Chapter 10

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Shadow and Amy were sitting on the ramp of the patio and was looking at the stars. Shadow looks at Amy." Amy?.. are you? Happy here with me?" Amy smiles at him." Why yes". She then looks at the sky and frowns and Shadow notices." What's wrong?" He asks." If only I could see my father again. Just for a second, I miss him so much". She frowns. Shadow felt guilty and sad for the girl. He then gets an idea." There is a way". He grabs Amy's hand lightly and guides her to the West Wing.

They get to the West Wing. He picked up his mirror and she looked at it and him confused." This mirror will show you anything you wish". He exclaimed. Amy took the mirror and held it lightly and looked at it." I would like to see my father, please?". She asked. The mirror started to glow brightly that she had to turn away to shield her eyes. When it stopped glowing she looked at the mirror and gasped in horror. The mirror showed her father out in the cold falling on the ground coughing a lot. Amy was shocked." My father is in the cold sick and maybe dying" She said to Shadow.

Shadow looked at the rose in the glass case and put a hand on it and then turned away and said." Then you must go to him" Amy looked at him confused." What did you say?" She asked." I am releasing you. You are no longer my prisoner". He said to her." You letting me go?" Amy asked and Shadow looked at her and said." Yes". Amy looked the mirror and said." Hold on papa, I'm on my way". She started to walk away but, noticed she still had the mirror and started to give it to him and he just pushed it away and said to her." Keep it, so you can look back and remember me". She pulled the mirror closer to her chest and put a hand on his cheek and says." Thank you so much". She was about to leave but, turns to him and puts her hand on his cheek and then runs out the room to get ready. Silver walked smiling at his master, " Why, i say that this night went perfectly", He smiled. Shadow was looking at the rose and said, " I let her go".

Silver didn't notice what he said at first and said, "yes- you did what?!", He exclaimed, "but, why?", Shadow was looking at the rose still and said, " because I love her".
" HE DID WHAT?!" Said the staff looking at Silver in disbelief, " Yes, I'm afraid it's true", Silver said looking at the ground frowning.

" And we were so close", Blaze exclaimed, " She going away?!", Cream asked them but, they didn't respond to her, " After all this time, he has finally learned to love", Vanilla said, " That's it then, that should break the spell", Blaze said.

" But, it's not enough, she has to say she loves him in return", Vanilla exclaimed as Blaze frowned.

The three were talking more about the spell that they didn't notice Cream had ran off looking for Amy and see why she was leaving.

Shadow stayed in his room and looked over the balcony to the rider galloping away. He felt his heart rip apart as he watched the innocent rose leave. He gripped the railing and roared his heart out having it echo to her as she galloped out the gate.

Amy was galloping through the forest that was covered in snow and started to call her fathers name. She sees him and runs to him and helps him onto the horse and gallops to the house as fast as she could. Once they got home Amy helped Chuck up the porch stairs into the house.

Tails shook the snow off him and smirked and looked at the house, " Their back!", He then ran off to get Sonic.

Chuck woke up with a groan and opened his eyes to see Amy putting a wet warm cloth on his head and his eyes widen and he sat up and said, " Amy?!" Amy shushed him and smiled and said, " Shh, I'm here now papa".

" I thought I'd never see you again", Chuck hugged her for a second and then pulled away, " But, the Beast, How did you escape?", Amy shook her head, " I didn't escape papa, He let me go", Chuck got tiny bit mad, " That Beast-", " Papa, he didn't hurt me, he's changed somehow".

Then all of a sudden Amy's bag started to move and Cream popped out of the bag along with the mirror. Chuck and Amy looked at her then Amy smiled, " Well, a stellaway", Cream jumped into Chuck's hand and he chuckled, " Hello there, didn't think I'd see you again" Cream turned to Amy and said to her, " Amy? Why did you go away? Don't you like us anymore?", " Of course I do, it's just-".

Amy was cut off by a knock on a door. She went and opened the door and seen there was a man at the door, " May I help you?", She asked the man, " Yes, I am here to collect your father", The man said as he gestured the wooden carriage that said ' Asylum '  on it with big red bold letters on the side. Amy gasped at the sight and said to the man, " My father isn't crazy!".

" Now, Now Mademoiselle, We'll take good care of your father", He said, " No, I won't let you take him!", Amy stepped out of the house and Chuck looked out the door and said, " Amy?", Tails smirked and laughed and said to Chuck, " Chuck, tell us again old man, Just how big was the Beast?" Chuck started to talk, " He-He was ginormous, like 8 feet no, more like 10 feet tall", He raised his hand to how talk he was and everyone laughed except Amy, " Ha, you don't get crazier than that!", Amy walked around with a worried look, " My father isn't crazy", Tails laughed, " Take him away!", Guys picked Chuck up and started to take him to the carriage, " No!", Amy cried. Sonic came up beside her, " Poor Chuck", " You know my father isn't crazy right Sonic? Can you please help?" Amy pleaded to Sonic, " Hm, I could clear this if...", He said with a smirk, " If what?" Amy asked, " If you marry me", Sonic said, " Never", Amy said pulling away from him, " Have it your way then", Sonic said as he walked away from her. They were still taking Chuck away and Amy ran inside and grabbed the mirror and ran back outside and yelled, " My father isn't crazy and I can prove it!" She looked at the mirror, " Show me the Beast!" The mirror glowed and showed it to the crowd of people.

Everyone gasped in horror and a person said, " Is he dangerous?!", Amy shook her head, " Oh no he wouldn't hurt anyone, I know he looks vicious but, he's really kind and gentle, he's my friend", Sonic looked at her and seen her smiling at the black creature and felt jealousy roll over him. He grabbed her wrist, " If I didn't know better, you have feelings for this monster", he said Amy gave him an angry look and pulled her wrist away from him, " He's no monster Sonic, you are!", she said. He looked at her and sneered and took the mirror from her, " Shes as crazy as the old man!" He turned to the crowd," The beast will make off with your children", everyone gasped," He'll feast on them in the night!", everyone gasped again. Amy came up to Sonic and grabbed his arm,  " Stop! I won't let you do this!", Amy said to him sternly. Sonic pulled away and looked at her sternly, " If your not with us, your against us!", Two men grabbed Amy and Chuck and threw them into the storm shelter and locked it. Amy started to pound on the doors, " Let us out!" She cried and yelled.

" Time to rid the village of this monster! Who's with me?!", Sonic yelled to the crowd and all the men raised their torches and weapons. Every one started to walk into the woods to the castle.

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