Chapter 23

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Malak's pov:
My heart feels so heavy. I don't even want to go to school today. I don't want to see y/n face because I know I will break down and think about what her and King did. Huhhhh I just wish I could forget about her already but she stays on my mind 24/7. Maybe me and y/n weren't meant to be..... Wait what? We were meant to be..... Wait....... Huhhh I'm just so angry and confused. I really loved y/n. What am I saying ? I still do !I don't know what to do! Maybe I should just move on and find someone else. Damn! I promised that I would never leave her and I would always be by her side. Well I'm breaking that promise. It's for the best. I have to. 😔

Y/n: I really don't wanna go to school or go outside at all! I just want to stay here in silence and think about Mal- No I'm not going to think about him. That's just going me cry and I'm sick of crying. But I just can't stop I mean I really love him so much. I really don't care if squad is mad but Malak....of course. I don't know why he would believe some unknown person over me! His own girlfriend............. I mean ex 😔

Nyra pov:
Something ain't right. I know my beat friend wouldn't do some dumb shit like that. Having sex with King.......... Nooo........ Or would she? Anyway I need to investigate. Find out who told Malak that and if they were telling the truth. I want to believe my best friend but I don't know whether or not she's lying to us. Would she lie to us? Well her and King hang out a lot but this situation don't sound right. Spy mode activated 🤔😎

You continue to lay in bed eating ice cream and watching Netflix.

Y/n: Oh shoot my necklace!

You realize that you left your necklace at Malak's house. He gave you heart necklace that had a picture of you and him in it and on the side it said forever.You go to Malak's house and go in quietly while he is in the shower. You grab your necklace and hurry out the door before he comes out. You run back home and look at your necklace. You start to cry when you open it and see the picture of you and Malak kissing. You throw the necklace at your wall and it breaks. You then get ready for school.

Nyra pov:
I'm at school and I'm listening very close to see if I hear anything about the text tat someone sent to Malak. So far I'm not getting no clues! What the fuck.

Malak pov: I make I to school.

Malak: Hey guys.
Squad: Hey Malak. You good ?
Malak: Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be ?
River: Because of what happened yesterday?
Malak: I'm sorry River. I don't know what you are talking about. I'm perfectly fine

No I'm not! I'm so angry and frustrated😡

Tayvion: We just checking on you bro. That's all
Malak: Well I'm fine so can y'all leave me alone! *getting angry* 😡
Ben: Damn! Okay we'll leave you alone!

The teacher starts teaching and I wonder where y/n is. She's really late. A few minutes later I see her come in. She looks as if she was crying all night.

Teacher: Y/n why are you so late ?
Y/n: Look a lot has been going on so can you excuse me for this one day?!?
Teacher: This will be the very last time. Please take your seat!
Y/n: Stop fucking dick riding ugly ass bitch! *mumbling*
Teacher: What was that ?
Y/n: Nevermind 😒

I heard what she said. She never acts like that! Damn........ This is all getting to her. She's acting weird.................Why the fuck do I care.
Head: because you love her!
Huhhhh I just want to forget about everything. I wanna get her out of my head but I JUST CANT!!!!
End of pov

Class is finally over. You see King in the hallway. He walks up and hugs you.

King: Hi.
Y/n: Hi.
King: Look I'm going to have a talk with squad today about everything and get things straightened out.
Y/n: King it's no point they won't belie-

You stop when you see Malak walking with......................... ARIANNA!!!!!!!! He had his arm wrapped around her. They were talking and smiling at each other. You dropped your stuff and started punching the lockers. 😤😤😤😤 You start to cry and King stops me. You look to see everyone staring. You collapse on the floor....
You wake in the hospital.

Y/n: What happened?
King: You sprained your wrist , punching the lockers at school.
Y/n: Why was I asleep then?
King: After that, you collapsed on the floor.
Y/n: Oh

Nurse: Miss y/n you can go home. Make sure to keep the ACE bandage on your wrist. Re wrap it ever two days. See you in two weeks!
Y/n: Thank you!
King come on let's get you home.

King takes you home and stays for a little while. You guys watch a movie.

Y/n: I think you should go now. I don't want to take my anger out on you.😡
King: Okay? 😳I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye y/n.

Y/n pov:

Nyra pov:
Well I didn't find out anything today. I don't know what else to do. Maybe this whole thing is the truth😔😔

Malak pov:
ARIANNA IS NOT Y/N!!! But maybe talking to her a little bit will make me forget about y/n. Arianna is not the best choice but I just need someone to distract me from thinking about y/n. I'm so mad at her and King! But something tells me that this was all a setup. Nahhh.......... Was it? No it wasn't! Yes it was! No! Yes! No!!!!!Huhhhh this is driving me crazy!! 😤😤😤😤

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