Chapter 4

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Amy walked to the cell window and watched the carriage take her father away. She started to cry. She could never see her father again. The beast climbed back up the stairs, but to be stopped by Blaze." uh, Master?" he looked at her." what?" he said.

Blaze jumped a bit." uh, since the girl is going to be with us for some quite time... i was think you might, uh, want to offer her a more comfortable room." the beast growled making Blaze's flames go out." Then again, maybe not."

The beast walked into the cell and Amy yelled at him." you didn't even let me say goodbye! now I'll never see him again! I didn't even get to say goodbye" she sobbed. the beast's face soften and he rubbed the back of his neck feeling bad." I'll show you to your room" she looked at him.

" what?" Amy asked" but I thought..." the beast looked at her" you wanna stay in the tower" he growled. she shook her head" No." she said" then follow me."

They were on the 3rd of the castle and the beast was holding Blaze up while Amy was walking behind him. Amy looked at the statues and was frightened by them. She ran back to catch up with Blaze and The Beast. When the beast looked back at her he seen a tear steam down her cheek.

" say something to her" Blaze whispered to him. The beast looked back at Amy." My name is Shadow, i hope you like it here." He looked at Blaze who was gesturing him to go on." the castle is you home now so you can go anywhere you want, except the West Wing." Amy looked up at him." what's in the West Wing" Shadow turned to her." It's forbidden!" he yelled making her jump and look at him in fear. His voice echoed through the Castle. He wrapped his caped around him and turned around and kept walking, showing her the way to her room.

They finally reached her room. Shadow opened the door and Amy walked inside." Now if you need anything, my servants will attend to you." He said to her." Dinner! invite her to dinner!" Blaze whispered to him.

" You will join me for dinner. That's not a request!" He said, he slammed the door on her. She looked behind her and put her hands on the door and turned around and leaned on it. She ran to the bed and collapsed on it and began to cry.

As she cried the snow started to fall heavily outside the castle and in town. All the guys were in the tavern with Sonic still moping about what happened earlier." who does she think she is?!" he exclaimed." that girl has tangled with the wrong man. No one says no to Sonic!" He was in his fur covered chair in front of a fireplace.

Tails walked next to him with 2 mugs of hot chocolate (I'm not saying beer!)" Darn right!" he held out one mug while he was about to dink the other." dismissed, rejected, publicly-humiliated!" Sonic took both mugs and drank them down and threw the mugs into the fire." why it's more than i can bear!"

" More hot chocolate?" Tails asked him. Sonic turned his chair." what for? nothing helps." Tails just smiled and stood in front of him." who you? Never!" Tails said. Sonic pulled his chair facing the people." come on, Sonic you got to pull yourself together."
Sonic looked away with a frown on his face.

" Gosh, it disturbs me Sonic, look so down in the dumps." Sonic punched Tails making him land on the table of men." Every guy here'd love to be you Sonic, even when taking you lumps." Sonic turned his chair around again to face the fire.

" There's no man in town who's admired as you. You're everyone's favorite guy. Everyones awed and inspired by you, and it's not very hard to see why!" The three girls come up to sonic and lean on him and sigh dreamily at him.

" No ones, slick as Sonic, No ones quick as Sonic! no ones speed is incredibly quick like Sonic! There's no one in town half as manly. perfect, a pure paragon"

Tails jumped on the table and stepped on three mens heads." you can ask Tom, Dick, and Stanley and they'd tell you whose team they'd prefer to be on!"

Tails got pulled by them and swung back and forth as the all sang." no ones been like Sonic, a king pin like Sonic, no ones got as shiny teeth just like Sonic."

Sonic smirked." As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating."

" My what a guy, Sonic!" Everyone there now had mugs of hot chocolate and raised them up in the air. They gave hip-hips and Hurrahs.

Sonic stood up while Tails was in front of him saying" Sonic is the best and the rest are all drips!" Tails raised his mug high making it splash in Sonic's face. He looked at his mug and hid it behind his back pretending he had nothing. Sonic slid up his sleeve (if he were wearing clothes) and punched Tails in the face. Afterwards everyone still complimented Sonic on how he was the best. Later Uncle Chuck ran in with fear.

" Help me! Somebody help me!" Chuck said" Chuck?" the waiter said shocked. Everyone thought he left for the fair. Uncle Chuck ran to everyone" please! you've gotta help me! he's got her! he's got her locked up in a dungeon!"

" who?" a man asked" Amy! we have to save her! not a minute to lose!" Chuck said." whoa, whoa, whoa" Sonic said" who's got Amy locked in a dungeon". Chuck ran up to him." A beast" he said in fear." A horrible, monstrous beast!" Everyone was silent for a moment then started to laugh. People came up to him pretending.

" was it a big beast?" a man asked." Huge!" he said to him." with a long, and ugly snout?" another asked." hideous!" he said to him" And sharp, cruel fangs?" one asked." yes, yes, with you help me?" Chuck asked pleading." Alright, old hog, we'll help you out." Sonic said smiling with evil in his soul.

" you will?" Chuck said. 2 men took him by his arms as they went towards the door." oh, thank you! thank you! thank you!" Uncle Chuck screamed as he was thrown out of the tavern into the snow. The men laughed." crazy old Chuck, he's always good for a laugh." a man said as they walked back to a table.

" Crazy old Chuck, eh, crazy old Chuck" Sonic said." Tails, I'm afraid I've been thinking" Tails nodded." A dangerous pass-time" Sonic nodded." i know" Sonic grabbed Tails and pulled him closer to him.

" but that crazy old loon is Amy's father... and his sanity's only so-so. Now the wheels in my head have been turning... Since I've looked at that crazy old hog. Now I've promised myself I'd be married to Rose, and right now I'm involving a plan!" Everyone looked and leaned close as he began to whisper in Tails ear his plan.

Tails looked at him amazed." would she?!"

" yes!"

" Let's do it!" they said at the same time and began to sing again." no one plots like Sonic"

" Takes cheap shots like Sonic" 

" plans to persecute harmless crackpots like Sonic"

" so his marriage we soon will be celebrating...." the people said" my what a guy Sonic!"

Uncle Chuck was walking around the street" will no one help me?"

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