Chapter 4: A Phone Call

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It was currently 11:30 in the morning and Nadine had a craving for isaw and fish balls. Oh how she missed the Philippines. But she knows it is not yet time to go back. She isn't ready. She hasn't even forgotten about James. When she gets home she wants her return to make James regret wanting her to leave. Little did she know he already did. Nadine plans to make James feel the same amount of pains he felt when James made her feel worthless, for playing with her feelings. She glances out the window remembering the times that James would act hot and cold with her. One day protecting her from her Bashers and the next screaming at her just for breathing. She mentally slapped herself for falling for him, for caring so much. She should've known better and as she counties painting an art piece that she'd soon sell to a newly married couple she can't seem to find the inspiration for the art piece , she couldn't represent love. And she realized that it's because every time she's attempted to love she'd end up giving too much and hurting . Out of frustration Nadine breaks the art piece and throws it in the trash and just as she was doing that her phone rang.

Yassi Calling ....
Nadine picks up the phone .
Nadine -" O, Yassi. It's late na there. Why'd you call?"
Nadine notices that Yassi is stuttering.
Yassi - "Wala, I'm just asking how you are?"
Nadine can't shake off the feeling that the tone in Yassis voice is different.
Nadine -" I'm good. Are you sure you're okay?"
Yassi -" yea it's just ...
Nadine could've sworn that cough wasn't Yassi's.
Nadine - "Yassi, are you with someone ?"
Yassi- "what, no. I'm just getting sick. Uh, Nadz can I just ask you one question?"
Nadine -"sure."
A stuttering yassi replies -" are you happy?"
Nadine knew she had to put a strong front and not admit that she misses her home and her fans. Nadine gulps and lies -" yea. Of course. Life couldn't be better."
Yassi- "okay I'll see ya bye Nadz love you"
Nadine - "uh okay by---"
And just like that Yassi was no longer on the line. Nadine couldn't help but wonder what's going on.

10 minutes earlier:
James didn't understand what was going through his head. He simply didn't. But he found himself at a condo. Yassi's condo to be exact . He needed to know what happened to Nadine. He needed to know if she was happy while he was suffering. He needed to know. And with that he knocked on Yassi's door.
Yassi answers the door.
Yassi -" Wtf, James what are you doing here?"
James - " I need nadines number. I need it now."
Yassi - "and why would I give that to you? Are you forgetting you're the reason she left? Ang kapal nang Muka mo. " yassi says with anger in her voice.
James- " I don't care if you're mad at me. I need her number and I need it now and if you don't give it to me ill tell boss Vic to take you out of me and Erin's movie"
Yassi - " are you insane ? You can't just do that. Now do me a favor and leave me the hell alone."
James - " if you don't give it to me, I'll stay out here and keep ringing the door bell."
Nadine- " than I'll call the cops. "
James -" than I'll call one of my friends to keep doing it."
Yassi knowing how stubborn James is finally gave in but..
Yassi - " I am not giving you her number but I will call her. I'll tell her what you want me to say. And than after that you leave."
James took the deal it was better than nothing.
James -" I just want to know if she's happy. "
Yassi clearly in shock by this question simply called Nadines phone.
---- after the phone call.

Yassi- " see James she's happy. Now leave. "

James wasn't in the mood to argue anymore so he left. He thought how can she be happy when she left him alone. James will make sure that she regrets leaving him. She promised that she'd have his back and James believed her. But than again. Who was James to be mad at Nadine for leaving when he didn't treat her with respect.
And with that, James didn't know whether to feel angry or guilty or sad. And he realized he felt angry at himself for letting her go but because of his pride he believes that when she returns he promises that she'll make her regret leaving him.

When both want revenge .... What will happen?
Only time will tell.

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