Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I quickly brought my arm back to try to elbow my attacker in the stomach to get loose. Apparently they saw that coming because my arm was quickly pinned behind my back. I struggled to get loose which just caused my arm to sting so I quickly stopped that. I needed to think of something or else. I quickly got an idea and prayed and hoped that my idea it would work. I closed my eyes and raised my foot up and barreled it down on what I hoped to be my attacker’s foot.

Luck must have been on my side because my foot connected to the top of their foot. My arms were instantly let go and I made a run to my closet to get my gun or knife, anything that would help me defend myself against this person. I was almost there when my leg was caught and I tumbled to the ground mere inches away from reaching my only hope of getting away from this very unusually strong person.

I couldn’t attempt to scream again because as soon as I was on my way to falling on the floor, the hand was attached right back to my mouth. The attacker pinned me down onto the ground - their body pinning mine. If I was going down, I refused to go down without a fight. I felt my attacker lean towards my ear.

“No wonder you’re the leader of a gang. You put up a very tough fight. I like that in a woman you know.”

My heart immediately skipped a beat at the sensual voice being so close to my ear for the second time that night. It was him. I stopped struggling instantly but Isaiah’s hand didn’t budge an inch. He probably thought I was still going to scream. Hopefully that’s what he thought because he didn’t need to know that something in my body wouldn’t allow me to notify anyone of his presence. I looked up trying to search for his eyes to found them staring down into my own.

“Are you going to remove your hand now?” I asked. I knew exactly what I was saying but I knew that to him it most definitely sounded like a bunch of made up gibberish.

He looked at me confused then suddenly realized that his hand was still covering my mouth hindering me from speaking clearly. He looked into my eyes once more leaning down to get right in my face. My breathing hitched momentarily. I had a feeling he heard it because he froze for a few seconds.

“Promise you won’t scream?” He questioned. “If you do I can be out of here faster than I got in.”

I knew there was no use in speaking so I just nodded my head hoping that he’d get the message that I wasn’t going to scream. Cautiously, he removed his hand away from my mouth. Then he put his hand on the side of my head, matching the position of his other hand. I knew he was keeping most of his weight off of me although I could still feel him pressed against my body.

“What are you doing in my room?” I yelled in a whisper. “Anyone can come in and see us!”

“Relax Baby Doll. Your door is locked. You really don’t think I’m that clueless do you?”

“Baby Doll? No one calls me that. It’s always J-Doll or Tiger. Choose one and stick to it Jamerson.”

“Ooh…Jamerson.” He repeated testing the almost nickname out on his tongue. “I like it when you call me by my last name. It sounds sexy coming from your lips. I bet it’ll be even sexier when I make you moan it instead.”

I was glad that the lights were off in my room so he wouldn’t see my face heat up. I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter as the seconds went by and I actually thought about how he would get me to moan his name. I shook my head. I needed to snap out of this fairy tale that I was creating within my mind.

 This would never work out anyways. What was this guy doing to me? I shouldn’t be feeling this way especially with the enemy! How did he even find out where I lived anyways?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2013 ⏰

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