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Mia's POV

so today everyone moves in, I guess everyone is gonna get here soon...Courtney rang me today she asked me to find out from Sam if he forgives her since the night we caught her and jc kissing she got on a plane and went back to England and hasn't spoken to any of us since. I don't think Sam has forgiven her tbh. But who knows?

 so everyones here and we dieced to watch a movie i was about to ask sam for help to make some popcorn to have chat when my phone rings.. i see its my cousin Matteo who lives in Italy

"Ciao Matteo, ---- sto bene grazie e tu? ----- Buono così che cosa è in su? ---- oh mio, sei serio? ---- Che è una grande notizia! ---- Sì, certo voi ragazzi avete di venire a stare. ---- Me ei miei amici e il mio ragazzo appena cambiato casa e abbiamo un paio di stanze libere chi sarebbe tu Marco vostra mamma e papà o solo tu e Marco? ----- ok fresco malato dicono i ragazzi che si vede sul 14 Settembre ----. Oh, a proposito i ragazzi sono abbastanza pazzo e c'è una ragazza qui Andrea Ma lei sta uscendo con Kian quindi questo è un po 'dalla vostra lista, non avete una fidanzata più vero? ---- Omg hahaa --- così mi theres Jc Connor Ricky Sam Trevor Kian e Andrea --- sì c'è abbastanza freddo credo, im scherzando ci sorprendenti migliori amici sarete li ami ... ( you can speak english now right?) --- Così io sono solo parlando in italiano per nulla per l'amor di dio Matteo Si potrebbe mi ha detto, ma non mi occupo ahaha --- giusto devo andare i ragazzi sono sempre pazza stavano guardando Pitch perfetto ... ---- arrivederci a presto."

Jc Pov.


Kians Pov


Andrea's Pov


Ricky's POV

omg was that Italian?

Connor's Pov

I didnt know Mia spoke Italian

Sam's POV

Hot or what?

Trevor's Pov

She needs to teach me Italian

Mia's Pov

There all looking at me as if i just ran the streets naked... god sake "Erm Babe who was that?" Jc said tapping me on the sholder "Oh my cousin Matteo from Italy "and what did you say to him exactly" everyone had a strang look on there facecs "Im guessing you want to know what i said... this is what i said Hello Matteo,---- i'm good thank you and you?----- good so whats up? ----oh my, are you being serious? ---- that's great NEWS!---- Yes of course you guys have to come and stay.---- Me and my Friends and boyfriend just moved house and we have a couple spare rooms who would it be you Marco your mum and dad or just you and marco?----- okay cool ill tell the boys see you on the 14th September----. Oh by the way the lads are pretty crazy and theres a girl here Andrea But she is dating Kian so thats kinda off your list, you dont have a girlfriend any more do you? ---- omg hahaa --- so theres me Jc Connor Ricky Sam Trevor Kian and Andrea--- yea there pretty cool i guess , im joking there amazing best friends you'll love them... ( you can speak english now right?) --- so i am just speaking in Italian for nothing for god sake Matteo you could of told me, but i dont mind ahaha --- right i gotta go the guys are getting mad were watching Pitch Perfect...  arrivederci ----see you soon... happy now Guys.. im sorry i havnt told you guys i speak italian its just you know ,, oh and yea my 2 cousins Matteo and Marco are coming to stay on the 14th september so like make sure you learn some italian please..." when i told them what i said they were kinda all like just looking at me .. "So your telling me you invited your ratchet cousins to live in MY HOUSE?!" Ricky said betending to flick his hair.. "EXCUSE ME my cousins arnt RATCHET your the only RATCHET ONE HERE and im sorry YOUR HOUSE whos MUM brought this House hmmm MINE so ... i think youll find if you dont want my cousin her go back to your old 1 bed room appartment .. " we all burst out laughing in fixs of giggles... "hey sam come with me to make some popcorn please?" sam got up "RACE YA" he shouted oh god "Sam your such a child,.." i walked.. he fell on his but "owweeee" "Oh stop crying Sam your acting like a 2 year old" i said helping him up... "Im sorry" we got to the kitchen and this was the tricky bit Courtney... "so erm Sam erm Courtney Rang me today .." sam interupted "What did she want?" sam snapped "sam she wanted to know if you would forgive her... because she thought becuase i forgave Jc she thought maybe you'd forgive her..." sam just looked at me "sam.." "i . i .. yes i was ad at her but i forgave her straight away i am just to scared to talk to her i dont kow how to..." i started to cry "Sam why dont you call her to text her and work things out ill go take the popcorn and you go upstairs and call courtney..." "Okay thank you Mia.. Your The Best!" we hugged i took the popcorn through and we carried on watching Picht Perfect "Were did Sam go?" Kian asked while sam walked up stairs "To call Courtney to sort things out" i replied.. "wow" "I Know"

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