Chapter8- Jc

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Mia's pov

so when i got in i took a shower put on my Black skater skirt with black tights and my im a jb belieber top and went over to Jc's house i needed to talk to him.

*Knock knock knock*

Jc's POV


i heard the door go i really couldnt be bothered but i better answer it. It was Mia she looked so cute.

"Hi"i said starting to get really shy "Hiya" she said "erm wanna come in?" i said openinng the door more while standing to the side "Could i?" "Course anything for you" i really didnt know what to say it was kinda like i had never met her before. "erm well i kinda--" i cut of mia "IM sorry okay ever since that night i havnt left the house i just didnt know what to do i woke up with a really big hangover but i was drinking coke so someone must of spiked my drink im so sorry i didnt know what i was doing. tbh at first i thought it was you but i guess not." "Jc you knew it wasnt me i wasnt at the party and i can sort of understand your drink must of got spiked because you said you wouldnt drink but i mean you dont know how much youve hurt me i lied to my family about you saying we spilt becuase we were in a better relationship when we wernt together when we were friends do you know how hard that was for me. They were all looking forward to seeing you but to see kian?! JOSH couldnt wait to see you either! you broke my heart jc and i just ... " i cut her of with a kiss. "im sorry i know we will never go back to what we were be fore but ... please just forgive me? maby we can spend together tomorrow?" jc said "Okay but i need to tell you something, Me and Kian kissed when we were in England but i didnt feel anythting like i did with you when we first kissed thats why i came here today knowing my family were disapointed knowing i didnt feel the same with kian knowing that i still loved you and missed you but still angry." "Mia i havent left the house i havnt made any videos i havnt done anything because i missed you so much." before i could carry on she cut me off "WAIT YOU STOPPED MAKING VIDEOS OMG JC DO YOU KNOW HOW ANGRY EVERYONE WILL BE?! pass the camera here!" mia said 

she pressed record and sat down on my bed upstairs "Hey guys its Mia i know your pretty angry at Jc for not uploading any videos and you probaly think its all my fualt and  it is your right if i hadnt have snapped at Jc like i did and didnt ignore him and answered his calls and text then you would of had videos im sorry but after that night we had i just couldnt do it anymore so i went to england Kian took Jcs ticket and yea but im with Jc now and he told me he hadnt filmed anything so i swear i didnrt know and im so sorry for making him not film because he was so down so please forgive him and if your gonna send him hate send it to me not him! I love him so much and i want you guys to know that but what happened will never be earsed and it will always be there and me and jc wont go back to how we were... im sorry, thats all i wanted to say.." before she could say bye i grabbed the camrea "Hey guys its Jc Dont send Mia hate send it to me, i know she said its her fault but she wouldnt of Snapped at me and stopped talking to me if i just didnt go to that party my friend was Throughing i got my drink spiked and me and a girl im not going to say her name started kissing and i had no clue, i lost a lot of friends through this and i lost the girl of my life, i just havnt been able to pull my self out of bed so please dont send hate to mia i know your angry at me but i promise it will never happen again i love Mia and i will never do anything like this i cant lose her again, we arnt going back out but were taking it slow im sorry guys" with that i switched the camera off and she kissed me

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