped onto the bus, payed the bus driver and took a seat.

After about twenty minutes, some weirdo sat next to me. He had black short and he had bright green eyes.

"You new here? Never seen you around." I could just hear the boy say that over my music.

"No shit Sherlock." I said as I turned to face the window.

"I'm Percy."

"Tay." I replied, wishing for this conversation to be over.

We sat through the rest of the bus ride in silence as more and more people kept on getting on.

The bus finally arrived at my new school and everyone got off. When I stepped off of the bus, the door closed at the bus driver drove away. Leaving me to experience the hell of being the newbie agian.

 "You got your timetable yet?" Percy asked me as I took out my headphones and put them in my pocket along with my iPod.

"Is that some kind of joke? I'm new. I won't have my timetable yet." I retorted as I looked up at Percy.

"Follow me." I had no idea where he was going, but I wasn't going to stand in the middle of the car park looking like a loner. So, I followed Percy to a room which I guessed was the principals office. This was going to be fun.

Percy knocked on the door that said 'Principal Ridley' and the principal told us to come in.

"Ah, Taylor. Your timetable is being printed off now." Principal Ridley smiled and looked down at my file - probably feeling the shock hit him like a wrecking ball when he found out how many different schools I had been to.

"So... you've been to over 20 different schools. How come?" I smiled as I searched my brain for a suitable answer. I didn't want to get kicked out of this school too. I couldn't. If I did get kicked out, Mrs. Allen would kick me out of the orphanage and there's not enough room for me at my moms apartment.

Percy looked at me in astonishment.

I laughed as I finally found an answer. "Umm... lets just say... I'm a little accident prone when it comes to pretty much anything." I replied as my timetable came out of the printer.

"Here you go." Principal Ridley said as he handed me my books, my timetable and a notepad with my locker number and combination on it.

"Thanks." I muttered as Percy and I left the Principals office and began searching for my locker - number 153.

"What's your first lesson?" Percy asked curiously.

"English with Miss Lowe." I sighed. "Great."

"You can just stay with me. I'm in that class." Percy walked up to what I guessed was my locker and I put in my combination. Just as I finished putting my all of my books in my locker - all except my English book - the bell went and Percy and I walked towards English.

Percy and I walked into the classroom and Percy walked over to someone who had crutches and was wearing a dark blue cap.

"Hey Grover." Grover turned so that he was looking at Percy and I. He looked at me, confused.

"Oh, this is Tay." I smiled at Grover, shifting my feet awkwardly. I am really bad at meeting new people.

"Is she...?" Grover whispered to Percy. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as Grover looked at me then back at Percy.

"I think so." Percy replied. "But I don't know." This only made me even more confused than I was before.

The bell went off again and everyone took their seats. Percy and Grover sat next to eachother and I was forced to sit behind them. A boy with long-ish brown hair and brown eyes sat next to me. Yey, more awkwardness. Miss Lowe walked in. She was a plump teacher with glasses and short, dark blonde hair. She looked nice. She looked at me and realized that I was the new kid in her class.

Then I realized what she was probably going to do. The thing that all teachers do when there is a new kid. No, no, no. Please, no!

"Everyone, this is Taylor." Miss Lowe said pointing towards me. Everyone turned to look at me and I could feel my face getting hotter with embarrassment. I hated when teachers did this! "She is new here, so I hope you are all nice and help her get around." Why not just tell the whole school that I'm new, I don't mind. I smiled in the hope that everyone would turn around and stop looking at me.

----------Halfway through the lesson----------

I hadn't listened to a thing that Miss Lowe was saying for the whole lesson. I just sat there and fidgeted with my pen or my bracelet and looked out of the window - occasionally looking at the clock to see how long I had left before next lesson.

"Taylor. Can you explain what John Green meant by this line from The Fault in Our Stars?" My head shot up as soon as I heard Miss Lowe say my name and I realized what she had asked. I looked at the board, trying to make out what line was written in whiteboard pen. I failed to understand what it said as the letters just kept jumbling up in my head. I squinted, trying harder to see what the board said but that just only made matters worse.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know." I replied. Thanks a lot dyslexia.

"Anybody else?" The teacher looked around the class.

As the minutes went by, I kept glancing at the clock, out of the window, then back at the clock again. Finally, the bell rang and I grabbed my bag and began to walk to my next lesson. Greek mythology.

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