Chapter 10: My New Partner In Crime

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Last night Nadine received a text from an unknown number saying:
"I'll see you tomorrow princess. Meet me at the cafe by VIVA. It's your new partner by the way:)." After that she laid restless in her bed . She didn't know why, she had to admit that she was worried about how things would be with her new partner . She didn't want him to be another James. She woke up the next morning not knowing what to wear. Should she try to impress him or ? She couldn't help but think what he would think of her. Nadine may not show it but she's always cared about what people thought. I mean what type of person doesn't ? She ended up going with ripped jeans and a blur v neck and a hat that covered her face.
She looked at herself in the mirror praying that this new partner would be an angel sent from heaven. And she was right.
As she walked into the cafe 15 minutes later she wandered around looking for someone who could potentially be her partner, but she couldn't find anyone. She was about to go home when someone put their hand over her eyes and whispered in her ear welcome back princess.
She knew that voice. It was ... It was Bret, she immediately turned around engulfing him in a hug.
"OMG, how are you? I've missed you? How's the squad? ", Nadine said.
Bret smiled and Nadine couldn't help but notice how long he hugged her for. Once he let go he said, "they're good. I uh think." This statement confused Nadine. But she didn't ask him because she didn't want to intrude . So she just smiled. And he asked her "how are you? You look amazing! " . Nadine was flattered by this and smiled. He grabbed her and gave her a hug again. Nadine didn't question it she just appreciated it. She noticed how he was much muscular , he looked great too. He let go and said, "guess who your next loveteam partner is ?" She replied " I really don't know. I was actually supposed to meet him here. But I think he's a no show." Bret laughed, "it's me silly." Nadine sighed out of relief at least her partner is gonna be someone she knew. But then worry invaded her face and she Couldn't help but burst out asking " and James is okay with this? I mean he doesn't know right ?". She noticed that Bret gulped at the mention of James and he we about to answer when his phone rang. Talk about saved by the telephone.
He answered and nadz took a seat by the corner and ordered tea. She loved tea. She glanced at Bret to see his face looked like he was slightly scared. When he saw her looking he hung up the phone and walked towards her. He said he was sorry and that he had to go. Nadine didn't mind. She got her tea and decided to head to Yassi's house.

Nadz and Yassi were making pesto pasta and salad. As Nadine was spinning the salad she told yassi that her new partner was Bret. Yassi looked at her with shocked eyes and said " Bret? As in Bret Jackson?" Nadine nodded. She said " I know it's bad , I don't want him to fight with James because of me. " yassi bit her tongue. Yassi thought in her head " if only you knew Nadine, if only you knew." But to br honest Yassi was confused. Bret left , he left the Philippines and he went to London. He dropped his contract with VIVA. I guess that's not how it is now.
After James punched Bret at the bat. Bret couldn't hold it back anymore. The very next day he went to James house and their conversation went like this :
James heard a knock on his door it took him a while to answer because he still had a hangover and he felt guilty for punching his best friend .
He opened the door to a Bret with a bruised jaw. Before Bret court talk James said " look man, I'm sorry for punching you . It's just you were right. She deserved better and it's better if she stays away from me but if I see her again I swear I'll make it up to he-" he was interrupted when Bret blurted out " I'm in love with her." With a look of guilt on Brets face. James didnt know what he was doing but his hands just had their own brain punching Bret yet again. James was going for another punch but Bret blocked him and Bret ended up punching him in the gut. Bret said " listen man, I chased after her at the airport , but I was too late. I can't stay here and look at you because I feel so guilty for liking her. But I shouldn't be because you don't and you never did love her. " James said " so that's why you were so protective of her. Huh. Always calming me down and telling me to be nice to her. The flowers you suggested I give her. It was all because you wanted her. " Bret said " ye- I mean, she means a lot to me. But I feel guilty because even though you didn't treat her like you wanted her you couldn't stop talking about her. I think..I think you were in denial. I mean Everytime you were near her you couldn't keep your eyes off her and Don't forget how you punched me just by saying I loved her . But this is me telling you to let her go . She deserves someone better." James semi growled " and you think that persons you. I think not." Bret shook his head? " I'm leaving James. I can't be here anymore. I can't? not when I know I'm in love with my best friends ...whatever she is to you. And I'm sorry but I want her with me. Not .with. You. And you can deny whatever you feel for her but you wouldn't have felt sadness or pain or anything if you didn't feel anything at all for her. I mean-". James pushed Bret and said " stop, get the hell out. You don't know me and I'm not your best friend. I'm gonna be happy with Erin. And you're gonna be wrong. You ended our friendship when you decided you wanted Nadine. And don't ever lay a hand on her or else-"
" or else what James! You don't own her . Your not with her. Your not her loveteam and your definitely not her boyfriend. You said you hated her. "  Bret said.
James made up an excuse at said " she was in a loveteam with me and she left me. How pathetic would I look when she ends up whoring around with my best friend. " and that right there earned James another punch from Bret this time straight to his pretty boy face.
Before James could get up from the floor Bret was in his car speeding away.  And with that James hasn't seen Bret since.

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