Chapter 1

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A house, outside of town stood still in a beautiful field surrounded by beautiful scenery...

A pink hedgehog walked out if the house with a basket and a book in her hand. She wore a long red dress with a white apron around her waist and black flats. Her quills were long just to the middle of her back, three bangs, and sparkling green eyes.

She had a smile on her face she walked down the steps and onto a dirt path toward the town, she started to sing softly to herself gradually getting louder without notice.

"Little town, it's a quiet village... Everyday like the one before. Little town, full of little people, waking up to say..."

" Bonjour!" x5

" There goes the baker with his tray like always. The same old bread and rolls to sell... Every mornings been the same... since the morning that we came... to this poor provincial town..."

" Good morning Amy" the bread seller said as she walked by.

" Morning, Monsieur"

" where you off to today?"

" to the bookshop i just finished this wonderful story with a beanstalk and a ogre-"

" That's nice, Sally! the baguettes! hurry up!"

Amy rolled her eyes and kept on her way to the bookshop.

" Look, there she goes, that girl is strange; no question" two women said as she walked by day dreaming" dazed and distracted can't you tell?"

" never part any crowd. caused her head's up on some cloud."

" now denying shes a funny girl, that rose"

Amy jumped onto an end of a wagon passing by multiple people.

" Bonjour!" the man said to the woman

"Good day"

" How is your family?" A man said as giving her a ham with a love look in her eyes.

" Bonjour!" a woman said

" Good day" a man said

"How is your wife?" once she asked the man's wife bopped him on the head with a rolling pin.

" i need 6 eggs!" a woman said who had 8 kids running around her as she talked to the egg seller

"That's to expensive!" said a man to a vase seller

" There must be more than this provincial life!" Amy sang. She jumped off the wagon and walked into the bookshop to see a red echidna putting books up on the bookshelves.

" Ah, Amy" he exclaimed

" Good morning, Monsieur Knuckles, I've come to return the book I borrowed"

"finished already?" he asked

" oh I couldn't put it down" she climbed on the small ladder " got anything new?" she asked

Knuckles chuckled " not since yesterday" Amy was strolling through the books on the shelves. " that's okay... I'll borrow this one" she took the book of the shelf and gave it to him, for him to see it.

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