04. ✧ heartbreak hotel

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" heartbreak hotel "

"Linda Venne?" Willa felt her blood begin to boil

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"Linda Venne?" Willa felt her blood begin to boil. 

Linda was Davy's ex-girlfriend who had recently begun to worm her way in between the two of them. 

It didn't surprise Willa that he ditched her for Linda, but it was so predictable that she was angry at him for not picking someone more surprising, like a teacher or one of the geekier girls in their class.

"Yep. Sorry, sweetheart. That's the way the world works."

Now there was the Micky that she knew and sometimes loved. Willa turned to look at her mother for some guidance, but the woman was too busy gaping at Micky to notice.

"Watch the way you speak to my daughter, young man!" Mr. Mendoza barked, but Micky frowned.

"Sir, you haven't answered my question." Micky persisted.

The man turned cast a look of unbelief at his wife before returning his gaze to Micky. "Thank you for telling us about Davy. If you hadn't shown up, we'd be sitting around here and scratching our heads all night."

"So...?" Micky trailed off, hoping that he'd get the answer that he was looking for.

"However, I would hate to hear the speculation around town after everyone saw you escorting my daughter to the dance, especially when you are dressed like that." the man gestured to the boy's signature black leather jacket and tight blue jeans.

"I think he looks quite nice." Willa threw a bone to her friend. He caught her glance for the first time and gave her a lopsided grin.

"Gee, Willa, you sure look like a million bucks."

She laughed as though that was an inside joke only between the two of them.

Her parents were perplexed. 

They thought that they knew their daughter like the back of their hands, but she sure had them thrown for a loop right now.

Mr. Mendoza had to resort to desperate measures, for this was a surely desperate time. "Good night, Micky."

"But sir!" Micky tried to get a word in edgewise, but the man was too far on the defensive.

"But sir!" Micky tried to get a word in edgewise, but the man was too far on the defensive

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i love davy tho ,,, i love him

im tryin 2 keep the a/n's here to a minimum!!!! hope all is well w/ you in your life and i hope you're enjoying the story


CADILLAC ˚ ᵈᵒˡᵉⁿᶻWhere stories live. Discover now