Chapter 7

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They were going down a hall with suit of armor and Silver was introducing the hall and the heads of the suit of armor were watching Amy and the two walk down the hall and Silver turned around and said to them." Back in your place!" The suit of armor turned back to their places and Silver smiled in satisfaction and went to catch up to Amy and Blaze. When Silver caught up with them he seen Amy going up a pair of stairs toward The West Wing where the beast (Shadow) told her not to go to.

Blaze and Silver run to her and block her walk way." What's up there" she asked them while staring at the entrance. They smiled nervously." Uh.. it's nothing" Blaze said with a stutter and rather quickly." of course! just nothing" Silver said." Just the west wing".Amy smiled and looked at the west wing." so that's the west wing" Blaze groaned and hit Silver with her elbow." Nice going". Amy tried taking a closer look but, couldn't see anything since it was so dark." I wonder what he's hiding up there". Amy said with a curious look.

" Nothing, Just boring, just dusty and dirty." Silver said. Amy just walked past them saying." Then it wouldn't be forbidden". They stand in front of her still smiling nervously."Yes, Very Boring would you like to see something else?" Blaze asked. Amy walked past them saying." Maybe later." They walk in front of her looking up at her still smiling." There is more to see like, The Living Room, The Picture Room, The Library!-"  Silver was cut off by Amy saying." You have a Library?!" They looked at each other and smiled and look at her." Yes. We do just follow us." Silver says starting to walk away with Blaze. Amy looked at the two walking away and then looked back at the West Wing and then walked towards the West Wing. While Amy passed some statues she looked at them in horror and then when she got to the door she opened it slowly and walked in slowly. She looked around and seen it was a mess and dusty. She came upon a picture of a black hedgehog but, only saw the red eyes of this mysterious hedgehog staring right at her. She saw a piece of the picture hanging and she took it and started to raise it to see the black hedgehog fully but, at the corner of her eye she sees a glow. She turns around and see a Rose covered with a glass cover. She walked towards it and looked all around it. She lifted the glass cover and put it gently on the floor. She looked at it for a second and then reached to touch it until she was stopped by a shadow appearing and she seen it was the beast. She pulled away and the beat ran over and grabbed the glass cover and put it back in it's place and then looked at the pink flower and growled at her and held the glass with a protective way. Amy spoke with a stutter." I..I-" She was cut off by the beast saying with a stern tone." Why did you come here?" Amy stuttered again." I..I-" Then cut off again." I told you not to come here!". The beast said with his voice starting to rise." I..I'm Sorry". Amy finally said." Shadow came closer to her and said." Get out..."he swings at her and she moves away and he destroys a piece of furniture. She ran into a dresser and turns around to him." Please, Stop!" He swings at her again and destroys the dresser and then she starts to run and he yells." GET OUT!!" Shadow seen she was out of sight and then stood there with hurt inside feeling sorry for the girl... But, She almost touch the Rose that could help him get back to him original form.

Amy ran and grabbed her cloak and then ran down the stairs putting on her cloak running towards the front door in fear." Wha- Where you going?" Blaze asked in worry. Amy simple answered." Promise or no promise, I can't stay here another minute". She runs out into the snow storm leaving Blaze and Silver shocked and sadden. Amy was in the woods riding on her horse Philippe looking for a way to get home but, until a pack of wolves started to chase them. They ran into a lake and the ice was breaking but, lucky they hot passed the lake and ran farther until the wolves caught them and Philippe bucked at them and then Amy fell off. After she fell off Philippe got stuck on a tree branch. Amy saw that the wolves were trying to bite Philippe and Philippe was bucking at them. Amy stands up and grabs a big stick and hit the wolves and pushes them away from the horse and guards Philippe and then started to swing at the wolves. A wolf bites down on the stick log or whatever and throws her down on the ground and is about to jump on her and kill her until the beast comes and throws the wolves in a different direction away from Amy and Philippe. The Beast and the wolves look at each other and the wolves howl and The Beast roars and charges towards them and they all start to fight. Soon, the beast throws a wold into a tree and it scares the wolves and they run away. The Beast turns around towards Amy and then wines in pain and then falls over and goes into a deep sleep as in he passed out. Amy was about to jump onto the horse and ride away leaving the beast in the freezing cold but, he thoughts and heart told her to stop and help him but, she wanted to leave but, she didn't. She slowly walks towards him and sits down on her knees and pulls her cloak off and puts it on him for more warmth. She touches his cheek and he flinches and moans in pain in his sleep. She frowns and is sadden that he is this way and blamed herself because of this. She saddles him up on the horse and walks back to the castle...
After some time passed. the beast woke up and now he is in the living room in his comfortable chair, next to the fireplace. Amy poured some warm or mild hot water into a bowl and put a cloth into the water and wrung it out with any extra water in it.

Shadow was holding his arm licking his deep cut from the battle with the wolves. Amy noticed and scooted to his side and held the cloth up." Oh No, Don't do that". She spoke to him. Shadow only growled at her and pulled his arm away from her. The group backed away from them knowing a fight is about to form.  Amy glared at him and quickly moved the cloth to his wound but, he pulled away again." Just..hold..still.." When she reached the wound she pushed the cloth down on the wound and he roared loud in pain." THAT HURT!" He yelled in her face making her close her eyes and her long quills be blown back." If you hold still it would hurt as much!" she barked back." Well, if you haven't ran away this wouldn't have happened" He smirked pointing to his wound." If you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have ran away!" she said." Then you shouldn't have been in the West Wing". he smirked." You should learn to control your temper!" she said and he stared at her with shock and amazement by her. He was defeated and he knew she was right. The servants came out of their hiding place and seen everything was safe. The Beast held him head with his hand elbowing the arm of the chair." This may hurt a little..." he heard Amy say. She placed the cloth back on his wound. Shadow growled lowly closing his eyes tight throwing his head back." by the way.. thank you.. for saving my life". Amy said slowly while patting lightly on the wound. Shadow opened his eyes and looked to see her have a small blush on her face." Your welcome". he said softly as Amy still patted softly on the wound.

A/N: Hello My Fellow Readers, ShadowTH124 Here. Finally Have Chapter 7 Only Four Chapters Left. Thanks For The Votes And The Other Votes In My Other Stories. I Love You Guys And Stay Awesome!❤️😘😊

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