Chapter 13

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Someone was shaking me; trying to get me to wake up. "Five more minutes." I grumbled before snuggling back into Luke. Until Luke began to get out of the car.

"We need to get to the next location either before or after Annabeth, Percy and Grover. Just as long as they don't see us." Luke said as I laid on the seat, still wanting to go back to sleep. "You know, we could leave now... or we could go back to the garden centre. It's your choice really." Luke added, chuckling when I immediately sat up. I didn't want to go back to the garden centre and nothing could make me go back there.

"So where do we go now?" I asked Luke curiously. I climbed over to the front of the car and sorted out my hair a bit in the mirror before looking down at the clock. It was only 7:30am. Surely we didn't have to be there that early.

"We have to go to the replica of Parthenon in Nashville. And lucky for us - I know how to start an engine." I rolled my eyes as he walked over to the front of the car. "Yeah because Luke Castellan knows how to do everything." I replied sarcastically. I did feel kind of bad for stealing that old couples car, but we needed it. Plus, they were probably already part of Medusa's garden centre anyways.

"Luke?" I asked. "Why are we following Percy, Annabeth and Grover on their quest?" I asked curiously. To me, there wasn't really any reason for us to be following them.

Luke paused for a bit. "Because I want to make sure they're safe. And it's a good chance for you to experience what being on a quest is like." He lied, me not having a clue that he was lying at the time. I nodded in response and waited for him to start the engine. After about 5 minutes the engine roared to life and Luke got in the drivers side of the car. I began searching through the radio and waited for a song that  liked to come on. Finally, 'My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark' by Fall Out Boy came on and I began humming the words.

Luke began to hum the words too and I turned to him and smiled before looking back at the road. Maybe Luke isn't as bad as I thought he was when I met him. "Could you get me some food out of one of our bags?" Luke asked me, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Do you want a cereal bar? We can get more food when we get to Nashville." Luke nodded in response before I picked up my backpack. I rummaged through the black and white Vans bag. Finally, I found a squares bar and a packet of prawn cocktail crisps. I opened the cereal bar before giving it to Luke. He thanked me and began eating the cereal bar with one hand still on the steering wheel. 

Hours had passed and we must have listened to the Bon Jovi album that we found in the car about 5 times. It was a good album, I can't lie about that. However, listening to any album for hours on end makes me feel like I don't have to listen to it for another few months. After 'You Give Love a Bad Name' had finished, I turned off the music and just looked out of the window; I smiled at what I saw.

"Hey, Luke! There's Percy!" I replied happily. Luke abruptly turned into a parking lot which was a little bit away from where I had saw Percy. I was about to get out of the car when he locked the doors. "What the hell?" I asked him, a little bit annoyed.

"Percy can't see us." Luke said, trying to hide how flustered he was with a monotonous tone.

I turned to look at him. "Why not?" I replied, my expression quickly turning from happy and excited to the complete opposite.

"We're not actually supposed to be out of camp. Plus if more than three people go on a quest, it's more likely that one of them gets killed and I'm pretty sure you don't want to die yet." Luke replied as he looked out of the rear view mirror; he watched as Percy, Annabeth and Grover got back into the truck and left before he actually started the car again.

We sat in silence for a good fifteen minutes before I decided that I would ask Luke something. "If we don't need to be here, why are we not back at camp?" I asked, even though Luke had explained this before.

He sighed. "We just need to make sure that they're okay." Luke replied simply, although, I began to get a slight feeling that he was lying.

"Did you see Percy and Annabeth fighting when they were playing capture the flag? I'm sure they'll be fine now can we go back to camp?" I asked again. Not going to lie, after the whole incident at Medusa's Garden Centre, I had been feeling a little bit more stressed and irritable - maybe it was because of what she said. I had no doubt that Luke had began to notice too, most of the time my irritability rubs off on other people and Luke had been quite easily annoyed since we woke up.

"I told you before-" Luke began as he turned to me. Immediately when he looked at me, he stopped the car. 'Do I have something on my face?' I thought to myself. I gave Luke a look of confusion but pure shock was just spread across his face. I noticed that he was looking a little bit above my head so I decided to look up too.

I was a bit shocked with what I saw to say the least. Above my head was a floating sign. It took me a few moments to realise that it was actually Hades' sign. Once I had noticed, my expression pretty much resembled Luke's previous shocked expression. Luke had now began driving again, not talking like this was an every day thing.  "Medusa was right..."  I mumbled to myself after the sign had faded away. I obviously hadn't said that quiet enough because Luke turned to look at me for a good few seconds.

"What did Medusa say to you?" He asked, now looking back at the road in case a car or monster happened to come towards us.

"She said I was a daughter of Hades before anyone even knew about it." I mumbled. "At first I thought she was just trying to get to me, okay, maybe she was, but she was still right." I added, stopping when I noticed that I was beginning to ramble a bit. It was evident that we were both still a bit shocked because we didn't say a word for another 25 minutes until Percy, Annabeth, and Grover's truck stopped at the Replica of Parthenon and got out. Luke and I had gone to get food since we didn't eat before. We went to a small cafe just down the road and we both ordered our meals. I ordered a burger and Luke ordered a Jacket Potato. Once we had finished our food, we drove back down to the Replica of Parthenon; we stopped in the car park and just sat in the car.

"Are we just going to sit in here until they come back out?" I asked, turning on my side so that my back was leaning against the car door and I was facing Luke. It was clear that they were still here because the truck that they were using was still in the car park. He hadn't answered after a few minutes. "What, so you're just going to ignore me?" I added. I really wanted to go to see what Percy, Annabeth and Grover were doing and it was kind of annoying me that Luke wouldn't let me. Since Luke wasn't talking, we sat in silence once again.

"Why do you always want to be with Percy?" Luke asked.

"Because I'm friends with him." I thought about it, I had actually only met him once. "Okay, I'm friends with Annabeth and Grover." I corrected myself.

"You've only met Annabeth once too. I've been helping you for at least a week and you neer seem to want to be with me." Luke replied.

"Is this jealousy that I'm seeing Luke Castellan?" I replied, a small smirk making it's way onto my face. The fact that I got claimed must have been adding to my cocky-ness.

Luke laughed a small laugh. "Luke Castellan does not get jealous."

"Luke Castellan needs to understand that he can't stop me from seeing other people that I know." I replied, deliberately putting emphasis on his name.

Suddenly, Luke turned to look at the steering wheel. "Fine, go to see them. But don't expect me to be here when you get back." He mumbled. I felt a pang of guilt hit me, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. Luke unlocked the car door and I got out. I grabbed my bag and walked over to the entrance. I had decided that I would try to help Percy, Annabeth and Grover with their quest. 'Luke can come along if he wants to' I thought to myself before walking into the entrance. By the time we had gotten there, it was pretty much night time and there was only the staff around. When I walked into the entrance, I saw something that was unexpected, but I knew that I would have to get used to it. You guessed it - there was a monster.

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