Chapter 14 (Sorry for the late chapter)

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Percy, Grover and Annabeth were fighting a Hydra; me being me, I had no clue what to do. I couldn't just leave them! I could have gone out to get Luke, but he probably would have wanted to drive off to the next location - which is definitely not what I as planning on doing. Annabeth was stood with her back to me and jumped out of the way just as the Hydra sent some fire flying our way.

Immediately, I jumped out of the way and ran behind a pillar so that the Hydra wouldn't see me. Unlucky for me, the hydra must have seen me. The Hydra blew some fire towards the pillar that I was stood behind (I had just made it in time!). However, the fire did singe a bit of my hair. I could hear Annabeth, Percy and Grover fighting the hydra; I wanted to fight too, but I would probably just hold them back since I had no clue what I was doing. 

Then I had an idea. If I could figure out how to shadow travel, I could fight the dragon then shadow travel when it gets too much or when feel like I'm in danger. I tried to focus on shadow travelling before running towards the wall. It didn't work. I ended up just running into the wall and falling to the ground afterwards. Everyone turned to me. To be honest, at that moment, I froze. Before I knew it, I was being pulled out the way of the Hydra's fire by Percy.

I was pulled behind a statue and Percy and I crouched down as the Hydra shot some more fire our way (luckily, the statue blocked it). Then, I realised that Percy was staring at something. It was a blue pearl. Just like the one that I had spotted at the garden centre. I began to wonder what it was for but I was guessing that Percy, Annabeth and Grover needed it for their quest.

Before I knew it, Percy was back to fighting with the Hydra. I watched as Percy attacked the Hydra. Did he not know that when you cut off a Hydra's head, two grow back. I could hear Annabeth yelling at Percy and telling him to stop. However, my eyes zoned in on something in the next room. Another monster.

I would be able to take this, right? It's worth a try. I stood up, immediately regretting my decision when the monster turned towards me. Immediately, the monster charged at me but I managed to get out of the way in time. That's when I realised that just crawling out of the way wouldn't help me with anything. That was also when I realised what kind of monster this was. This was a fury - like the fury that was in the cafe.

The fury picked me up with it's claws and began to try to fly away. Like anyone would, I began to panic, trying anything to get out of the fury's grasp. The fury dropped me to the museum floor - causing me to hiss in pain as a jolt of pain through my left wrist. 'Well, that's probably broken.' I thought to myself.

I pulled the dagger out of my pocket (I doubted that a dagger would do anything though) and tried to defend myself. I ended up cutting the fury a few times with my dagger - causing gold dust to fall to the floor - but it wasn't really helping much. I needed a sword. And maybe actually knowing what I was doing would be helpful too.

I would shout for help but that would probably just bring the Hydra over here too; it would only make matters worse. I could have tried shadow travelling but the Fury was above me and it would have probably tried to cut my head off if I stood up. The fury swooped down and tried to hit me but I kicked it - causing it to fly across the room and hit the wall. Fortunately, this gave me enough time to scramble to my feet and make a run for it. 

I thought I had got away. Key word; thought. I was almost at the door when two claws picked me up and began to fly away again. I tried to get away, but it was no use. I tried screaming for help but I doubted that anyone would hear me. Then it dawned on me. This fury was probably going to kill me. Or take me to someone who would.

We were about to fly through a window to get out of the building when I heard something. I had guessed that the fury had heard it too because almost immediately the fury turned to look at who or what had made that noise. It was Luke. Luke and his flying shoes.

Luke didn't even have to say anything to catch the fury's attention - it was almost like he had control over it. "Let her go." Luke commanded. However, the fury obviously wasn't happy about this as the fury just let go of me. Luckily, we were only a few metres above the roof of a building. I heard my wrist crack once again - confirming what it was now definitely broken. The fury swooped down to try to grab me again but Luke attacked the Fury before it could get to me. I watched as the Fury was thrown across to the other side of the rooftop.

I would have helped but the majority of their fight was in the air and I couldn't fly. Heck, I couldn't even use my own powers yet never mind trying to use a completely different power! I watched helplessly as Luke took out his sword and turned the Fury into dust. He had saved me once again. Not that I didn't appreciate it; if Luke wasn't there to save me, I probably would have been dead by now. It's just that I was getting a little bit sick of being the victim and not the hero for once.

Luke landed on the roof next to me and held out a hand to help me to stand up. "And this is why you should have just waited in the car with me." I rolled my eyes, smiling slightly as I held his hand with my right hand (the one where my wrist wasn't broken).

"Thank you." I mumbled as he pulled me up. I don't know why but i didn't want Luke thinking that I was hurt so I discreetly hid my left hand behind my jacket. "Can we get down from here? I don't exactly want another monster to just see us and decide to attack us." I replied.

Luke rolled his eyes before nodding. "Are you okay? You were dropped from quite a height." Luke asked, he did seem quite concerned but I'm stubborn so I didn't want to tell him. "I'm okay, just a bit bruised that's all." However, I wasn't the best liar. And, Luke being a son of Hermes, he could easily tell that I was lying.

He gave me a look that said 'really?' and raised an eyebrow at me. I raised my eyebrow back at him and crossed my arms lightly. I was hoping that if I acted natural he wouldn't notice. "You know, lying to a son of Hermes might not be the best way to get out of something. Now show here's some ambrosia."

I guess he didn't notice my wrist. 1-0 to me - kind of. 

"Your wrist should be healed by tomorrow."

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