Chapter 11, Last Chapter

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Amy banged on the door and then gave up and put here hand in here hands, " Oh, I have to warn Shadow, Oh this is all my fault", She said sitting down on a chair. Chuck came beside and hugged her to comfort her, " No it's not, We'll think of something", Chuck said.

Outside, Cream looked through the window of the cellar and then looked around for something that could help them. Cream got an idea, and looked at Chuck's invention on the hill. She hopped over to it and hopped onto it. She found the lever that turned on and turned it on and guided it to the cellar door riding on it.

" What's that noise?", Chuck said looking outside and seen the machine coming towards the cellar door where they were, " look out!", Chuck yelled. He pulled Amy to a safe place so, him and her wouldn't get hurt. The machine chopped the door open and crashed into the cellar. Chuck and Amy look to see what happened and seen the big mess. They seen Cream hanging on a swirly metal thing, " You got to try this thing", Cream said smiling.

At the Castle, Blaze and Silver were bickering as storm at each other about Amy, " I knew it! I knew that girl was trouble from the start!", Silver said, " Maybe it was better if she never came at all", Blaze said crossing her arms, " Maybe she will come back", Vanilla said.

They start to hear yelling outside the Castle, " What the...", Silver says, " Is it she?", Vanilla says as she hops to the window as the others follow her. They look and see a crowd coming to the front entrance. Blaze gasps, " Intruders!", Blaze says. They all see that Sonic has the mirror Shadow gave Amy, " And they have the mirror", Vanilla says to them.
" Warn the Master! If it's a fight they want, then so be it!" Silver orders. The door slams shut startling Silver as he turns around.

Sonic yelled to the crowd, " Take anything you want, but remember the beast is mine!", The crowd yelled and took a tree they cut down and smashed it against the Castle door. Vanilla hopped to the West Wing, " Pardon me, Master", She spoke. Shadow was still gloomy and sad, staring at the Rose, " Leave me in peace", Shadow said. Vanilla had a worried look, " But, sir the castle is under attack!", She said. Shadow just stared at the Rose, " What do we do Master?", Vanilla asked politely. Shadow shook his head and looked at the Rose, " Doesn't matter now, just let them come", He said with a sad and depressed expression.

The men were ramming harder on the door with the tree, but on the other side of the door the servants were trying to keep it closed, " This isn't working!" Blaze said, A maid looked up to her, " Oh Blaze, we must do somezing", The maid said with her french accent. Blaze thought for a second until she got an idea, " Wait... I know!", She said with a big smile.
The men got into the Castle and entered the Castle and walked around. Tails picked up Blaze and looked around, " Now!" Blaze yelled. The servants charged at the men and started to punch and kick them. Sonic got through the crowd and head upstairs to find Shadow.

( I'm skipping the battle with the servants and the crowd of men because, Hey! I'm a lazy stinker. Get over it my fellow readers, You can imagine what happens. Moving on with the story)

Sonic opened every door and finally made it to the West Wing. He opened the door to Shadow's room and seen Shadow and pointed his bow at him and readied and aimed to fire. Shadow looked at him sadly and just looked away. Sonic let go and the arrow hit Shadow in the shoulder and he roared in pain and tried to find the arrow. Sonic ran up to him and punched him making Shadow hit the railing of the balcony. Shadow tried to get up, but Sonic pushed him off the balcony onto the roof of the Castle. Shadow looked up to see Sonic coming up to him with a evil smirk, " Get up!" Sonic said with a growl as he kicked him. Shadow rolled over to an edge almost falling off, but managed to stay on. Sonic looked at him Shadow with an annoyed look. Sonic growled and demanded Shadow to get up, but he didn't budge, " What's the matter Beast? To kind and gentle to FIGHT BACK!", Sonic asked with a growl. Shadow just let out a sad groan. Sonic was fed up with what Shadow was pulling and knelt down and grabbed a spiked club that was large and hard enough to kill him. Sonic walked over to Shadow and raised the club aiming it to where he wanted to hit him at.

