Chapter 4 - Camp Half Blood

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 Okay, it is official. These guys are insane. No joke. Why can't my life just be normal? Why can't I just live a completely ordinary life without all of the hassle of having to move schools and almost being attacked by something or someone I'm not even sure I know any more?

I followed Percy, Grover and Maddie back into school and into another Greek Mythology classroom. Inside it looked like a normal classroom. But, with what I've seen today, I'm not sure what the meaning of the word 'normal' is any more. At the desk, there sat a man in a wheelchair with a long-ish beard. It wasn't exactly stubble but it wasn't like Dumbledore's beard. What I mean to say is that it was about 3-4 inches long.

"Ah, Percy, Grover, Maddie." The man’s voice sounded calm and made him sound trustworthy. But how on earth did he know Maddie's name?

"Um... Chiron. I think we have a problem." Grover said.

"Is she?" Chiron nodded his head towards me.

"Yes. There was a fury in the Starbucks across the street that, well, you know." Chiron knew what Percy was talking about. Whereas all I knew was that if they hadn't came in to save me at Starbucks, I would have gotten my ass kicked by what I thought was my best friend.

"Take her to the camp. It's the only place safe for her now. It's the only place safe for you all." Chiron ordered. Okay, if they think that they can take me to some sort of camp just because some dude told them to, they've got another thing coming.

"Do you have any relatives close by?" Chiron asked me as I was mentally freaking out and thought that I was surrounded by insane people.

"Umm... I have my Mom but she lives halfway across town." I replied, unsure about my answer. Why were they going to take me to my Mom? Did she know something that I didn't?

"Take her to her mother, then take her to the camp." Chiron ordered. With that, Percy, Maddie, Grover and I walked out of the classroom.

Maddie and I walked in front, leading the way even though I was secretly hoping that Maddie knew the quickest way to Mom's house. I'm not saying I didn't know my way back, I just didn't really fancy bumping into anyone I knew from my any of my other schools as they would probably recognise me and then come over to talk to me.

"You know the quickest way to Mom's from here?" I whispered to Maddie. She nodded.

"There's a bus that takes you straight there. I just hope... nevermind." Gah! I hate when people do that! I hate when people begin to say something then say 'nevermind.' It's like almost handing a toddler a lollypop then taking it back and saying 'actually, no. I want to have this.'

We walked down the street to the nearest bus stop, which wasn't that far away. I looked for a bus that went to Brooklyn. The next bus would be in ten minutes.

I told Percy, Maddie and Grover how long the bus would be and we took a seat.

I may seem like I would have a Brooklyn type of accent but, I don't. People say I sound posh because I speak with a different accent to them but I just see my accent as a normal, American accent.

We sat in silence as I took in all that had happened today. 1) I get sent to a new school - which isn't all that bad. This was probably my favourite school out of all of the schools that I had went to. I said favourite. I didn't mean that I liked the school. 2) I was almost attacked by a fury but I was saved by Maddie and two people I had only met that day. 3) My best friend died after I found out that she was a mythical creature and she tried to kill me. Gods, I missed Rebekah. 4) I got told I was being forced to go to 'The Camp' for my safety. I appreciated people looking out for me and at times like this I usually say 'I can protect myself.' Obviously I had been proven wrong by past events.

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