Chapter 5

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Back at the Castle Amy was still sobbing soon she heard a knock on the door..." who is it?" she heard a voice on the other side of the door" Mrs.Vanilla dear" Amy got up and opened the door to see a teacup and a teapot hop in." i thought you might want a spot of tea dear"

Amy was backing away in shock" but, your a-" she bumped into a dresser named Rouge. Amy turned around." oh, careful" Amy sat on the bed still shocked." but, this is-" she was cut off by Rouge leaning on the bed with one of her sides." oh, yes but, here we are." Vanilla poured tea in Cream." have some tea, dear"

Cream ran up to Amy and hopped into Amy's hand. Amy took a sip and then Cream said" want to see a trick" Cream bubbled the tea to the top giggling. Vanilla scolded her." Cream!" Cream looked at her mother and smiled" sorry" Vanilla looked at Amy with a smile." that was a very brave thing you did dear."

Amy frowned" yes but, i miss my father and i might not get to see him again." Vanilla, Rouge, and Cream frowned at this." it's ok dear, things will get better... oh look at chit chatting when there's a dinner to be sat on the table." Vanilla and Cream walked to the door and left.

Rouge turned to Amy." well, what should we dress you for dinner,*gasp* let's see what i got in my drours." Rouge opened it and moths flew out and she quickly closed the doors." oh, how embarrassing" she giggled. She opened the doors again and picked out a dress for Amy to wear." Ah, here it is, you'll look ravishing in this." Amy smiled and pushed the dress away gently shaking her head." I'm sorry but, I'm not going to dinner."
Rouge gasped and looked at her." but, you must"

Silver came in" ehm? dinner is served" he said as he bowed smiling sweetly at Amy.

Shadow was growling to himself and pacing past the fireplace back and forth on all fours." where is she?" he grumbled" i told her to come down" Mrs.Vanilla sighed and Blaze paced back and forth on the table." Calm down Master she lost her father and freedom all in one day." Mrs.Vanilla exclaimed." Do you think she is the one to break ze spell?" Blaze asked.

"of course it's's just she's so beautiful and...well, look at me!" he said to them. Mrs.Vanilla sighed." yes, you have to help her see past all that." Shadow sighed." what if she doesn't fall in love with me" Shadow asked." simple we get her to fall in love with you, break the spell, then poof! we're human again" Vanilla sighed" these things take time" Blaze looked at Vanilla" but, the rose has already begun to wilt." Shadow sighed." I'm afraid this won't work" Vanilla hopped down and said" well, you can start by shaping up, stand up straight" Shadow done what he was told. Blaze came up behind him" and give her a dazzling smile, come, come, give me a smile"

Shadow gave her a smile showing all his sharp teeth." but, don't frighten the girl" Vanilla said. Blaze and Vanilla flooded him with ideas until he got angry and almost blowed." and you must control your temper!" they both said. Suddenly the door was hear" here she is" Blaze said. Soon it showed Silver and Shadow's smile dropped" well, where is she?" he asked demandedly. Silver looked at Shadow." oh the girl she um...yes...she's in the" he frowned" she's not coming!"

" WHAT?!"

The door blew open hard almost knocking the doors off it's hindges. He ran to Amy's room being followed by Silver, Blaze, and Vanilla. He made it to Amy's room and banged on the door making them shake." I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO COME DOWN TO DINNER!" He roared in anger." I'm not hungry!" she barked back.

" YOU BETTER COME OUT OR I'LL...BREAK DOWN THE DOOR." Blaze spoke." um...Master i could be wrong but, that might not be the way to win the girl's affection" Shadow growled." but, she's being so difficult" Vanilla looked at him" gently." Shadow huffed a growl" will you come down to dinner?" he asked slightly loud.

" No!" Shadow pointed at the door looking at the three like he was a child blaming another."gently" Vanilla said again." it would be an honor... if you join me for dinner..." Shadow said bowing and forcing a smile. Silver coughed and said something under his breath" we say please" Shadow looked at the door." please?"

" No thank you!" Shadow finally had enough" you can't stay in there forever!" Amy yelled" yes i can!"

" Fine then go ahead and STARVE!" he turned to the three" if she doesn't eat with me, then she doesn't eat at all!" He ran off once more leaving the three alone. Blaze sighed and Vanilla said." that didn't go very well at all, did it?" Blaze you are to stay here and not to let her out of that room!" Silver said. Blaze stood tall and stood by the door." you have my word! I won't let her out of my sight!"Blaze said." good... now we better go clean up." Silver and Vanilla left to the kitchen. Blaze started to pace back and forth past Amy's door.

Shadow stormed into his room angry, and stressed. He growled to himself and picked up a chair and threw it at a wall making it break." i tried to be reasonable and this is what i get, what else does she want me to do, bake!"

There was a table and it had a floating rose caged in a glass. it glowed brightly with one petal slowing falling onto the surface of the table. Shadow stared at the rose calmly, but still in raged. He picked up the magic mirror and looked at it." show me the girl." he ordered. Rouge and Amy came up on it and they were talking.

" he's not so bad once you get to know him what if you get to know each other, why don't you give him a chance?" Amy shaked her head and turned away from her." I don't want to get to know him, I don't want anything to do with him!" The conversation faded away and Shadow stared at the mirror shocked and sadden. He looked away from it.

" why do i try... she'll never see me as anything but.... a monster" he lightly placed the mirror on the table and covered his face with his hands." it's hopeless..."

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