" No!", A voice yelled. Shadow's ear twitched and he looked to see Amy on the horse looking at them with a scared look, " Amy?", Shadow said quietly, " Sonic please, no!", Amy yelled. Sonic was about to kill Shadow, but was stopped by a force and seen Shadow. Shadow roared at him and showed his teeth. Amy galloped up to the entrance and went to where they were. On the roof, Sonic got up and grabbed the stone club and seen a dark figure and ran up to it and swung the club at it, but only to break off a head of a statue, " Come out and fight!" Sonic yelled, " Are you in love with her Beast?!", Sonic teased, " Would you honestly think she would want you?! When she had someone like me?!", Sonic yelled. He passed Shadow and he looked at him with fury. He came out and started to sneak up on Sonic. Sonic felt as he was being follow and swung the club, but only to miss Shadow. Sonic pushed Shadow to an edge, " It's over Beast! Amy is MINE!", Sonic yelled to Shadow. Sonic was grabbed by the throat by Shadow and was hanging over the edge. Sonic was struggling, worrying for his life, " Wait! Don't do this! I'll do anything! ANYTHING!", Sonic yelled to Shadow begging him for mercy. Shadow's fave soften, until he had a stern look and pulled him away from the edge and looked him in the eyes, " Get out", Shadow said to Sonic with a stern voice and then threw him on the ground in disgust.

"Shadow!", Amy yelled as she reached the balconies edge looking down at Shadow. Shadow whipped around and looked up at her. He smiled and climbed up the roof towards Amy. He grabbed her hand and pulled himself up but, wasn't on the balcony yet. Shadow put his large hand on Amy's cheek and stared into her eyes, " You- You came back", Shadow said softly. Amy put her hand on his and nuzzled it lightly and looked into his eyes, " Of course, I came back", She said to him with a sweet smile. The moment was broken by a loud roar. Amy saw that Sonic had stabbed him in the side. Shadow whipped around and hit Sonic... Making him fall to his death. ( Bye-Bye Mr. Sonic...) Amy helped Shadow up onto the balcony. Vanilla, Blaze, And Silver come and see what happened and gasp in horror. Amy gently lays Shadow on the ground, " It's okay, I'm here now, you'll be fine", Amy said with a shaky voice. Shadow looked at her, " At least, I got to see you... one last time", Shadow says as he puts his large hand on her cheek. Amy holds his hand against her cheek and nuzzles into it and looks at him. She felt his hand loosen and seen him close his eyes and let his head lay gently on the ground. Amy's eyes widen and shake him a little, " No... Please don't leave me!" Amy says. She lays her head on his chest and a tear runs down her face, " I love you", She says quietly but, loud enough for someone to hear.

The last petal falls and the servants look at each other sadly. Amy continued to cry quietly, but heard a sound and looked up to see dots falling from the sky hitting the ground. Shadow's body started to rise and she looked in shock as she seen his body changing. She seen his body gently lay back on the ground. She crawled to the body, but seen it move and backed away quickly. The body got up and looked at their hands and turned to look at Amy, " Amy", The figure said, " it's me", it said. Amy looked at him confused and walked up to him slowly and felt his quills and felt soft as usual. She looked into his eyes and seen the same ruby eyes that she always seen and she smiled, " It is you!" She said excitedly with a smile. They look into each other's eyes and lean in... And Kiss!! *fireworks going off* A light shoot up and everything turns to normal. The castle, the servants, everything. Shadow looked at Silver, Blaze, and Vanilla and smiled at them. Shadow looks at Amy and picked her up by the waist and twirled around with her as they laughed. The scene changes and their clothes are the ones as they were wearing before. Everyone was in the ballroom watching Amy and Shadow dance. They stopped for a moment and had a quick sweet kiss and kept dancing.

" Ah, Love" Blaze said as she looked at the two couple with a smile. Silver comes up to her, " Why I say my friend let's say let bygones be bygones", Silver says to her. Blaze nods with a smile, " Yes, I told you so" Silver shook his head with an angry look, " I think not, I told you so!" Silver said as he pushed Blaze. The two fought as Amy and Shadow still danced while Cream, Vanilla, And Chuck talked a little. Cream looked at Vanilla.

" Are they gonna live happily ever after mama?", Cream asked. Vanilla smiled and said, " Of course dear, of course", Cream smiled and asked, " Do i still have to sleep in the cabinet?" Vanilla and Chuck laugh and they start to watch Amy and Shadow again.

They Lived Happily Ever After...

The End....

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